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Situation Zero Needs You!

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#1 JJ

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 07:00

Currently, the only active member in the SZ team is me, the co-leader/INI coder/beta and balance tester. As you'd expect, we need more members. I posted this here because the SZ forums is hidden for now and Fincer is unavailable. So, here's a list of positions available.

1. Modelers - Need a few. All the models already in-game are made by Fincer. I can only butcher. D:
2. Menu Makers - Someone who can deal with wnd files. One of the main features of SZ is new menus ad we need someone to specialize in it.
3. Balance or Beta Testers - Preferably someone who can do both at the same time. I'm the only one testing it now so we need a few testers.
4. INI Coders - Not as desperate for one, but I would like someone helping me.
5. 2D Artist - This is quite needed. Should be able to do cameos, textures, etc.
6. Concept Artists - You will design what's new for SZ.

If interested, fill in the questionnaire made by Fincer just so we can get to know you. Well, he needs it because he is relatively new to everyone here, unlike me. :P


I must very strongly remind you that THIS MOD AND I DON'T NEED BEGINNERS! (read more on the topic in C&C modding subforum, the first message).
So, if you are interested in being a official team member of C&C Generals: Situation Zero great team, prepare yourself to become strictly questioned:

Be honest. If I notice that you're trying to lie, I ignore your application. I don't also care about the answers with two words length (unless it's impossible to answer something else). Remember, take this as a real competition "between you and your challengers".
Tell as much as you can ingoring all unnecessary matters not linked to a question.
Just as I said, be honest. It's best for you, for the team and for C&C Generals: Situation Zero.

All questions must be answered are marked with *
1. Are you just bored or tired and want to reply on this message just for fun, perhaps?*


2. How old are you (in year scale)?*


3. Do you get on people and are you a friendly and a social person? How fluently can you speak English?*


4. Are you a lazy person? Can't you just keep on objectives you have in real-life? How probably do you give up with work?*


5. Has someone blamed on you in a mod team or in C&C community (meaning not only C&C mod teams)? Why? Do you have bad reputation?*


6. Do you really want to work actively with C&C Generals: Situation Zero and with its team members?*


7. Which you're good on? What are you able to do? You can tell all jobs you can do and classify them by your skills
(For example: "I'm really good on making textures -- I suck on making models")*


8. How long have you done this/these job(s) (linked with question 7.)?*


9. Are you able to to multiple jobs (almost) simultaneously?*


(alternative question)
10.1. Do you have a real-life job which could be useful for the team? (Professional modeler, sound or graphic designer etc.) You must have evidence (pictures etc.) How long have you done the job?*

10.2. Have you experienced somehow in another way (meaning you don't have a real-life job) to make something useful such as sounds, models, textures etc.? How experienced? You must have evidence (pictures etc.)*


11. Have you been a member on other mod projects (not only C&C)? List all of those mods with evidence. Also tell which objectives/jobs you've had on those mods and how significantly you've been on making mod.*

You can PM me or post your reply here. Don't PM Fincer as he is not around most of the time. More info about SZ can be found here.

Edited by JJ_, 12 September 2008 - 07:14.


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Posted 12 September 2008 - 07:09

what about concept artists?
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RIP CommanderJB

#3 JJ

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 07:14

Oh yea I forgot. Yes we need some too.


    I am sarcastic and evil

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 07:31

1. Are you just bored or tired and want to reply on this message just for fun, perhaps?*


2. How old are you (in year scale)?*

16 years

3. Do you get on people and are you a friendly and a social person? How fluently can you speak English?*

I'm friendly and sociable. I can speak zee english.

4. Are you a lazy person? Can't you just keep on objectives you have in real-life? How probably do you give up with work?*

No. But i can do good shit with an idea.

5. Has someone blamed on you in a mod team or in C&C community (meaning not only C&C mod teams)? Why? Do you have bad reputation?*

no iirc.

6. Do you really want to work actively with C&C Generals: Situation Zero and with its team members?*

Yes, then why would i reply here.

