Accident Scene

Tech Warfactory area

Some random shot of an area

I'll have more updates on this map soon, and if you wanna play this map, you must click here.
UPDATE:13 Aug 2008, ??PM
I got some in game shots, though it was just a test run, but the AI turned out tougher than i though XD.
Shot 1:

Shot 2:

Check back often for more updates.
- WarMenace92
UPDATE: 14 Aug 2008, 2:06PM
Overview Shot

Check back for more updates.
UPDATE:14 Aug 2008, 4:10PM
New In game Screenshots!
Nuke Overlord SPAM!



- Added an Artillery Platform near the Double Lakes area.
- Added Street Lamps to the Paved Road
- Added Search Lights near the TechWarfactory Area.
- Fixed a bug where AI only uses the middle path.
- Fixed most texture errors found on map
- Changed the day time to EVENING
That's all for now, check back for more updates.
- WarMenace92
Note: There were supposed to be trees near the player starting positions, it wasnt removed, it just dont show.
ATTENTION: Even if the map finished, it WILL NOT be released until the next version of C&C generals: Code 13 is released. So do NOT ask for a release date.
Edited by WarMenace92, 16 August 2008 - 21:14.