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Mechwarrior 4: Mercs

Lord PieMonster's Photo Lord PieMonster 27 Jul 2008

Hello again, E-Studios.

So, to anyone who still plays MW4: You up for a game?
this is also to see if the games internet connection isnt working, or if there just isnt anyone online anymore

anyways, post here or drop me a line. My X-fire is Tangerine734, AIM is Roaminggnome55

Lord PooMonster

Sharpnessism's Photo Sharpnessism 27 Jul 2008

This should be moved to the match making section.

Anyway I preferred MW3 to MW4, better graphics, higher lethality. Only thing MW4 had was mods as the advantage and no gunboating. Sadly my computer won't run MW3 anymore.
Edited by Sharpnessism, 27 July 2008 - 12:51.

Wizard's Photo Wizard 27 Jul 2008


Check where you post.

> Moved >

MentalAss's Photo MentalAss 28 Jul 2008

I still do. An maybe if I can bug Nuker enough, we can all have a game. Might have to aggitat Lizzie as well.

However might I suggest you visit the MekTek download section for a greater gaming experience in the Battletech universe.

For this, you'll nee the PR1 patch. PR1 is installed first, then the MekPak MP3.02a (from PR1) (English). Then you'll need the MekPak MP3.0.2b (English) which is a security patch.
Edited by MentalAss, 28 July 2008 - 02:38.

Lord PieMonster's Photo Lord PieMonster 28 Jul 2008


i remembered just a little too late that this happened last time i tried to get Mektek to work.

not only did it delete all of my finely crafted Mech configurations, but it freezes my whole computer as soon as i try to actually play, or click anything that isnt "Mechlab" or "options"


excuse me while i go reinstall...

~Lord Poomonster

MentalAss's Photo MentalAss 30 Jul 2008

No worries, I'll lend you some of my configs. You'll find some rather handy, just ask Nuker :P. All Pure Tech...well almost all.

Lord PieMonster's Photo Lord PieMonster 05 Aug 2008

well, i managed to recover my configurations, but i now get an error whenever i try to reinstall. computer claims it cant read some texture file or something and wont continue the install

MentalAss's Photo MentalAss 05 Aug 2008

Did you delete the remaing files manually? For some reason it leaves a few file behind and you have to kill it throughly before reinstalling.

Revan's Photo Revan 05 Aug 2008

I wouldn't mind joining in, haven't played it in a while but I used to play it quite a lot, I'd have to get MekTek working again though, but should be no prob.