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My sketch(es?)

Whitey's Photo Whitey 13 Oct 2008

I don't sketch too often, last night I decided to do one. It's my first in... like 3 years, so go easy on me. I know I botched the left eye, and there is a mark on the left leg that I couldn't get rid of. Also, the hands are a touch small. The head is just a bit large, as well, now that I look at it. Though I can pass that off as it being craned forward in the pose. Otherwise, I think it's reasonable.


Posted Image
Edited by Rorschach, 13 October 2008 - 19:46.

Camille's Photo Camille 13 Oct 2008

you gotta start somewhere...

Whitey's Photo Whitey 13 Oct 2008

This coming from like the FS God of drawing.

That said, here's a work in progress. Feet are really hard to draw. :-\ maybe just because I've never done them before, but still, I mean really.

Posted Image


EDIT: The scan turned out pretty suckish, it doesn't look quite as WIP in reality.
EDIT2: I'm not perverted, I'm just trying to get a feel for the human form. D=
Edited by Rorschach, 13 October 2008 - 21:25.

Warbz's Photo Warbz 13 Oct 2008

I'd say they're okay, nothing special though.
Need to work mostly on facial features.

EDIT: And maybe anatomical proportions.
Edited by EpicWarbz, 13 October 2008 - 22:58.

Whitey's Photo Whitey 13 Oct 2008

As I figured. Will do.


Also, I accept criticism to the fullest. But comments like these: "nothing special though."when it comes to art have a whole hell of a lot of bite to them. Even if the case may be that my art kind of sucks, bear in mind that I am fully aware of this, and such comments are unnecessary and rude.
Edited by Rorschach, 14 October 2008 - 00:43.

Warbz's Photo Warbz 14 Oct 2008

No offence intended, was just unbiased constructive critism.

Camille's Photo Camille 14 Oct 2008

well obviously, you could work on proportions. it is generally inadvisable to instantly start drawing human shapes and poses, especially nude poses. if i were you, i'd first start with a geometric approach, analysing proportions of the human body and perspective. although the result of that will not look anywhere close to something nice or pretty, it is the best way to actually improve your skills quickly. at the current phase you're in, don't bother drawing faces or realistic curves, as those are actually some of the most difficult aspects of drawing human stills. even i have trouble with them. all you gotta do now is focus on two very important things: proportions and perspective. don't try to make your drawing pretty, try to make it work. it may not sound reasonable but that's probably the best way you'll be able to create something nice in the future (assuming you'd like to be able to draw realistic, artistic and emotive bodies).

Mortecha's Photo Mortecha 14 Oct 2008

If this was on project perfect mod Banshee would say this is too sexy for what this forum can tolerate haha, Dutchy and Destiny would know what I'm talking about:P

But yeah not bad, practice always makes perfect:) Also to enhance the scans you should play with some filters in photoshop. I have come up with some decent pieces of art this way.
Edited by Dregan, 14 October 2008 - 12:15.

Whitey's Photo Whitey 14 Oct 2008

View Postka1000, on 14 Oct 2008, 5:20, said:

well obviously, you could work on proportions. it is generally inadvisable to instantly start drawing human shapes and poses, especially nude poses. if i were you, i'd first start with a geometric approach, analysing proportions of the human body and perspective. although the result of that will not look anywhere close to something nice or pretty, it is the best way to actually improve your skills quickly. at the current phase you're in, don't bother drawing faces or realistic curves, as those are actually some of the most difficult aspects of drawing human stills. even i have trouble with them. all you gotta do now is focus on two very important things: proportions and perspective. don't try to make your drawing pretty, try to make it work. it may not sound reasonable but that's probably the best way you'll be able to create something nice in the future (assuming you'd like to be able to draw realistic, artistic and emotive bodies).

Thank you heaps. I took to the idea that if I draw human figures, start with a difficult approach, I would eventually chip my way into higher-quality work.But I definitely see the merit in your suggestion.

But might I request any specific perspective exercises to work with?


Ghostrider's Photo Ghostrider 15 Oct 2008

Wow, nice work Boidy. I can't draw a stick figure let alone a person, but you've got nice shading and everything. I can has more? :D

Camille's Photo Camille 15 Oct 2008

a good perspective exercise?

stack boxes of uneven shape and size, draw them. choose "daring" angles such as frog perspective and try to draw the heap from as many different angles as possible. believe me, this is boring. but it's undoubtedly the best perspective exercise.

Whitey's Photo Whitey 16 Oct 2008

Thank you. I'll have a crack at it.

And by draw it in as many different angles as possible, do you mean redraw the heap from different perspectives? Or draw boxes in as many positions as possible?


Camille's Photo Camille 16 Oct 2008

you can do both things although i suggest you draw them from as many different angles as possible first. that way you can compare them in the end and have a better image of the whole. meaning you can see mistakes more quickly.