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EVE Online, Empyrean Age

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#1 Warbz

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Posted 19 September 2008 - 19:31

Does anyone on the forums play this? I started a week ago and now have 2 Stabbers, 1 Scythe, 1 Hoarder and 1 Rupture all fully fitted for different jobs such as hauling/mining/mission running.

Let me know if you want to run some things as a team or if you're interested in starting a free 14 day trial account and I'll walk you through the basics.

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Edited by Warbz, 19 September 2008 - 19:43.

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#2 JJ

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Posted 20 September 2008 - 16:01

I know Master_Chief plays it, but he probably won't check here.

#3 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 28 September 2008 - 13:02

Yeah, I play it. And I'm in a corp already...

Btw, what weapons did you use there? I didn't see a single shot or missile?

#4 Warbz

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Posted 28 September 2008 - 13:03

I dunno, it's just a random vid of Xfire. lol

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#5 Lord PieMonster


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Posted 28 September 2008 - 16:53

weird, i just saw this today but yesterday i decided to give EVE a try...

ive got a basics down fairly well, but i have one question:

so i got a new ship the other day, and it had one more railgun spot, so i bought a railgun. i went into combat and almost died b/c it said neither of my weapons had ammo. so i went back to buy some ammo, got small hybrid ammo. no heres the question: how do i load it into my guns? or is it automatic?

did i even get the right ammo (i have a 75mm railgun, bought some small hybrid ammo)?

edit: ok, so it doesnt load automatically....
man, this mission is going to suck. i can barely damage ONE of the guys i have to kill, let alone take on and defeat 4 of them....

Edited by Lord PieMonster, 28 September 2008 - 17:08.

#6 Warbz

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Posted 28 September 2008 - 18:11

If you go into fitting and right click on you gun and select 'Show Info', here it will tell you what ammo to use. Also while looking at your fitting, look at where the gun is, you should notice a smaller circle lying on the circumference of the circle within which the turret is, you need to drag and drop the ammo here. Alternatively while undocked and carrying the ammo in your cargohold, look down the bottom right to where there is a small icon of your gun, right click it and then choose the ammo type you wish to load it with.

Add me in game, I use 'WarbzUK' and 'J Warburton'

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#7 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 29 September 2008 - 10:11

Also: The Caliber doesn't matter: Small turret = small ammo, medium turret = medium ammo, large turret = large ammo, extra large turret = x-large ammo, that only applies for gun weapons: Lasers use frequency crystals, which you only need one of, they apparently are like infinite ammo. With missiles you just have to look at the attributes: Standart launcher = small missiles, heavy launcher = heavy missile, cruiser missile launcher = cruiser missiles, etc.

If you are Gallente, stop using railguns, use blasters instead, and use armor modules. if you are caldari, shield, minmatar everything that increases speed and amarr armor.

Almost forgot: frigate and destroyer: small weapons, cruiser and battlecruiser medium weapons (heavy missile in case of caldari), battleship large weapons (torpedos and the like with caldari) and x-large weapons for titans and dreadnough. There is an exeption though: stealth bombers, which are tech 2 frigates, use cruiser missiles and bombs.

Edited by Master_Chief, 29 September 2008 - 10:15.

#8 Warbz

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Posted 29 September 2008 - 12:28

And learn Survey level 3 (Might be 4) and Salvaging level 1. The buy a cruiser and fit it with cargo expanders a 10mn Microwarpdrive and salavager turrets and then salvage the wrecks after each mission. You earn shitloads that way.

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#9 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 29 September 2008 - 13:16

Exactely. To be honest, you can make 5 million ISK out of a 200k ISK level 3 mission :D

EDIT: DON'T use a Cruiser: Use a Destroyer. with a 10 MN afterburner and 8 salvagers :P

Edited by Master_Chief, 29 September 2008 - 13:20.

#10 Warbz

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Posted 29 September 2008 - 13:28

That's a good point, Destroyers have more high slots and cost less, but have a smaller powergrid.
When you get to science level 4, stick some tractor beams on it too.

Edited by Warbz, 29 September 2008 - 13:28.

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#11 Alias

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Posted 29 September 2008 - 13:29

I'm sure you can discuss this over MSN, it bears no relevance here (this is matchmaking, not discussion!).

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#12 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 29 September 2008 - 14:49

no, we can't since PieMonster apparently doesn't have MSN.

