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The C&C Community's Campaign for a...

PurpleScrin's Photo PurpleScrin 03 Aug 2008

Banshee from the Project Perfect Mod forum had posted a topic thread about a KW Mod SDK.
Read here: http://forums.ea.com/mboards/thread.jspa?t...0&tstart=15

What do you think, users? EA has already answered this in an e-mail and kept their promises hidden for a future public announcement to see if they decide they are going for it.

Kichō's Photo Kichō 03 Aug 2008

I support this...EA really needs to make a SDK for KW otherwise EA will get alot of angry customers.

JJ's Photo JJ 03 Aug 2008

The users know how to fix the game much more than EA. They're the ones that play the game after all. For that, we need the Mod SDK.

Dutchygamer's Photo Dutchygamer 03 Aug 2008

Supported too (I even was one of the first to know this :/), but EA refuses me to log in on their forums...

Stygs's Photo Stygs 03 Aug 2008

Not worth the effort.

The TW modding community is allready very small, so even with a KW SDK, it wont be much bigger. Especially since there is now way to import the models to 3ds max (ok, there IS a way, but it costs huge amount of time) and you cant import animations or infantry, which restricts its use to TCs and small balancing mods.
Not to mention the fact that the KW engine has bugs that are allready fixed in TW 1.09 ...

Personally, I would like to see EA release the models & xmls from KW and fix the APC bug in TW, but a KW SDK is not needed imho...

Dauth's Photo Dauth 03 Aug 2008

I don't see EA doing this, it won't impact on sales of KW and they are concentrating on RA3, good luck to you and all but I suspect this is doomed to failure.

Mighty BOB!'s Photo Mighty BOB! 03 Aug 2008

 Stygs, on 3 Aug 2008, 3:20, said:

Not worth the effort.

The TW modding community is allready very small, so even with a KW SDK, it wont be much bigger. Especially since there is now way to import the models to 3ds max (ok, there IS a way, but it costs huge amount of time) and you cant import animations or infantry, which restricts its use to TCs and small balancing mods.
Not to mention the fact that the KW engine has bugs that are allready fixed in TW 1.09 ...

Personally, I would like to see EA release the models & xmls from KW and fix the APC bug in TW, but a KW SDK is not needed imho...

Do you expect it to be any different with RA3? Because it won't. It is still using essentially the same engine. You'll still have to compile the files for mods to work. It will still be XML. And this means you won't be able to get assets out of the engine (models, textures, etc) any easier than with Tiberium Wars. It will have the same problems that C&C3 modding has.

The age of open-source modding C&C games (at least on any game produced after C&C3) is over.

Stygs's Photo Stygs 03 Aug 2008

I know. Thats why I think it would make more sense to use the remaing time to enhance the TW SDK or make the RA3 SDK more userfriendly instead of making a KW SDK.
Edited by Stygs, 07 August 2008 - 18:19.

PurpleScrin's Photo PurpleScrin 07 Aug 2008

 Stygs, on 3 Aug 2008, 16:01, said:

I know. Thats why I think it would make more sense to use the remaing time to enhance the TW SDK or make the RA3 SDK more userfriendly.


I wish if MasterChief, Slye Fox and Codecat get a response to this since they have yet to say something about this. We need you to support the campaign.