7. Which you're good on? What are you able to do? You can tell all jobs you can do and classify them by your skills
(For example: "I'm really good on making textures -- I suck on making models")*

Modelling ok. Drawing is my strength, i just need some ideas.

8. How long have you done this/these job(s) (linked with question 7.)?*

Modeeling is just, drawing since i was a wee little laddie.

9. Are you able to to multiple jobs (almost) simultaneously?*

I can type this and watch tv at the same time. On a serious note, yes.

(alternative question)
10.1. Do you have a real-life job which could be useful for the team? (Professional modeler, sound or graphic designer etc.) You must have evidence (pictures etc.) How long have you done the job?*


10.2. Have you experienced somehow in another way (meaning you don't have a real-life job) to make something useful such as sounds, models, textures etc.? How experienced? You must have evidence (pictures etc.)*

No, but i have my sights on a modelling class using 3dsmax, too bad during my o-levels.

11. Have you been a member on other mod projects (not only C&C)? List all of those mods with evidence. Also tell which objectives/jobs you've had on those mods and how significantly you've been on making mod.*

I'm a beta tester for cnc world at war, hosted at mystique studios.
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RIP CommanderJB

#5 Kichō


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Posted 12 September 2008 - 15:41

Are you just bored or tired and want to reply on this message just for fun, perhaps?*



2. How old are you (in year scale)?*



3. Do you get on people and are you a friendly and a social person? How fluently can you speak English?*

I'm friendly (When I ain't tempered |8) I studied English for around nearly 5 years and I still am, So yeah I think I do.


4. Are you a lazy person? Can't you just keep on objectives you have in real-life? How probably do you give up with work?*

I'm lazy BUT if something must be done It will be done.

5. Has someone blamed on you in a mod team or in C&C community (meaning not only C&C mod teams)? Why? Do you have bad reputation?*

Nope none.

6. Do you really want to work actively with C&C Generals: Situation Zero and with its team members?*

Yes this mod has alot of potential. 8|


7. Which you're good on? What are you able to do? You can tell all jobs you can do and classify them by your skills
(For example: "I'm really good on making textures -- I suck on making models")*

I ain't a coder or anything, But I could help with the developing like spotting bugs etc. :)


8. How long have you done this/these job(s) (linked with question 7.)?*

About like 5monthish.


9. Are you able to to multiple jobs (almost) simultaneously?*

Depends really but most of the time yes.


(alternative question)
10.1. Do you have a real-life job which could be useful for the team? (Professional modeler, sound or graphic designer etc.) You must have evidence (pictures etc.) How long have you done the job?*


10.2. Have you experienced somehow in another way (meaning you don't have a real-life job) to make something useful such as sounds, models, textures etc.? How experienced? You must have evidence (pictures etc.)*

Only been helping through internal testing, otherthan that no.


11. Have you been a member on other mod projects (not only C&C)? List all of those mods with evidence. Also tell which objectives/jobs you've had on those mods and how significantly you've been on making mod.*[/size]

Generation X, CNC Untitled, and Zero Hour Unleashed, I can't prove real evidence without getting kicked from the mod teams itself but my 'Beta Tester' badge should explain. :) The objectives I had was general testing,bug hunting and balance issues and they've all been progressing smoothly.
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#6 Soul

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 17:53

1. Are you just bored or tired and want to reply on this message just for fun, perhaps?*

Maybe :) .

2. How old are you (in year scale)?*

I'm 20.

3. Do you get on people and are you a friendly and a social person? How fluently can you speak English?*

I can cheer someone up by making them laugh :) . It's the only language I know.

4. Are you a lazy person? Can't you just keep on objectives you have in real-life? How probably do you give up with work?*

Yes I am. Meh, not really. I have low self-esteem -_-.

5. Has someone blamed on you in a mod team or in C&C community (meaning not only C&C mod teams)? Why? Do you have bad reputation?*

Not that I'm aware of.

6. Do you really want to work actively with C&C Generals: Situation Zero and with its team members?*

I just want to help |8 .

