The list that I did make has been scratched off. I decide to search and extract them myself as long as mods are present and files are extractable. I may test them myself and that test mod will not be released to the public till the mod is done with.
The only difficult hope that EALA might do is to merge C&C3/KW into one so the MOD SDK will also merge into one. The bad news is that some C&C3 models are not in KW and most KW models are not in C&C3. Only Company of Heroes, C&C1/2 and RA1 had already done that.
I also have another question for you users: are there any public models released for Generals/Zero Hour? Can they be used in a C&C3 mod sdk?
Edit: Sorry for the flaming and asking for people's models. And oh, more Chinese users present here than all other C&C forums there.
Edited by PurpleScrin, 24 October 2008 - 20:37.