DL Link and original change log is there. To install, it's a .big file so put it in your main directory, remove if you don't want to play 1.06.
It is not quite the finalized version that'll be released as there's no installer or changelog attached but from what I can decipher, these will be the main balance/design changes.
● All China Gattling Cannon HP back to 1000, same as 1.04 (This was a stupid leftover AGM change).
● Infantry Attack Outpost tooltip changed; showing the correct number of slots now.
● Nuke Missile and SCUD Storm tooltip changed; showing the correct countdown timers now.
● All Helixes napalm/nuke bomb instantly available for use after upgraded.
● Tank Helixes price increased to $2250.
● Nuke Helixes price increased to $2000.
● Nuke Cannon promotion criteria changed from 0, 400, 600, 1000 to 0, 400, 500, 1000.
● AK47 upgrade availability moved back to Palace, to counter GLA camp earlier in mirrors. Price increased to from $1000 to $1500, research time increased from 30s to 60s.
● VGLA Camouflage upgrade research time decreased from 60s to 30s.
● VGLA Hijackers availability moved to pre-tech. Still requires gen point.
● Anthrax Beta upgrade price decreased to $1000.
● Toxin Bomb Truck; Bio Bomb upgrade gains additional High Explosive effect after Gamma is researched.
● Toxin SCUD Launcher weapon specs increased from 200 damage, 30 radius to 250 damage, 50 radius.
● Marauder build time decreased from 10 to 8 seconds.
● Chinook price decreased to $1000 for all USA's excluding USAF.
● Paladin PDL fixed, where they now zap all kind of missiles in one hit, including laserlock.
● SWG Alpha Aurora secondary blast radius reduced; it's now about as big as the bomb of the normal Aurora.
● SWG Particle Cannon price increased to $4000.
● USAF Avenger availability moved to pre-tech, just like all other USA's.
● King Raptor PDL doubled (back to 1.04 values again).
● VUSA and USAF Patriots power requirement decreased to 2.
● Stealth Fighters kill ECM Tanks in one volley (2 missiles), where their missiles are also invulerable to deflecting.
It's much less gimmicky than it sounds and also promotes China mixing in the form of Outposts and Chain Gun Gattling Tanks. Stealth Fighters don't really die to Gats while on the move because they recloak so fast, so don't worry about that.
Extra information: For Laser in particular since he doesn't get Tomahawks, Nuke Cannons can be quite the nuisance. Stealth Fighters severely cripple a Nuke Cannon now that their missiles don't get deflected by ECMs anymore, but don't completely kill them. However, they do with the Laser Guided Missile upgrade. Theoretically this can then be countered by Artillery Training where a veteran Nuke Cannon still survives a LGM SF volley, but nobody is really going to do this anyway
Additionally, USAF Stealth Fighters have PDL and they zap missiles without decloaking, so they can be used to defend your Humvees versus MiGs for example. This is an amazing thing, but you do need good micro to pull it off.
Avengers still PDL Stealth Fighter missiles.
● Comanche armour increased:
First value is pre-Countermeasures, second is post-Countermeasures.
The percentages mean damage taken.
Normal Comanches:
bullets/avenger: 120% - 70%
patriots/tows: 130% - 110%
inf missiles: 120% - 100%
bullets/avenger:100% - 75%
patriots/tows: 130% - 110%
inf missiles: 120% - 100%
bullets/avenger: 90% - 70%
patriots/tows: 95% - 85%
inf missiles: 95% - 85%
USAF Comanches:
bullets/avenger: 100% - 62%
patriots/tows: 100% - 90%
inf missiles: 100% - 90%
bullets/avenger:100% - 75%
patriots/tows: 100% - 110% (yes, mistake)
inf missiles: 100% - 100%
bullets/avenger: 90% - 70%
patriots/tows: 95% - 85%
inf missiles: 95% - 85%
Keep in mind that even though these 1.06 values seem to make Comanches actually even better than in 1.04, they don't really. Their promotion criteria is doubled, USAF Comanche price is increased to $1300 and GLA Radar Scan availability is moved to Palace.
General point system changes:
● The amount of points gained per general rank is tripled, with +9 for general level 5.
