This one is perfect for fast recon and infantry fighting. Equipped with a nanostealh system, it becomes invisible to sensors and the human eye when stopped, being detectable only by advanced sensors, also has ADS, protecting it against missiles. As weapon it has a .50mm MG on the roof.

"Panther" Main Battle Tank. Cost: 7500$.
The Panther is a fast, paper armored, almost IFV type tank, armed with a dual 75mm autocannon, and active defense, as well as nano plating which allows this one to go invisible too. Can transport 4 infantry units.

"Tiger" Medium Tank. Cost: 8500$.
A heavy assault tank, armed with an experimental plasma cannon, a coaxial gauss gun, a missile rack and a roof mounted minigun. Also has nano-regenerative-plating, which automatically repairs the tank on the field. As addition the tank can generate an unpenetrable magnetic barrier, which destroys any incoming projectile.

X4 Leopard tank. Cost: 9000$.
The Leopard is based on a 20th century idea, the German "Maus". It's desinged primarily as a defensive unit, it has a several inch thick plate of nanoreinforced armor-steel. It can also deploy it's main armor onto a kind of riot shield, which allows friendly vehicles to "take cover" behind them. On the other hand, it boosts the dual ion cannon's firepower, since the power from the drive systems is routed to the weapons.

"Freezer" Stasis Tank. Cost: 5000$.
The "Freezer" was developed as support tank for WMA assaults. It absorbs all the thermal energy contained in the targeted enemy unit and the environment around it. Infantry hit by this tank dies instantly, Vehicles are just easier to destroy. However, the cannons, after each burst has to recharge for quite a time, also it has a very short range.

ERD-5 "Vanquisher" Experimental Tank. Cost: 5000$.
The ERD-5 is the newest version of the Vanquisher heavy tank. It posesses a Heavy Railgun as main weapon, a coaxial plasma blaster and a top mounted auto cannon, and a long range surface to surface missile launcher. If needed, it can disable it's weapons, and boost both speed and armor for a short amount of time. It can be useful to both breach enemy lines and to retreat.

Mobile Command Post (MCP). Cost: 6500$.
Heavy armored and shielded, but unarmed vehicle used to take control over oil plants and other facilities. If an enemy has one deployed near a facility, it has to be destroyed before capturing it.

XHAT-1 Leviathan. Cost: 11000$.
The Leviathan is the definition of death to all the enemies of the WMA. With it's 4 Railgun turrets and the main cannon, a particle cannon, it tears through enemy forces like a hot knife through butter. Also it can deploy into a fortification, however, that costs extra 3000$, every time it deploys, however, undeploying is free.

AD-2 "Raptor" AntiInfantry UCAV. Cost: 8900$.
The Raptor drone is often used in recon or covert operations, due to its extremely low infrared and radar signature. It carriers a small microwave burst projector, which creates a region of extreme heat on the impact zone. Useful to clean garrisons and eliminate infantry. The AD2'S special ability is to drop into the ground, and build up a force field, that destroys any projectile based weapon that passes through it, and kills infantry too.

AD-1 "Wasp" Fighter UCAV. Cost: 5600$.
The AD-1 "Wasp" is a small scale fighter, mainly for defense purposes. It has a bay of 3 low range air to air missiles and a minigun as support, which can be alinged to ground targets, however, it is not very effective against ground targets. As special ability it can use an afterburner to quickly get out of tight situation. Also it has a weak forcefield, which can protect it against light FLAK fire.

XB-3 "Aurora" Bomber. Cost: 9700$.
The Aurora is a supersonic VTOL bomber, with enough power to knock out an entire tank column. Armed with a total power of 8000 pounds in form of 4 JDAMs. On the airfield it can be equiped with 6 LASM medium range Air to ground missiles.

XF-38 "Myrmidon" Interceptor/Fighter. Cost: 9700$.
The probably fastest military aircraft ever built, the Myrmidon can me armed with either a high energy laser cannon to destroy ballistic missiles, or 8 AMRAAM AA missiles. Can also deploy a EMP missile, to disable enemy vehicles.

XAB-1 "Tachyon" Support bomber. 7000$
The Tachyon is one of the WMA's latest developments. It has it's name due to the kind of ordance it delivers, 4 tachyon bombs, that desintegrate any kind of bio-mass in the vicinity, and fries electronics, causing vehicles to temporally shut down. And yes, this would certainly be a way to fully exterminate cockroaches

Edited by Sargeant Rho, 15 February 2010 - 15:30.