Russia defence structure
Posted 07 March 2008 - 10:17
now I'm working on first Russian building (CommandCenter).
But I meet some difficults with creating defence buildings cause I can't find anything on the net ( realistic)
I need help with ideas about uniqe and different defences from old factions and if it possible to be more realistic.
After few days I'll update my first building so look around to see it.
I hope you will help me with ideas and info, cause now I'm concentrating on modding (insufficient time)
Thanks to all for the attention.
Posted 07 March 2008 - 13:43
Some info can be found here http://www.fas.org/m...e/row/sa-15.htm
Usable as Anti Air defence and if wanted it could as well be used against vehicles
Edited by zatev, 07 March 2008 - 13:46.
...There are 10 types of people, people who can count binairy and those who can not...
Posted 07 March 2008 - 14:01
Posted 07 March 2008 - 15:24

Posted 07 March 2008 - 15:36

Edited by Alexei_Stukov, 07 March 2008 - 15:38.
Posted 07 March 2008 - 15:44
Posted 07 March 2008 - 16:13

Posted 07 March 2008 - 18:16

Posted 07 March 2008 - 18:45

Nah j/k

Posted 07 March 2008 - 21:31

Posted 09 March 2008 - 01:50

Edited by Someone, 20 March 2008 - 02:13.
Posted 09 March 2008 - 12:45
A sandbagged "Black Eagle" as anti tank?
A MG nest as anti infantry?
Posted 16 March 2008 - 05:18
A (stationary) S-300/400 launch system protected by sand bags and camo nets, on the other hand, would make a good, realistic (AAA) defensive structure.
I noticed several people suggested a machinegun nest as a defensive structure. However, as mentioned earlier, this defense is already used by many mods. Perhaps a better choice would be a ZU-23 defense. For those of you that do not know what the ZU-23 is, it is the anti-aircraft cannon developed in late 1950s and latter used as the main armament of the “Shilka” AA vehicle. In its non-vehicle-mounted form however, ZU-23 usually is towed to a desired location and set up in the field (although as a “defense structure” it should be built as a building). Despite its age, the weapon is still considered to be a threat to both low flying aircraft and low-armored ground targets; many nations, including Russia, still feature the ZU-23 in their arsenal. Upgraded versions of the weapon can be fitted with small surface-to-air missiles like the “Igla” or “Stinger”.
In the mod, it could be operated by at least one soldier who would be protected from enemy fire by a gun shield, while the weapon itself would be surrounded by concrete blocks and hedgehogs (if you were to use sand bags instead, it would look too much like the overused machinegun nest). Ammo crates and a small radar array would provide a nice finishing touch to the structure.

ZU-23-2S JOD, an improved Polish version of the weapon

(Female) North Korean soldiers performing an exercise with the ZU-23-4. I believe number 4 indicates the weapon has 4 gun barrels.

(Male) Polish soldiers behind a ZU-23-2 (click to enlarge). I believe number 2 indicates the weapon has 2 gun barrels.
Several ZU-23 fiering at a flare during a night exercise
ZU-23 fiering horizontally
I also have a suggestion for an anti-tank defense structure. I will admit, it is even less realistic than a dug-in Black Eagle, but perhaps it could be used as a late-game defense. My suggestion – AK-130 cannon.
In reality, AK-130 is a naval autocannon used on many Russian ships. It can fire 130mm shells at targets 22 km away at a rate of nearly 1 shell per second! Currently, it has the fastest rate of fire of any cannon in the world.
In the mod, it could be a long-range defense structure. Although very effective, it would have an Achilles’ heel – it would have limited ammo. Fortunately for the player, the ammo would regenerate and the player would be able to regulate the weapons rate of fire. At the lowest setting (about the same rate of fire as a regular in-game tank), the rate of fire would equal the rate of “ammo regeneration”. At the highest setting the cannon would be able to destroy an Overlord in a matter of seconds, but would also run out of ammo very quickly and be unable to stop any enemy advance until it regenerates at least a quarter of its ammo.


Another photograph of the weapon. The sailor in front of it helps to put the weapons size in perspective.
Well, that all I could think of for now. If I think of anything else, I will post it here. I hope you will find my suggestions useful.
Edited by Someone, 16 March 2008 - 05:23.
Posted 16 March 2008 - 10:23
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