7. Which you're good on? What are you able to do? You can tell all jobs you can do and classify them by your skills
(For example: "I'm really good on making textures -- I suck on making models")*

I can't really do anything, except voice overs and beta test :/ .

8. How long have you done this/these job(s) (linked with question 7.)?*

I've done some voice work here and there. I asked E.V.E. once if I could help beta test Code 13, but she never replied :(.

9. Are you able to to multiple jobs (almost) simultaneously?*

No, it'd just get burned out.

(alternative question)
10.1. Do you have a real-life job which could be useful for the team? (Professional modeler, sound or graphic designer etc.) You must have evidence (pictures etc.) How long have you done the job?*

No, I'm unemployed >_>

10.2. Have you experienced somehow in another way (meaning you don't have a real-life job) to make something useful such as sounds, models, textures etc.? How experienced? You must have evidence (pictures etc.)*

Nope, I got nothing.

11. Have you been a member on other mod projects (not only C&C)? List all of those mods with evidence. Also tell which objectives/jobs you've had on those mods and how significantly you've been on making mod.*

I was apart of a mod called Tactical Warfare, but I think it died cause I can't find anything of it and no one from the team has contacted me. I'm currently apart of a mod called Sigma Invasion, but I haven't been given any actual work yet 8| .

Edited by Soul, 12 September 2008 - 17:54.

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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#7 Jazzie Spurs


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Posted 12 September 2008 - 18:23

1. Are you just bored or tired and want to reply on this message just for fun, perhaps?*

I am bored of have not work to do.

2. How old are you (in year scale)?*

16 in 2 days

3. Do you get on people and are you a friendly and a social person? How fluently can you speak English?*
I am very nice when I want. :) I know English, not like a native, but still good. 8|

4. Are you a lazy person? Can't you just keep on objectives you have in real-life? How probably do you give up with work?*

I am lazy in RL, but when I am in front of the PC I am not so lazy.
5. Has someone blamed on you in a mod team or in C&C community (meaning not only C&C mod teams)? Why? Do you have bad reputation?*

I don't think so.

6. Do you really want to work actively with C&C Generals: Situation Zero and with its team members?*

I just want to help |8 .

7. Which you're good on? What are you able to do? You can tell all jobs you can do and classify them by your skills
(For example: "I'm really good on making textures -- I suck on making models")*

Textures. Cameos. :/

8. How long have you done this/these job(s) (linked with question 7.)?*

2 Years.

9. Are you able to to multiple jobs (almost) simultaneously?*

Yeah ^^

(alternative question)
10.1. Do you have a real-life job which could be useful for the team? (Professional modeler, sound or graphic designer etc.) You must have evidence (pictures etc.) How long have you done the job?*


10.2. Have you experienced somehow in another way (meaning you don't have a real-life job) to make something useful such as sounds, models, textures etc.? How experienced? You must have evidence (pictures etc.)*

I have audacity, + Youtube = some good Sound FX.

11. Have you been a member on other mod projects (not only C&C)? List all of those mods with evidence. Also tell which objectives/jobs you've had on those mods and how significantly you've been on making mod.*

Take a look arround Gen X News, there's something of my job. :)

Edited by Sergeant Major J. Kid, 12 September 2008 - 18:26.

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#8 Admiral FCS


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Posted 12 September 2008 - 18:33

1. Are you just bored or tired and want to reply on this message just for fun, perhaps?*
No. I am very interested in SZ.

2. How old are you (in year scale)?*

14 on Late October, 2008.
************************************************************ 3. Do you get on people and are you a friendly and a social person? How fluently can you speak English?*

I am ''somewhat'' friendly and social, and although I don't think my English is good, I believe everyone on this forum understands my English.
4. Are you a lazy person? Can't you just keep on objectives you have in real-life? How probably do you give up with work?*

I am not a lazy person. I can keep on objectives I have in RL while contributing to SZ. When I am really really stuck and can't find proper help I will give up.

