Skywhale class cargo ship. -special unit, no cost-.
The Skywhale is being used by the WMA for over 100 years, and still it is THE troop carrier in their arsenal. With atmospheric flight ability, and enough space to carry an entire army, it brings down to the surface of planets every singe unit. Also used as simple merchant ship.

Dominion class Battleship. -special unit, no cost-.
Having an array of 8 triad railguns, and the so called "Trinity siege cannon", the Dominion is a serious and very real threat, like every WMA spaceship, the Dominion can fly in planetary atmospheres as well, whoever it is very slow in planetary athmospheres. Carrys a series of combat drones with it, and it's hull is covered with FLAK cannons.

Independence class Battlecruiser. -special unit, no cost-.
The Indepencense is the spearhead of any WMA fleet. It has the firepower of 2 MEC battleships at once, with 8 dual rapid fire coil cannons, 2 gian ion cannons, 2 cruise missile bays, a fighter bay and 4 rapid fire railguns, it's able to destroy entire fleets in no time. However, it needs it's fighters to defend against other fighters and frigates.

Edited by Master_Chief, 09 July 2008 - 13:11.