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Bob's Recommended Firefox 3 Addons

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#26 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 14 January 2009 - 20:12

Some more tabs that I have found:

FoxTab - A way of managing your open tabs in glorious 3D. It contains 5 different layouts, and can be customised to be used within a tab, a panel or fullscreen. Load time is minimal, even with large amounts of tabs. Similar: See Tab Sidebar *

LoadTimePage - Simple plugin that add some extra information to the status bar (File size, speed and time to load page.)

Server Switcher - Useful for web developers that are continually switching between a test server and live server. The plugin adds an icon to the address bar (next to the bookmark icon) that allows you to switch servers, while remaining on the same page. Plugin is unfortunately limited to 2 servers per project.

Stylish - Allows you to add custom stylesheets to a webpage. Very useful if you regularly visit a website, but can't stand the way it looks. Can be used to edit stylesheets of specific sites or globally change things, using filters. (NOTE: If you want to try this plugin, but have no knowledge of CSS (the language used for website styles) you can contact me, or someone from the FS Helpdesk)

SubmitToTab - Allows you to submit forms to a new tab (or window), by middle-clicking, ctrl+clicking or right-clicking. This feels like something that should work in FF, but doesn't by default.

Yesterday FF crashed on me and since then TabGroups and Tab Mix Plus have refused to work together again. In the past, I had tried to find another tab group plugin that works Tab Mix Plus, unfortunately, all the plugins I found seemed to just be improved versions of TabGroups (probably because development has seemed to have halted on that plugin). Thankfully I found a group plugin earlier today (by accident) that has specifically been designed to work with Tab Mix Plus (TabGroups Manager). Here are the advantages and disadvantages between the new and old plugins:

  • Plugin has add/delete buttons (old plugin only had add button).
  • Allows further control of groups by middle or double clicking on the groups on group toolbar, the functions can be changed.
  • Has autorename feature that takes the name of a tab that is in the group.
  • The old plugin, when customising tool bars, spaces and flexible spaces would be invisible, sometimes making it tedious so alter things
  • When using the tab menu (or alternate tab managing plugins), if you selected a tab that was not in the current group, the group wouldn't change, this has been fixed.
  • When opening closed tabs, they used to open a new (blurred) group, the closed tabs now open in the active group.
  • Multiple Tab Handler unfortunately doesn't work with this grouping plugin, which can be tedious if you want to add multiple tabs to a group
  • Fixes the issue where the "New tab (after this tab)" feature of Tab Mix Plus didn't work properly. This makes the Tab Control plugin redundant.
  • This version doesn't allow you to organise the order of your groups, this was not a feature of the old plugin either, but still worth mentioning IMO.
  • Seems to have a lot better support, within a day of someone suggesting something it was implemented and uploaded.

TabGroups Manager - Allows you to add tabs to groups, useful for people who have large amounts of tabs open (saves you from either; 1. having multiple windows open or 2. having unmanageably large amounts of tabs open in one window.
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#27 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 27 February 2009 - 21:55

2 new plugins:

Locationbar² - There are 2 main things this plugin does; 1) Puts emphasis on the domain of a website, and 2) adds links to the various segments of a URL. This is very useful for quickly navigating directories.

MySmileys - Allows you to add custom smileys to forums (currently IPB, vBulletin and phpBB). Allows you to right click on images and assign a code to them, when you type that code on one of the support forums, it automatically replaces that code with [img] tags on submit. Unfortunately this does not currently work with "quick edit" on IPB, I haven't tested it on other forums.
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#28 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 09 March 2009 - 11:40

It's a real shame that I have to do this, but I have removed 'MySmileys' from the list. The plugin, although showing great potential, has way too many bugs and annoyances. When used in conjunction with the rich text editor, either all new lines are removed when you post, or it tries and posts a blank post. I'm willing to bet that this has also been the thing causing problems with quoting for me, too. There are other annoyances, such as not being able to turn off smileys, which can get tiresome pretty fast. So until these bugs I are ironed out, I can't recommend it, and won't be using it either.
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    Ecchi Toaster

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Posted 09 March 2009 - 18:28

Bob, try Smiley Xtra, Similar stuff but no bug for me.

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#30 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 09 March 2009 - 18:37

Just gave it a quick go on my test profile... but it seems to be a collection of other peoples simleys rather than being able to use your own...?