5. Has someone blamed on you in a mod team or in C&C community (meaning not only C&C mod teams)? Why? Do you have bad reputation?*

I had been a forum n00b but I think I am better now, and I didn't got blamed in modding community since I only joined 1 C&C Mod Team. I think most time, say, 95% of times, I am able to control my emotions and should not have bad reputation.
6. Do you really want to work actively with C&C Generals: Situation Zero and with its team members?*

Of course.
7. Which you're good on? What are you able to do? You can tell all jobs you can do and classify them by your skills
(For example: "I'm really good on making textures -- I suck on making models")*

I have a lot of extra times to do skirmish beta testing, and maybe balance testing. I am now reading a modelling tutorial and might get better on model. I know nothing about coding/skinning/mapping/particleFX.
8. How long have you done this/these job(s) (linked with question 7.)?*

Since Zero:Hour Unleashed haven't got an internal beta or an development version I haven't did any beta-testing, but I did contribute ideas.
9. Are you able to to multiple jobs (almost) simultaneously?*

(alternative question)
10.1. Do you have a real-life job which could be useful for the team? (Professional modeler, sound or graphic designer etc.) You must have evidence (pictures etc.) How long have you done the job?*

I am now having a Grade 9 Secondary Drafting Lesson and might be useful.

10.2. Have you experienced somehow in another way (meaning you don't have a real-life job) to make something useful such as sounds, models, textures etc.? How experienced? You must have evidence (pictures etc.)*

No experience.

11. Have you been a member on other mod projects (not only C&C)? List all of those mods with evidence. Also tell which objectives/jobs you've had on those mods and how significantly you've been on making mod.*

I am a beta tester for Zero:Hour Unleashed which moved to Mystique Game Studios. I have contributed some useful suggestions which. was received.

#9 Pav:3d


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Posted 12 September 2008 - 19:07

1. Are you just bored or tired and want to reply on this message just for fun, perhaps?*
Nay, this is serious :O

2. How old are you (in year scale)?*

3. Do you get on people and are you a friendly and a social person? How fluently can you speak English?*
Yeah I think im pretty friendly, never had any major bust up with other people on here and english is my native tongue

4. Are you a lazy person? Can't you just keep on objectives you have in real-life? How probably do you give up with work?*
If it needs to be done, it needs to be done

5. Has someone blamed on you in a mod team or in C&C community (meaning not only C&C mod teams)? Why? Do you have bad reputation?*
I really dont think so

6. Do you really want to work actively with C&C Generals: Situation Zero and with its team members?*
Ofcourse, this mod looks amazing from the start

7. Which you're good on? What are you able to do? You can tell all jobs you can do and classify them by your skills
(For example: "I'm really good on making textures -- I suck on making models")*
I can beta/balance test, which is what I do now at ShockWave, I would love to try out cameo making for units however

8. How long have you done this/these job(s) (linked with question 7.)?*
Balance testing since around the start of the year, Beta testing a few months later

9. Are you able to to multiple jobs (almost) simultaneously?*

(alternative question)
10.1. Do you have a real-life job which could be useful for the team? (Professional modeler, sound or graphic designer etc.) You must have evidence (pictures etc.) How long have you done the job?*
Sadly no

10.2. Have you experienced somehow in another way (meaning you don't have a real-life job) to make something useful such as sounds, models, textures etc.? How experienced? You must have evidence (pictures etc.)*
Well I could show some photoshoppings of mine if you like

11. Have you been a member on other mod projects (not only C&C)? List all of those mods with evidence. Also tell which objectives/jobs you've had on those mods and how significantly you've been on making mod.*
Nothing outside of ShockWave balance and beta testing, I have pointed out a fair few bugs n balance issues

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#10 Erik

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 19:25

I would like to be beta tester or mapper...
1. Are you just bored or tired and want to reply on this message just for fun, perhaps?*

2. How old are you (in year scale)?*


3. Do you get on people and are you a friendly and a social person? How fluently can you speak English?*

yes, i am ( would be stupid to answer anything else anyway xD)
Think my english skills are ok

4. Are you a lazy person? Can't you just keep on objectives you have in real-life? How probably do you give up with work?*

I am lazy but i never give up any work I once started...

