Name: Underpass
Setting: Summer, daytime (nighttime if mission)
Size: Variable, not too small, not too immense (unless mission, then it should probably be pretty big)
One-on-one skirmish map in a semi-rural area. (It can also be used as a mission map.) The river that once flowed through here has been dammed (dam is indestructible), and the riverbank has run dry except in one place, a small shallow lake in an inlet. Several villages dot the area between two urban centres, and dirt roads have sprung up between them, while the asphalt road that loops through the area has fallen into disrepair. Several villages contain clumps of supply piles. The areas around the villages are agricultural fields, and the areas between those are grass with trees, with maybe the occasional forest. There is also an abandoned industrial area in the region.
I don't know if it is truly balanced, since this is my first map concept. I'm open to feedback, preferably over MSN (strategiainultima at gmail dot com).
Map Legend:
Black: Player startpos
Dark blue: Deep lake
Light blue: Shallow lake
Brown: Dam (indestructible)
Bright Yellow: Road/bridge
Dark Green: Supply Dock
Light Cyan: Supply Pile(s)
Gold: Urban Area
Light Green: Village/Agricultural Area
Sand: Industrial/quasi-military, abandoned
Dark Cyan: Rural Road (dirt road)
Purple: Ramp
Bright Red: Derrick
Dark Red: Refinery
Dark Grey: Edge, cliff
Sickly Green: Artillery Platform
Edited by Strategia™©, 16 April 2008 - 10:02.