Correct me if I'm wrong... I haven't really looked that hard :sly:
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    Ecchi Toaster

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Posted 09 March 2009 - 19:41

I think you can add them, with URL only... Downside.
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#32 CommanderJB

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Posted 09 March 2009 - 21:48

First of all, thanks Bob for compiling this excellent list; there are some very handy little widgets here, so my gratitude again. Second might I also recommend Video DownloadHelper; it allows you to download FLV video files from almost any site that has them (the page gives a list but in actual fact it works on pretty much everything). I found this one a few days ago and it's a marvellously versatile tool.


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#33 Reaper94


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Posted 09 March 2009 - 22:36

View PostCommanderJB, on 9 Mar 2009, 21:48, said:

First of all, thanks Bob for compiling this excellent list; there are some very handy little widgets here, so my gratitude again. Second might I also recommend Video DownloadHelper; it allows you to download FLV video files from almost any site that has them (the page gives a list but in actual fact it works on pretty much everything). I found this one a few days ago and it's a marvellously versatile tool.

I canalso recomend this as i've used it for several months now, and have experianced no bugs, also consider this:


View PostRaiDK, on 3 Jun 2009, 10:09, said:


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    Ecchi Toaster

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Posted 10 March 2009 - 16:15

I recommend this theme, uses much less resources than stock one, and looks great, imo.


In black:
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#35 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 10 March 2009 - 16:54

I'm not going to be adding any video downloaders to the list, primarily because there are just so many plugins out there, as well as many websites that preform similar services, so it's just a case of finding the one that suits your needs.

I'm also not big on themes. The main reason for this is because I am such a plugn-whore, most custom buttons are designed primarily for the default themes in mind, which means they quite often look fugly on more abstract or simply different-to-the-norm themes. If you are interested, I use XP on Vista, which pretty much does what you would imagine it to do... bring the XP theme to vista.

Now on to this custom smiley plugin business. Like I previously said, I gave Smiley Xtra a try, and liked the idea behind it (i.e. the layout in the sidebar), but didn't like how it was based around one huge database of smileys, I simply want a list of my own smileys. So I decided to make my own smiley plugin. It's still in the early stages atm, but it "works" and has no "I'm going to kill firefox" bugs that I am aware of.

The plugin comes with 2 main elements, a side bar and button that lets you show/hide the sidebar. Here is a screen shot of the sidebar + button on the Aois (see first post for link/desc). As you can see the side bar has a fairly simple design; A list of smileys, a preview of the selected smiley and a list of 3 codes. You can insert a smiley by; 1) Double-clicking the name or image (this will insert the image with [img] tags, or if you have a custom code set, it will insert that), 2) clicking on one of the insert buttons, or 3) copying + pasting the code.

Currently simleys have to be manually added to an xml sheet (which is fairly simple to do), but I have plans in a future version to be able to add smileys from with in the side bar, or possibly a separate window. I also have some other ideas; Adding categories, adding a search box, adding the ability to sort alphabetically, etc.

If you wanna give this thing a trial or ask questions about it, contact me on MSN :duh:

Edited by Bob, 10 March 2009 - 16:55.

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    Ecchi Toaster

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Posted 10 March 2009 - 18:16

Firefox Tip, provided by ΓΛPΤΘΓ:

Getting sick of bombarded by blinding white page when loading pages?

Go To: Tools>Options>Content>Colours>Background

And choose a less bright colour that you wanted :duh:

Edited by ΓΛPΤΘΓ, 10 March 2009 - 18:17.

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#37 Reaper94


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Posted 22 May 2009 - 22:37


" Artist's Comments
Latest update 0.2.3: New Update URL. Detects Command key on Mac. New shorcut G for one's gallery.

What is this?
This is a Mozilla Firefox extension that adds key shortcuts to frequently used deviantART pages. For example, on any page on deviantART, if you press the key m on your keyboard, the browser will go to your message center (see below for a list of keys and their destinations.) It's part of the deviantEXPERIENCE extension series.

How to install?
[Click Here To Install]

In Firefox 2 and previous versions, when you click to install, a yellow bar appears. Click Edit Options, add the site to your allowed list and click to install again. In Firefox 3, you don't need to click twice.

How to use it?
After you install the extension, if you press any of the following keys, the browser will load the respective page. You don't need to press shift or ctrl. Just make sure you're not typing inside a text field and just press it. Pressing L will show a list of all available shortcuts until the key is released.