5. Has someone blamed on you in a mod team or in C&C community (meaning not only C&C mod teams)? Why? Do you have bad reputation?*


6. Do you really want to work actively with C&C Generals: Situation Zero and with its team members?*

sure thats why i write this -

7. Which you're good on? What are you able to do? You can tell all jobs you can do and classify them by your skills
(For example: "I'm really good on making textures -- I suck on making models")*

Im very good at finding new strategies, exploits and balancing problems |8

8. How long have you done this/these job(s) (linked with question 7.)?*

hmm since i play shockwave (half a year or so)

9. Are you able to to multiple jobs (almost) simultaneously?*

nope no one is able to do that without getting inefficient...

(alternative question)
10.1. Do you have a real-life job which could be useful for the team? (Professional modeler, sound or graphic designer etc.) You must have evidence (pictures etc.) How long have you done the job?*

10.2. Have you experienced somehow in another way (meaning you don't have a real-life job) to make something useful such as sounds, models, textures etc.? How experienced? You must have evidence (pictures etc.)*

I code with basic and work with anim8or sometimes...

11. Have you been a member on other mod projects (not only C&C)? List all of those mods with evidence. Also tell which objectives/jobs you've had on those mods and how significantly you've been on making mod.

not yet

Are my qualifications ok?

Edited by Don (Erik), 12 September 2008 - 19:26.

#11 JJ

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Posted 13 September 2008 - 02:21

W00t response. Now just have to wait for Fincer to approve...

#12 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 13 September 2008 - 03:06

Since this year of school will be really easy...

1. Are you just bored or tired and want to reply on this message just for fun, perhaps?*

Potential mod is Potential, let it put me that way.


2. How old are you (in year scale)?*

next week, 16.


3. Do you get on people and are you a friendly and a social person? How fluently can you speak English?*

Friendly, yep, social too, you don't want to piss me off though |8. I speak English better than German, my native language |8


4. Are you a lazy person? Can't you just keep on objectives you have in real-life? How probably do you give up with work?*

Lazy? No, not at all. If I set myself an objective, I (almost always) keep them.


5. Has someone blamed on you in a mod team or in C&C community (meaning not only C&C mod teams)? Why? Do you have bad reputation?*

Earlier, yes. For just joining 1234567890 mods, which I don't do anymore.


6. Do you really want to work actively with C&C Generals: Situation Zero and with its team members?*



7. Which you're good on? What are you able to do? You can tell all jobs you can do and classify them by your skills
(For example: "I'm really good on making textures -- I suck on making models")*

I'm quite a good modeler, with several years of experience with 3ds Max. I'm able to make textures too, but they aren't too good :/


8. How long have you done this/these job(s) (linked with question 7.)?*

Modeling: I think...3 or 4 years.


9. Are you able to to multiple jobs (almost) simultaneously?*

Making 2 CnC3 mods nearly on my own...yes.


(alternative question)
10.1. Do you have a real-life job which could be useful for the team? (Professional modeler, sound or graphic designer etc.) You must have evidence (pictures etc.) How long have you done the job?*

Not really...currently I just work in a super market...

10.2. Have you experienced somehow in another way (meaning you don't have a real-life job) to make something useful such as sounds, models, textures etc.? How experienced? You must have evidence (pictures etc.)*

I helped a client of my Mother making a website...as long as PHP, HTML and CSS coding is usefull, yes.
I don't have anything to be proud of right now...ask me via PM about it, and I'll do something.


11. Have you been a member on other mod projects (not only C&C)? List all of those mods with evidence. Also tell which objectives/jobs you've had on those mods and how significantly you've been on making mod.*

Generation X, Modeler. Things are internal, so nothing on that one.
CnC Domination, Modeler: That's the only thing I made for that mod that got finished I think

And my two mods:
Tiberian Apocalypse, Everything beside sound designer: ModDB Profile
Advanced Warfare, Everything beside sound designer: ModDB Profile

#13 Jok3r

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Posted 13 September 2008 - 03:09

Looking good, guys. I'm glad to see some renewed activity here.
kinda, sorta alive.

