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The most political thread a staffer can post

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#26 Rich19

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Posted 24 May 2008 - 22:21

 Sharpnessism, on 24 May 2008, 22:19, said:

I'm not in Europe so I'm a bit confused after youtubing some of the videos. Is the point of winning to have the best sounding song? Some of the songs are really bad is all...

Yeah, but the voting is more to do with politics than quality of song. For example, if the entire eastern block doesn't put Russia in their top 3, there will be widespread powercuts for all...

#27 Dauth

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Posted 25 May 2008 - 00:53

Watch the politics, chaps, people do indeed vote for their neighbours a lot.

So much so that Terry Wogan said he may stop hosting.

On a side note, WOOO we came last!

#28 Stinger


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Posted 25 May 2008 - 02:05

I don't intend on making this political but LOL @ Russia. Good thing Eurovision isn't a talent competition, right? :cool:

Sweden's entry was okay. The woman's make up was terrible, though - it might have been applied with a trowel. When the lights first shone on her she actually looked scary. ;)

I rather enjoyed Finland's entry, even though I didn't understand what the lead vocalist was wailing about. But then I have difficulty understanding what rock and roll singers say half the time so that is forgivable.

Germany's entry sounded out of date, like a '99 trancer, but it wasn't the worst of the bunch. What made up for the cheesy vocals was the tall blonde in the quartet - I could look at that all day [dialect]. Pure sex! Rar! :D

I thought France's offering was pretty decent (vocal-wise, not because I thought the bearded man was hot or anything). Again another song that sounded dated - like a chart topper from the late 80s / early 90s. Still, it was a worthy contender that deserved to get more out of the competition than it did. :)

Woah Ukraine! I was completely distracted by the beautiful bronzed babe to notice what was going on. What a body! Perfect 10 in a woman. The tune was all right 'n' all. (After listening back, it was probably the best of the lot.)

Spain's representative looked like the hybrid of an aged jigolo, paedophile, and bus tour guide. The entire thing was an obvious pisstake - Spain's way of sticking her fingers up at a political competition.

Serbia's entry was really rather good - one of the more evoking and mature pieces. I actually had pictures of snow melting off of branches in a winter wonderland as I listened to it. Perhaps being somewhat Celtic sounding it strikes a chord in my soul. One of the few pieces that genuinely deserved to win. :(

England's entry was average for me. I can't really say I liked the song but it was a helluva lot better than some of the other crap that was voted for.

#29 Alias

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Posted 25 May 2008 - 04:06

France should've won.

That fucking owned.

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#30 Rayburn


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Posted 25 May 2008 - 07:14

They should really just scrap all the show and music and call it "the annual census of European immigration" because that's what it is. Music doesn't matter at all, it's a "which country do you like the most?"-poll which pisses me off every single year. Let them vote for their favourite country instead of the best song, I'm fine with that but atleast STOP calling it a legit competition then. It's embarassing and we should consider boycotting this bloody farce. Apparently, Austria did that; they had no song and they did not vote which implies that they didn't even try to partake. Maybe they realised that the whole thing is bullshite.

Edited by Rayburn, 25 May 2008 - 08:22.

#31 Shirou

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Posted 25 May 2008 - 08:43

 Sharpnessism, on 24 May 2008, 23:19, said:

I'm not in Europe so I'm a bit confused after youtubing some of the videos. Is the point of winning to have the best sounding song? Some of the songs are really bad is all...

ALL songs are bad. It isn't even about the song anymore. Half of the contestants rely on their transexual show to earn them points, and the bad thing is that they succeed because of the block voting, effectively turning down the moderately good entries from mostly the western countries, who ofcourse don't receive nothing from the farce of immigration. This year, the ridiculousness of this overhyped festival has reached it's ultiimatum. The public broadcasting company out here in the Netherlands has refused to show it, and left it to some obscure commercial station. With good reason, I give them that.

Edited by Aftershock, 25 May 2008 - 08:46.

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#32 Dauth

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Posted 25 May 2008 - 10:08

BTW the EBU who broadcast the Eurovision also broadcast the Euro football, so pulling out has to be done diplomatically. Tbh I'd pull the UK out since it's my fucking license fee paying for this tripe.

