2. Use the 'Water Tool' to add waypoints to the water polygon. Move the water tool cursor over the water polygon and click when a '+' appears at the cursor. A waypoint is added to the polygon. The speed of the water flow depends on the amount of waypoints added to the water polygon. More waypoints = short distance between waypoints = slow water flow, less waypoints = greater distance between waypoints = fast water flow.

3. To set the direction of the flow click a waypoint at the end of the river; at the bottom to let the water flow north, at the upper end of the river to let it flow down the map.
4. Click the 'River' button in the Water Options. If you don't like the result undo steps #4 and #3, choose another waypoint and click the 'River' button again.

5. Fine tune the river.

The water appearance can be changed by using textures for the river bank and by applying different settings for the water in map.ini.
WaterTransparency TransparentWaterMinOpacity = 0.8 ;opacity of water at maximum depth - 1.0 is opaque, 0 transparent. TransparentWaterDepth = 2.0 ;depth below water surface at which it becomes opaque (unless clipped by TransparentWaterMinOpacity) StandingWaterTexture = TSWater03.tga ;StandingWaterColor = R:0 G:50 B:0 ;StandingWaterColor = R:100 G:150 B:100 StandingWaterColor = R:50 G:75 B:50 ;AdditiveBlending = Yes RadarWaterColor = R:100 G:196 B:100 End