#14 Wizard


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Posted 13 September 2008 - 16:07

About time. Now let's hope Fincer approves and you can get your team together JJ_. GL.

#15 Fincer

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 09:44

Hi everyone,

thanks for your applications. It's pleasure to see how you've interested in this mod project. I've made initial conclusions on the basis of JJ_'s recommendations, your backgrounds in C&C modding community and the information you've given in your messages. So, the new team members are

Zhen Ji
Sergeant Major J. Kid

Congratulations! :)

I've send private message to you and there you see your current place in SZ team. If you have something to critisize or any important information about anything, please contact
predominantly JJ_.

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#16 JJ

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 10:03

Fincer, did you see the applications in the currently hidden SZ forums?

EDIT: Also accept more testers? 2 isn't enough.

Edited by JJ_, 14 September 2008 - 10:34.

#17 Erik

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 10:09


#18 JJ

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 10:24

Ask Fincer. (I love to say this :))

I would have approved you if I was making the decision actually, but whatever.

#19 Jazzie Spurs


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Posted 14 September 2008 - 10:34

View PostDon (Erik), on 14 Sep 2008, 12:09, said:


Because, they, actually knows about balance :), they're good players (Zhen ._.) and have good suggestions.

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#20 Alias

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 10:51

Erik is a better player than I am, and I'm better than Zhen...

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#21 Fincer

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 11:28

View PostJJ_, on 14 Sep 2008, 13:03, said:

Fincer, did you see the applications in the currently hidden SZ forums?

EDIT: Also accept more testers? 2 isn't enough.

Yea, I've checked them, done needed actions and such but I haven't got any replies so far from the guys.

Don (Erik), you should understand that I can't accept all applications I get since there is so many eager guys wanting to be a part of this project. You like everyone can send private message to critisize the decisions. I'm not closing you out if you can show you are really ready to get the job. :)

Alias, as I said, your issue is under process.
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#22 Kichō


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Posted 14 September 2008 - 11:30

View PostAlias, on 14 Sep 2008, 11:51, said:

Erik is a better player than I am, and I'm better than Zhen...

So? It doesn't matter if x person is better than player z, As long as someone doesn't spam to win/exploit your considered as a good player.

Anyway this topic isn't about about whether your good or not it's about Situation Zero...(Not meaning to do the mods job btw)
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#23 Pav:3d


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Posted 14 September 2008 - 13:16

Glad to be part of the team :) Cant wait to get started on this

View PostJJ_, on 14 Sep 2008, 11:24, said:

Ask Fincer. (I love to say this :))

Lul, funny how fincer says "Ask JJ" :P

Edited by P4v3d, 14 September 2008 - 13:25.

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#24 JJ

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 14:23

View PostFincer, on 14 Sep 2008, 19:28, said:

View PostJJ_, on 14 Sep 2008, 13:03, said:

Fincer, did you see the applications in the currently hidden SZ forums?

EDIT: Also accept more testers? 2 isn't enough.

Yea, I've checked them, done needed actions and such but I haven't got any replies so far from the guys.

Don (Erik), you should understand that I can't accept all applications I get since there is so many eager guys wanting to be a part of this project. You like everyone can send private message to critisize the decisions. I'm not closing you out if you can show you are really ready to get the job. :)

Alias, as I said, your issue is under process.

APod already PMed me. He still is interested.

#25 Erik

    Feels green.

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 15:47


Because, they, actually knows about balance

Oh no, i'm soo stupid
I forgot to mention that i already did some balancing work Oo
Me and a friend named Squere did an inofficial rebalancing patch for the first version of CWC (We discussed and tested together, he did the actual typing), i dont know if it does still work with the new version of CWC. we gave that patch to the makers of CWC and some of our changes went in the new version...
You might try it, compared to the first version of CWC its really playable, we did alot of testing games and it worked fine.
btw. did i mention i'm stupid?

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