So here ya go.
XB3 Aurora

The XB3 Aurora is the WMA's standard bomber and ground attack aircraft, armed with 2 gravity missiles which blow away anything, just to suck it back in, it is cabable of erasing entire tank columns. Also it can use a slipstream engine over a limited distance to brigde longer distances. It's however higly vulnerable to AA fire.
And second, last, but not least, the XF-38 Myrmidon interceptor.

The XF-38, by the troops knows as "Myrmidon", posesses a high number of small missiles which are all fired at the same time, which renders normal countermeasures inefective. It also can engage ground forces with a small, weak railgun mounted under the aircraft. The Myrmidon is the perfect choice for situations that requite inmediate response.
Edited by Master_Chief, 08 July 2008 - 10:47.