Hi there.
The Question is simple: How do I make the AI build a Base, attack the Player and all in a Singleplayer Map?
I tried importing some Scripts, and the AI does indeed move a little bit, but the only thing it does is maybe building one other Supply Depot, some Rangers and that was it.
It builds no War Factory or Airfield, and it also doesn't rebuild any Structures, it just sits there and does nothing.
I tried giving it Money via some Scripts, altered the AI Skill Level and made it " able to build Units and Structures " but I still have no success.
Does anyone have an Idea? Help me please! :(
- E.V.E.

How can I add AI to Singleplayer Maps?
Started By E.V.E., Jul 24 2008 09:47
5 replies to this topic
Posted 24 July 2008 - 09:47

Posted 24 July 2008 - 10:05
To make the AI build structures, use the build list option. You don't need to script the AI to build, it will follow the build list.
As for attacking, just do like what you do when scripting skirmish AI, with teams, build conditions and stuff.
As for attacking, just do like what you do when scripting skirmish AI, with teams, build conditions and stuff.
Posted 24 July 2008 - 10:13
To make the AI build structures, use the build list option.
Where do I find that?

- E.V.E.

Posted 24 July 2008 - 12:18
It's in the toolbar, the red-ish button. If you still can't find it, click every button and see.

Posted 25 July 2008 - 09:14
You can try opening existing missions and find out how they work. :o
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