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How do i make an AI do..

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#1 Makarei


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Posted 06 August 2008 - 17:45

Hello, I've made a map (multi-player map) everything is working perfecting, and looks great. But i wanted to add something special to the center of the map for the four human players to fight over besides fighting over resource crystals.

Anyways i have the special building working if one was to capture it. But my main question is how do i get a few neutral units to stand guard and attack players that come near it? I know i might need an area, or something.. but not too sure..

Also I have setup up a custom AI for the neutral units, and have put all other skirmish AI's in and they build and everything, just my custom AI race of units protecting the special building don't attack players when they venture near, so what am i doing wrong?

- I am making a map with Tiberian wars expansion, world builder if that helps.

#2 JJ

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Posted 07 August 2008 - 07:45

I don't script TW, but I'll try.

Put the units under PlyrCreeps. This will make them consider the players as the enemy. Also, set their stance to aggressive, if it's possible.

#3 Dutchygamer

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Posted 07 August 2008 - 09:49

^ the man's right. Yesterday I accidently put 2 Obelisks to this player, and my units started firing at it treathing it as an enemy.
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#4 Amdrial

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Posted 07 August 2008 - 13:46

All units put under plyrCreeps will automatically attack enemies and vice versa. So there is no need to make a special team.

Also, what do you mean with ''special building''? Just curious.
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