Key -> Destination

L -> Show key shortcut list (it gets hidden automagically when you release the key)
P -> Your own profile
M -> Your Community Messages
W -> Your deviantWATCH
J -> Your journal management
G -> Your gallery
N -> Your notes
S -> Submission page
I -> Front page
T -> Today
F -> Forum
H -> Help
R -> Random deviant
D -> Random deviation
X -> Manage your devWATCH list
V -> Your favourites

Please note that these shortcuts do NOT work when a "input" field is selected like a text field or a select box. For example, if you type one of these in the search box, it doesn't take you to it's destination page."

Edited by Rage of Kyuubi, 22 May 2009 - 22:37.

View PostRaiDK, on 3 Jun 2009, 10:09, said:


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#38 Major Fuckup

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Posted 29 May 2010 - 00:46

Not sure if this all ready suggested but
Persona's any one?

Also i forgot how to check what version firefox im running |8

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#39 Libains

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Posted 29 May 2010 - 01:00

Personas comes inbuilt into FF nowadays IIRC mate. It is nice to be able to spruce up Firefox though, I must say |8
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#40 Soul

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Posted 11 December 2010 - 19:29

Sorry for the necro but, could anyone be so kind as to recommend an add-on for getting just the audio form YouTube videos please? I have no idea what I'm doing unfortunately.

Edited by Soul, 11 December 2010 - 19:30.

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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

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#41 Mbob61

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Posted 11 December 2010 - 19:42

Its not actually an add-on but i find this works wonders for me.

aTube Catcher

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#42 Libains

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Posted 11 December 2010 - 19:55

Or this site tends to work equally well, I find: http://www.youtubemusicdownloader.com/
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#43 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 11 December 2010 - 22:01

I like the plugin that comes with realplayer; it doesn't download music directly, but of course whatever you download can be converted. The advantage to the realplayer plugin is that it isn't just limited youtube or any finite list of media sites. It can download from ANY website with media embedded. |8 It also works with FF4, Chrome and IE.

Edited by Bob, 11 December 2010 - 22:02.

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#44 Ghostrider

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Posted 11 December 2010 - 23:57

View PostAJ, on 11 Dec 2010, 14:55, said:

Or this site tends to work equally well, I find: http://www.youtubemusicdownloader.com/

Unfortunately AJ you have to pay for the full version of the program, it only lets you download 20-50% of a youtube video's audio with the trial. |8
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#45 Brad


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Posted 12 December 2010 - 00:14

Despite it not being a plug-in for FF, I still think this holds relevance:

Jdownloader Just copy the web address of the youtube video while it's running, and it'll prompt you with options on the download. Simply choose the convert to Mp3 option.
You almost did, didn't you?

#46 Libains

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Posted 12 December 2010 - 01:34

View PostGhostrider, on 11 Dec 2010, 23:57, said:

View PostAJ, on 11 Dec 2010, 14:55, said:

Or this site tends to work equally well, I find: http://www.youtubemusicdownloader.com/

Unfortunately AJ you have to pay for the full version of the program, it only lets you download 20-50% of a youtube video's audio with the trial. |8

Actually got totally the wrong website there, not sure why.... this is the right one: http://www.listentoyoutube.com/
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#47 Hobbesy

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Posted 12 December 2010 - 07:31

The DVDVideoSoft Suite is probably your best bet if you're dealing with Youtube videos.

#48 Soul

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Posted 13 December 2010 - 04:00

View PostAJ, on 11 Dec 2010, 20:34, said:

View PostGhostrider, on 11 Dec 2010, 23:57, said:

View PostAJ, on 11 Dec 2010, 14:55, said:

Or this site tends to work equally well, I find: http://www.youtubemusicdownloader.com/

Unfortunately AJ you have to pay for the full version of the program, it only lets you download 20-50% of a youtube video's audio with the trial. :P

Actually got totally the wrong website there, not sure why.... this is the right one: http://www.listentoyoutube.com/

That one worked perfectly, thanks AJ.
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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#49 Libains

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Posted 13 December 2010 - 04:38

View PostSoul, on 13 Dec 2010, 4:00, said:

View PostAJ, on 11 Dec 2010, 20:34, said:

View PostGhostrider, on 11 Dec 2010, 23:57, said:

View PostAJ, on 11 Dec 2010, 14:55, said:

Or this site tends to work equally well, I find: http://www.youtubemusicdownloader.com/

Unfortunately AJ you have to pay for the full version of the program, it only lets you download 20-50% of a youtube video's audio with the trial. :P

Actually got totally the wrong website there, not sure why.... this is the right one: http://www.listentoyoutube.com/

That one worked perfectly, thanks AJ.

No problem, happy to help :D Been using that website for ages now.
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