And you utter bastards, Terry Wogan is considering retiring, I hope you're happy!

#33 smooder

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Posted 25 May 2008 - 11:18

Yeah, The real EU countries should withdraw and they should make a new one for EU countries.

Each country should be allowed to send 3 contestants each of whatever genre they want.

They should have to sing in their own language unless it is for a special reason.

They should vote for the act, not the nation.

Then at the end the act with the most votes wins a prize and the nation which collectivley wins the most votes for its' acts hosts it next year and wins a trophy too.

i doubt there would be as much block voting on that as Norway isnt in the EU Iceland isnt.

Maybe between Denmark and sweden though

#34 Rayburn


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Posted 25 May 2008 - 11:46

A bit of bloc voting would still remain but it would never reach an extent at which the entire outcome is changed.
Maybe Sweden would give 12 to Norway and the other way around and that's it. This doesn't guarantee a win.

Edited by Rayburn, 25 May 2008 - 11:48.

#35 TehKiller

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Posted 25 May 2008 - 11:59

Yeh and we wont have the whole Balkans in the competition :P

also they really should remove all those dudes that aint in Europe... I mean its like that Azerbejan and Armenia serve there to give points to Russia and Ukraine

Edited by TehKiller, 25 May 2008 - 12:00.

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#36 Dauth

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Posted 25 May 2008 - 12:20

It's not Europe, it's Eurovision, and the EBU need money, if people pay then they can enter.

#37 Stinger


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Posted 25 May 2008 - 12:42

England should just pull out and leave the rest to circle jerk each other.

Hopefully they will, along with a few other countries, follow Austria's lead.

Edited by Stinger, 25 May 2008 - 12:46.

#38 Jazzie Spurs


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Posted 25 May 2008 - 12:58

No comment.

Edited by Major Kid, 25 May 2008 - 18:18.

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#39 TehKiller

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Posted 25 May 2008 - 15:41

 Dauth, on 25 May 2008, 13:20, said:

It's not Europe, it's Eurovision, and the EBU need money, if people pay then they can enter.

IIRC that competition was made to chose the best EUROPEAN song...
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#40 Dauth

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Posted 25 May 2008 - 15:53

Creation and current use are almost never the same thing, its 53 years old, things adapt.

The B52 was designed as a nuclear bomber, now it does standard munitions.

#41 TehKiller

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Posted 25 May 2008 - 18:15

Primary use counts everything else goes as secondary
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#42 markintellect


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Posted 27 May 2008 - 19:03

The thing is that Britain will always be included in the final, and then lose miserably, due to the fact that 20% of the Eurovision budget is from the BBC. If Britain weren't in the final that money wouldn't be there, meaning no final. Same goes for France, Germany and Spain. Unless we get a winner, Britain will always stay at the bottom. (Captain Obvious detected!)

EDIT: If you are referring to the UK or Britain, please refer to it as so. England is just one part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Calling Britain 'England' is like calling the US Utah or New Mexico.

Edited by markintellect, 27 May 2008 - 19:08.

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#43 Dauth

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Posted 27 May 2008 - 19:43

 markintellect, on 27 May 2008, 20:03, said:

EDIT: If you are referring to the UK or Britain, please refer to it as so. England is just one part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Calling Britain 'England' is like calling the US Utah or New Mexico.

I call Britain England because I don't identify with the other States, we have 85% of the population, and in excess of 90% of the economy. I also refuse to acknowledge countries where the population is more likely to side against England in a sporting event that with them. Tbh it's more like calling Continental USA, USA not a single state. I bankrolled the Scottish Parliament, you are not bankrolling Westminster.

I think, given the way Rangers fans trashed Manchester, my city. I have a right to resent the other members of the UK, at least for a while.

#44 Stinger


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Posted 27 May 2008 - 21:24

To the best of my knowledge, all of the entries from the British Isles in the Eurovision Song Contest to date have been from England. (I'm sure someone will Google it to prove me wrong and pass it off as wisdom.) I'll refer to a country by its given name, and not the UK, because with "UK" national identity is lost to a collective term.

As for the Eurovision, they should rethink the whole thing and make it into a fashion parade for ladies underwear instead.

They could call it the Eurovision Thong Contest.

Edited for grammatical error.