● Point changes (note that 3 points here is the equivalent of 1 point on previous patches):
1 - Red Guard training
1 - Mini-Gunner training (infantry)
1 - Battlemaster training (tank)
1 - Artillery training
1 - Nuke Cannon
1 - Frenzy 1
1 - Frenzy 2
1 - Frenzy 3
1 - Emergency Repair 1
1 - Emergency Repair 2
1 - Emergency Repair 3
3 - Cluster Mines
3 - Artillery Barrage 1
3 - Artillery Barrage 2
3 - Artillery Barrage 3
4 - Carpet Bomb
2 - Cash Hack 1
2 - Cash Hack 2
2 - Cash Hack 3
2 - Tank Drop 1 (tank)
2 - Tank Drop 2 (tank)
2 - Tank Drop 3 (tank)
2 - Infantry Paradrop 1 (infantry)
2 - Infantry Paradrop 2 (infantry)
2 - Infantry Paradrop 3 (infantry)
4 - EMP Pulse
2 - Spy Drone
1 - Paladin Tank (vusa)
1 - Stealth Fighter
1 - Emergency Repair 1
1 - Emergency Repair 2
1 - Emergency Repair 3
2 - Pathfinder
1 - Paradrop 1
1 - Paradrop 2
1 - Paradrop 3
3 - A10 Strike 1
3 - A10 Strike 2
3 - A10 Strike 3
4 - B2 Carpet Bomb (usaf)
3 - Leaflet Drop
4 - Spectre Gunship
4 - Fuel Air Bomb
1 - Technical training
1 - Marauder Tank
1 - Scud Launcher
1 - Emergency Repair 1
1 - Emergency Repair 2
1 - Emergency Repair 3
1 - Hijacker (vgla)
3 - Rebel Ambush 1
3 - Rebel Ambush 2
3 - Rebel Ambush 3
3 - Cash Bounty 1
3 - Cash Bounty 2
3 - Cash Bounty 3
3 - GPS Scrambler
4 - Anthrax Bomb
4 - Sneak Attack
Additional General Point changes:
● Emergency Repair timer changed from 4 to 2 minutes, healing 200 / 400 / 600 HP.
● Emergency Repair level 1 moved to general level 1 for all factions, excluding Infantry because he already has Frenzy there.
● Ranger Drop:
Name changed to Paradrop.
- Level 1: 2 Missile Defenders, 3 Rangers
- Level 2: 4 Missile Defenders, 6 Rangers
- Level 3: 6 Missile Defenders, 9 Rangers
Icon changes:
These may not have high priority, but for a well polished game they have some value. Besides, it shouldn't be hard/take much time to code these in.
● Anthrax Beta icon to VGLA's Marauder Tanks added.
● Booby Trap icon added to Demo's Rebels.
● Demolitions icon added to Demo's Tunnels and Stingers, just like with all Demo units.
● Demolitions icon removed from Demo's Bomb Truck; it didn't affect this unit.
● Anthrax Beta icon added to Stealth's Bomb Trucks.
● Anthrax Beta icon added to Stealth's SCUD Storm.
● Camouflage icon added to Stealth's Rebels.
● Camouflage icon removed from from Toxin's Rebels.
● Anthrax Gamma icon added to Toxin's Stinger Sites.
● Anthrax Gamma icon added to Toxin's RPG Troopers.
● Anthrax Gamma icon added to Toxin's Marauder Tanks.
● Anthrax Gamma icon added to Toxin's SCUD Storm.
● Radar upgrade icon added to all China's Command Centers.
● Napalm Bomb icon added to VChina and Tank Helixes. It was already done for Assault Helixes.
● Uranium Shells and Nuclear Tanks icons added to Nuke's Battlemasters and Overlords.
● Speaker Tower upgrade icon shown as purchased for the Emperor Tank.
● Patriotism icon added for Infantry's Tank Hunter.
● Nationalism icon added for Infantry's Mini-Gunner and Tank Hunter. It looks the same as Patriotism, but two icons are shown for distinguishment.
● Composite Armour icon removed from SWG and USAF Microwave Tanks.
Pretty interesting patch, mostly general point system was changed and the noticeable buff to commanches. Good community patch that balances the game, most online 1.06 games are played on the weekly tournaments and by a few people who want to play for each other.
For anyone confused about general point changes, works like this.
Take the original amount of general points and triple them. That is the total amount in 1.06. Then take all the "good" powers and triple their cost (to 3 points, essentially 1 point). Take the "very good" powers and quadruple their cost (to 4 points, essentially 4/3 points). Take the mediocre ones and double their cost (to 2 points, essentially 2/3 a point). Take all the crappy ones and leave them the same (1 point, essentially 1/3 of a point).
Edited by Sharpnessism, 23 June 2008 - 02:58.