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Dauth's manifesto

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#26 Dauth

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Posted 08 December 2008 - 01:04


But surely if this country is seen to be an upstanding member of the world society, leading the way, as it were, we should help those that need help, not allow them to die. If such were true, it would put Britiain's government in line with third world countries that don't care about their citizens unless they are of a certain status.
So you'd rather we strung them along on methadone etc? We prolong a pained existence because we care for our reputation. Hardly fair is it. How many people dying of a legal OD would it take for people to go "Hmm, maybe not?" if they don't they are apes or insane.
Ape: Not learning from other's mistakes
Insane: Repeating a process expecting a different result


There is one massive difference between the PA and drugs - they're addictive, and no forum, especially one that requires high levels of intellect before posting, can ever be addictive as something that gets into every inch of you body. Agreed, people would take it up to be a part of the new fad, but they'd stay because their bodies forced them too, not because they were willing to stay.
Remind me why I care if people get addicted? The point is that we reduce the crime, if they want to pay the Government money then we can tax the non addicts even less!

#27 EX-P.F.C. Wintergreen

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Posted 08 December 2008 - 02:02

Well, I American so a lot of this is different for me but quite a few of your ideas I like, especially regarding Justice System reform.

Unfortunately, I disagree with your ideas on privatizing education though. I believe that education should be a state responsibilty with multiple oversights to ensure effectiveness because take a look at the US. We have the highest education budget in the world by far but nowhere near the top scores. A lot of it has to do with the mentality of education in the US because mining and factory jobs used to be THE fallback but, obviously, not so much anymore. Policies like the "No Child Left Behind Act" reward high standardized test scores rather than real learning. Its a shame.

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#28 Dr. Strangelove

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Posted 08 December 2008 - 08:27

*Determines Dauth's political stance by analyzing him against myself*


Education System
1) Education system revisited, well there are 2 options depending on the amount of time overhauling.
a) Scrap a lot of the mickey mouse subjects, turn the polies back into polies not Universities and fund courses dependent on usefulness. Wipe out LEAs
b) Total overhaul and privatisation,
We spend £X on secondary education each year, X/# students = amount per student
Give each pupils' guardian a voucher that a school can redeem for one students worth of funding for one year.
Let anyone start a school
Scrap the national curriculum
Now if someone wants to teach intelligent design, they can, but they cannot expect the pupil to get a job in the Museum of Natural History
Good schools survive, bad ones fail
Of course special needs students get more like they do atm

Love plan b except for the voucher part.


Legal System
1) If you lose a court case you pay costs, (Divorces and suing cases etc) This has the added benefit of enabling the removal of a large number of claims against companies or hospitals and perhaps the Civil Service will no longer out populate Sheffield



2) Rights & Responsibilities, if you can't behave responsibly you don't have as many rights. Yes I mean criminals do not get protection of Human rights act (well not all of it) I will make prison hell.

3) We are secular, we thank the Church for their help developing the legal system and send them on their way. ArchBishops can continue to talk to the press, I will continue to ignore them.

4) Legalise all illegal drugs, except those proven to cause violence (Heroin + Cocaine + all derivatives), have dens where they are sold, so E-clubs etc, and hash pits. Tax it and now we stop funding the terrorists because we pay the state instead. Anyone found with a substance in an area where it is not allowed will be fined using tougher versions of current laws and tax evasion laws. This also frees up the jails since at least 60% of inmates are drug related. (Depending on the response I have a 336 page report to back me up)

Like this, just not the fact that some drugs are excluded and that the government will tax and regulate them.


5) Courts granted power of bailiff to recoup property of the value of a fine should a person not be able to pay up. This is apparently already the case, but I will take the shirt from a man's back to pay the debt.

6) Change benefits so it's not cash but tokens that can be spent on food/clothing etc. People are to reliant on the state, and that's wrong. Leave a portion of the money for luxury items be it a night out at the cinema or the price of a Sky Subscription.

I'd rather not have benefits period.


7) Same sex marriage will be fully legalised and recognised. Any Church that refuses this will be tried under equality laws and fined.

As much of a hard core atheist(and SubGenius) I may be, this violates Church-State separation.


8) Religion, there will be no legally binding religious ceremonies until the party involved is an adult, furthermore children are not '"Religion" children' they are 'Children of "Religion" parents'

9) Church's are not the charities, a Church which wants to set up a charity will have to create an entity called the 'Charity of the (Church)' the charity is taxed as a charity, the Church is taxed as a business.

Rather have no taxes period.


International Relations
1)a) Withdraw from EU, we can bargain the same deal as the Swiss, we are a net importer so the trade barriers stay down or the EU hurts itself. interest me unless there is oil or Russia involved.
b) Or we stop paying until everyone else has the same level of implementation of EU directives as we do. (Last check, UK = 85%+, French = 55%)
[I do recognise that the EU is a bogeyman used by politicians but its worth that to save several £bn a year]

2) US policy on aid, you help us we help you, not we help you, you do nothing.

Foreign policy doesn't really interest me unless there is oil or Russia involved.


Road System
1) Driving test resits, 1yr after passing, each 3yrs from that point until 55, then every 2 years until 70, from that point every year (New jobs created)
Road tax abolished, this pays for it

2) Congestion charge based on size of vehicle not fuel source. I don't care that your Lexus SUV is hybrid, it's twice the size of a petrol mini and causes much more congestion.

3) All motorists must carry, Drivers license, MOT, Insurance documents whenever they drive.
All cars have disks for TAX (already in place), MOT, and primary insured driver.
If you are stopped and fail to produce you are locked up until someone comes with identification, if after 48hrs no ID you are charged for driving without Insurance/License etc
The car is scrapped for this offence too.

4) Speed camera fines changed, I only want to catch dangerous speeders, accidental speeders are people who are more likely to be watching the speedo and thus cause accidents that way. Firstly change the camera to capture at set speeds (not certain yet which speeds). First offence we send a letter and explain, second offence within 3 years is 6 points on the licence and £1000 fine.
This reduces revenue but the second offence carries a stiffer punishment so if it's just a mistake then you're OK, if you are dangerous then you get hurt in the wallet.

5) Speed limits altered for weather, as is done in France, IIRC orange lights above any road with different speed limit, if it's on you use wet speed (cameras rigged to change). Speeds to be decided after some thought.

Don't like any of these.

Result: you seem to be a mild conservative(classic conservative, none of that neo or compassionate stuff).

Edited by Dr. Strangelove, 09 December 2008 - 00:50.

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#29 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 14 December 2008 - 02:17

 Dr. Strangelove, on 8 Dec 2008, 8:27, said:

Rather have no taxes period.

Can you suggest how such a system would work?
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#30 Dauth

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Posted 14 December 2008 - 10:58

No he can't since he can't post in here any more. I'd also advise you to raise more than a question.

#31 EX-P.F.C. Wintergreen

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Posted 15 December 2008 - 01:24

In his defence, I believe that was his point as a rhetorical question. Adding to it would actually weaken the effectivness of his "argument" if you will. Any system of government cannot exist without a tax system unless all government duties were voluntary but the amount of time required to operate a gov't system would make it so the officials could not sustain themselves requiring at least a payroll system for taxes.

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