#13 Lord PieMonster


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Posted 02 October 2008 - 05:52

hey, I found the thread again!
couldn't find it, but i just had a random moment of inspiration and found it.
got the ammo stuff working, and I'm completely addicted to EVE. I just got my Cormorant Destroyer today, and I'm having just *little* too much fun (although I'm bummed that the power grid cant support all 7 railguns and 1 missile turret that it can hold total)

View PostMaster_Chief, on 29 Sep 2008, 7:49, said:

no, we can't since PieMonster apparently doesn't have MSN.

no, I dont. i dont really like the msn messenger. but ill use AIM/Xfire

also, to anyone who plays frequently: i have this one mission that im trying to beat (something about going into a warzone to rescue some stranded ship full of people), but even with my cormorant and my shield enhancer. i cant get anywhere close to the ship (not even to the same area. I have to go thru 3 different accelerator gates, and i cant even make it to the second :dope:) before my ship starts getting into critical damage (75+% armor damage) and i have to bug out.
and so therein lies the question: does anyone who play (who owns a big-ass battleship or something) want to help out, or at least give some advice?

Lord PieMonster

#14 Warbz

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Posted 02 October 2008 - 07:10

I have a Drake with a shield tank and 7 heavy missile launchers.
Add me on Xfire. 'Warbz18'.
I will help you after downtime.

EDIT: Drake is a beefy Battlecruiser by the way. :dope:

Edited by Warbz, 02 October 2008 - 07:12.

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#15 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 02 October 2008 - 08:29

View PostLord PieMonster, on 2 Oct 2008, 7:52, said:

I just got my Cormorant Destroyer today, and I'm having just *little* too much fun (although I'm bummed that the power grid cant support all 7 railguns and 1 missile turret that it can hold total)

You don't use a missile launcher on a cormorant, you use 8 75mm gattling rails.

#16 Warbz

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Posted 02 October 2008 - 08:37


Check out the link to fit your Cormorant.

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#17 Lord PieMonster


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Posted 02 October 2008 - 14:16

View PostMaster_Chief, on 2 Oct 2008, 1:29, said:

View PostLord PieMonster, on 2 Oct 2008, 7:52, said:

I just got my Cormorant Destroyer today, and I'm having just *little* too much fun (although I'm bummed that the power grid cant support all 7 railguns and 1 missile turret that it can hold total)

You don't use a missile launcher on a cormorant, you use 8 75mm gattling rails.

I'll give it a shot (ill salvage 2 more railguns off my old frigate), but why use 8 75mm railguns when you can use 7 150mm railguns?

edit: oops, completely forgot. for anyone who wants it:
Xfire name: Tangerine734
AIM: Roaminggnome55
EVE online: Lord Moofies

Edited by Lord PieMonster, 02 October 2008 - 14:17.

#18 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 02 October 2008 - 18:18

Because 8 75mm with caldari navy iron charges reap through anything, and due to the a lot higher fire rate, they do more damage than 7 150mms.

#19 Lord PieMonster


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Posted 02 October 2008 - 20:54

oh really?
My bloated wallet and I will give this a try

#20 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 03 October 2008 - 07:48

Also, 150's are cap eaters, compared to 75's. In fact, the difference is so "big" that you can pare a cap module and add another shield module :P

Edited by Master_Chief, 03 October 2008 - 07:50.

#21 Lord PieMonster


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Posted 05 October 2008 - 03:41

View PostMaster_Chief, on 3 Oct 2008, 0:48, said:

Also, 150's are cap eaters, compared to 75's. In fact, the difference is so "big" that you can pare a cap module and add another shield module :D

whats a cap? sorry, i don't know any of the slang/abbreviations/lingo yet

#22 Pandut

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Posted 05 October 2008 - 04:08

My brother plays EVE, I think he's some sort of ''ratter'' or something. All I know is that he hunts down pirates.
Formerly Sobek

#23 Warbz

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Posted 05 October 2008 - 08:37

a Cap is your capacitor, it's like a rechargeable battery. Modules will only work if there is enough capacitor left to charge them up, cap rechargers can be quite useful to use in combination with more power hungry weapons.

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#24 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 05 October 2008 - 14:45

View PostPandut, on 5 Oct 2008, 6:08, said:

My brother plays EVE, I think he's some sort of ''ratter'' or something. All I know is that he hunts down pirates.

Yeah, a ratter is a pirate killer.

#25 Lord PieMonster


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Posted 05 October 2008 - 23:59

View PostEpicWarbz, on 5 Oct 2008, 1:37, said:

a Cap is your capacitor, it's like a rechargeable battery. Modules will only work if there is enough capacitor left to charge them up, cap rechargers can be quite useful to use in combination with more power hungry weapons.

oh ok. yeah i know what the capacitor is, i just didnt make the cap = capacitor connection there

but honestly, even with my 150's, i didnt really have any cap problems (unless my small shield recharger was on, and i have since stopped using that)
my real trouble is with power grid. that is the only thing that im out of space on.

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