Edited by Stinger, 28 May 2008 - 00:25.

#45 Dauth

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Posted 27 May 2008 - 23:56

Stingy, we last won with Carmen and the waves, Welsh unfortunately.

I am pro Eurovision Thong Contest.

#46 Nid

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Posted 28 May 2008 - 08:49

I never watch this, there's nothing in it but a bunch of cheesy songs, cheesy performers, cheesy costumes, and cheesy dancers.
And we always lose because the rest of Europe hates us.
It's just like a huge popularity contest.
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#47 NanSolo


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Posted 30 May 2008 - 17:52

Eurovision is just a bit of good fun, it's a shame that the British public can't get over winning all the time, and also that other countries continue so openly with block voting. Just vote for the most entertaining song, forget about the nationalities. In actual fact forget the voting, I just enjoy watching to see what crazy acts manage to get on it.

I also want to reply to some of the previous comments made about England vs United Kingdom. My response is from a cultural perspective, not a political one, though there's a very fine line in between (which I hopefully won't cross). If one of the mods does feel the response is overly political then please accept my apologies and feel free to remove the offending content.

Stinger said:

I'll refer to a country by its given name, and not the UK, because with "UK" national identity is lost to a collective term

What is a country? What is a nation? The fact is the definitions of both are so messed it's probably best to avoid using the words. I'm quoting from the Oxford English dictionary here:


Country: The territory or land of a nation; usually an independent state, or a region once independent and still distinct in race, language, institutions, or historical memories, as England, Scotland, and Ireland, in the United Kingdom, etc.
With political changes, what were originally distinct countries have become provinces or districts of one country, and vice versa; the modern tendency being to identify the term with the existing political condition.

Nation: A large aggregate of communities and individuals united by factors such as common descent, language, culture, history, or occupation of the same territory, so as to form a distinct people. Now also: such a people forming a political state; a political state.

These definitions completely blur the line between a political and a cultural entity. The United Kingdom is a country and a nation because we all live under the same state (the same laws), yet it is also composed of smaller countries and nations such as England and Scotland because of historical memories. The very definition is ludicrous, something that becomes even more obvious if we consider a scientific term. If I told you that a proton was composed of many smaller protons you'd tell me I was wrong. How can an object be composed of smaller yet identical versions of itself? We now know that a number of quarks compose a proton, as a number of protons and other particles compose an atom, atoms that compose a molecule, and so on and so forth.

It's far more accurate to use terms such as state and cultures. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen Ireland (to use the full name) is the state which just happens to be divided for administrative purposes along the historic states of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Every official documentation is from the state (the UK): passports, birth certificates, driving licenses, etc.
These historic states (England, etc) also have distinct cultures that are often confused with states, the most obvious example of this being sports teams, namely in football and rugby. These are exceptions though, not evidence of there being a seperate state.
And IMHO, these cultures aren't even distinct enough from each other to merit being called a 'state', or even the disputed terms 'country' or 'nation'. Scottish culture is different to English culture, of course, and Welsh to English, and so on. But look closer: the culture of the north of England is far closer to Scottish culture than to Southern English. Historically speaking Welsh culture is closer to Irish than to English. Old Cornish culture is nothing like the culture of London. The native language of Scotland, Scots Gaelic, is not a dialect of English, or Welsh, but of Gaeilge (Irish). Inside Scotland there is the very distinct culture of Highlands as opposed to the cities. Once you look past the stereotypes of kilts and haggis, teas and beefeaters, dragons and celts I think you'll find its wrong to use the names 'England', 'Scotland' or 'Wales' as catch-all terms for states.

As much as I love the various cultures I think it's a shame that the United Kingdom is derided on all sides. Just because an individual proton is part of an atom doesn't make it any less of a proton. You can be both English and British, Scottish and British, Welsh and British, and British and European. You don't have to limit yourself to one culture, why would you want to? Just look at Americans: they've managed to maintain great individual cultures while at the same time making the broader 'American' culture. A lot of crap is said about American culture, some of it with reason, but it's also produced the best authors, filmmakers and artists of the past century. Texas was once an independant state, and has it's own individual culture, but they're also Americans, and feel no shame in saying so.

So anyway, to resume what I've just ranted about, I agree with markintellect: it's Britain, not England. :P

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