While I'm really thankful to you for trying to keep this thread going, I would just like to point out this:
CommanderJB, on 27 Sep 2008, 19:10, said:
I'd request that people don't post their own stuff in here; and while the whole point of this is to promote discussion, if I see particularly heated debate on any single thing in particular I'll split it off into a separate thread, as it's easy for the thread to go way off course with something like this.
If you see something interesting, post it in your own thread! Two threads get more attention than one after all. 'Share the love', as they say!
Now, I'd firstly like to apologise for the gaping hole between my last updates. Exams are coming on and a combination of these, other RL concerns and hefty amounts of procrastination and, oh, all right, flat out laziness have prevented me from summoning up the time and will to add anything. Today, however, this gets rectified, so enough apologising and on with the update!
Today's entry is on the Oerlikon Skyranger and Skyshield Air Defence Systems.

Flak cannons have been around for a long time now. They're a bit different these days though. Still, most would question their relevance in an age of super-manoeuvrable super- or hypersonic infra-red or radar homing anti-air missiles; and Oerlikon Contravenes would disagree. This is an area they're very good at, having made the signature 20mm weapons of most shipboard AA batteries in WWII, and they have applied this to modern technology to create Skyshield and Skyranger.
Skyranger is the mobile multi-platform version; Skyshield is the emplaced cannon version. I'll cover each of these in turn.
First up, Skyranger comprises a family of turret-mounted weapons, targeting and control systems that can be installed on a vehicle of your choice; it's shown above on a Piranha III LAV chassis. The complete system uses gun vehicles, tracking radar vehicles and a control vehicle. The gun vehicles are operated remotely from the central hub, and the whole system is fully automatic after target selection.
The gun itself is Oerlikon's new trademark 35mm revolver cannon. Occupying a unique calibre in between lighter 20 and 30mm fully-automatic weapons and heavy 40mm semi-automatic weapons, the 35mm has been specially developed to provide the correct ammunition weight, rate of fire and ballistic performance desired for the anti-air rounds it carries. It's designed around just one type of round, but what a round that is; the 35mm AHEAD cartridge is perhaps the most lethal anti-aircraft projectile there is. AHEAD works on the principle of flak; producing a large volume of smaller shrapnel which it showers at a target, overwhelming it with high-velocity shrapnel and increasing hit probability. These are no metal shards however; they're precisely machined pellets designed to spread in a controlled spiral pattern to maximise the chances of getting as much of the spread on target as possible. Here's a cutaway of the round, which should give you a very good idea of just how much firepower is contained within the shell;

The cannon itself uses a clip system to fire groups of projectiles very rapidly from a revolver-type loader, hence the name. In this way it differs significantly from an autocannon in that it must reload after an automatic burst, but the idea is that it doesn't have to. At 400 rounds a minute the system dispenses a set number of cartridges into the area in an instant, which then detonate in a veritable hailstorm of AHEAD pellets. The rest of the system uses the short-range tracking radar to identify, tag, and automatically lay the guns on target in a space of time said to be approximately 4.5 seconds. Which is pretty darned fast. The large size of the 35mm round also makes it accurate out to a significantly longer range than most other gun-based AA systems; the projectiles can hit targets up to 4km away vertically, and probably more in the horizontal directions. The control system's targeting computers automatically compensate for round ballistic performance when tracking a target.
The other part of Skyranger is a flexible short-range missile platform for Stingers, Iglas, Mistrals or other MANPADS adaptations, as well as more modern short-range air defence missiles in the Sidewinder category, operating on the Kashtan principle that guns + missiles simply have to be better than guns alone.
The system has not yet been adopted by any armed force, though it has been marketed for about three years ago by the German giant Rheinmetall AD in conjuction with Oerlikon (I think the former owns the latter, feel free to prove me wrong.)
Skyshield is pretty much the same but not mobile, and hasn't yet been offered with the missile system. Still, it looks pretty cool. Also, there is another slightly older system called Skyguard just to make things confusing; this is emplaced like Skyshield but uses the twin 35mm weapon firing standard projectiles and is much less automated. Here's an image of the former for reference:

But now I have to go. Till next time (which I will make no promises about),
Edited by CommanderJB, 03 November 2008 - 11:27.