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Particle Information

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#1 Chrizz

    E-Studios™ 2012

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Posted 01 April 2005 - 11:06

Specifies the unique name for this system.

Priority =
This is what tells the game it's priority in the remove list, depending on the level of detail the game is running at. Can be set to CRITICAL, AREA_EFFECT, WEAPON_TRAIL, CONSTANT, SEMI_CONSTANT, DEATH_EXPLOSION, UNIT_DAMAGE_FX, DEBRIS_TRAIL, BUILDUP, DUST_TRAIL, SCORCHMARK, WEAPON_EXPLOSION. A setting of ALWAYS_RENDER will ignore LOD and always draw the system.

IsOneShot =
is exactly what its says one shot

Shader =
ALPHA uses the texture as it is, explosions and such. ADDITIVE is for more complex effects like the fusion bomb of mine and uses .dds channels. You can also use MULTIPLY for blending (less processor intensive than ALPHA). ALPHA_TEST is unpredictable and can cause issues, do not use.

Type =
Always use PARTICLE unless you are making a trailer to a missile or exhaust of some sort then you use STREAK instead. Other settings are DRAWABLE and VOLUME_PARTICLE.

ParticleName =
The texture used in the system, with the .tga file extension.

AngleZ =
The angle of the particle ingame direction to face. Note that AngleX and AngleY can be used in Generals but do not work in Zero Hour as they were removed to optimize the particle effects.

AngularRateZ =
Will rotate the partilcle ingame. Note that AngularRateX and AngularRateY can be used in Generals but do not work in Zero Hour as they were removed to optimize the particle effects.

AngularDamping =
Makes the rotation smooth (higher number).

VelocityDamping =
When thrown this does the same higher number.

SlaveSystem =
Name of secondary particle system to spawn.

SlavePosOffset = X: Y: Z:
Offset of secondary spawned system from center of existing system.

PerParticleAttachedSystem =
How many instances of the slave system are attached per particle of the original system.

Gravity =
If negative it will go up if less than 1 but greater than 0 it will kinda float like a feather, if higher than one it will sink.

Lifetime =
How long it lasts, in milliseconds. The lifetime will extend randomly between the two numbers specified, if both numbers are the same then this means an explicit lifetime (will not vary).

SystemLifetime =
How long to do size effects and color effects, in milliseconds.

Size =
The size of the particles.

StartSizeRate =
The rate as to get to the starting size.

SizeRate =
The rate of resize after.

SizeRateDamping =
Make resize more smooth, damping is done on a scale specified between the two numbers.

Alpha1 = up to Alpha8 =
1.00 means not transparent as 0.00 is total transparent the number after it is the time in milliseconds to make it that transparency.

Color1= up to Color8 = R: G: B:
The color of the particle, the number after is the time in miliseconds to be that color.

ColorScale =
Negative numbers are darker and positive numbers are brighter.

BurstDelay =
Delay between bursts, in milliseconds.

BurstCount =
Actual number of particles to be generated from this effect.

InitialDelay =
Initial delay to do the first burst, in milliseconds.

DriftVelocity = X: Y: Z:
After generated it will move in this direction.

VelocityType =
Can be set to, OUTWARD, SPHERICAL, ORTHO, CYLINDRICAL, HEMISPHERICAL, or NONE all like they are called will decide how the particles are oriented when thrown.

VelOutward =
Used with OUTWARD only.

VelOutwardOther =
Used with OUTWARD only.

VelCylindricalRadial =
Used with CYLINDRICAL only.

VelCylindricalNormal =
Used with CYLINDRICAL only.

VelSpherical =
Used with SPHERICAL only.

VelHemispherical =
Used with HEMISPHERICAL only.

VolumeType =
This sets up the shape of the 'space' that the particles will occupy when the system is spawned. Can be set to POINT, LINE, BOX, SPHERE or CYLINDER.

VolCylinderRadius =
Used with CYLINDER only.

VolCylinderLength =
Used with CYLINDER only.

VolSphereRadius =
Used with SPHERE only.

VolLineStart =
Used with LINE only.

VolLineEnd =
Used with LINE only.

VolBoxHalfSize =
Used with BOX only.

IsHollow =
See through in a way dont really see much of a difference with yes and no.

IsGroundAligned =
Yes = a shockwave as in 'on the ground'.

IsEmitAboveGroundOnly =
To save comp precessing try and set this to yes whenever possible dont need particles underground now do we, also I think that when set to yes the system will not work over water, as in a missile hits the water and explodes.

IsParticleUpTowardsEmitter =
No clue.

WindMotion =
Can be set to Unused, PingPong or Circular. PingPong is what the firestorm uses as will give you that effect. Circular can be used to make a tornado or dust devil like effect if used correctly.

WindAngleChangeMin =
WindAngleChangeMax =
WindPingPongStartAngleMin =
WindPingPongStartAngleMax =
WindPingPongEndAngleMin =
WindPingPongEndAngleMax =

Wind is used for things like the the firestorm and normally not used.
All the wind values will determine the speed and change of speed when PingPonging around.


OUTWARD will throw all particles outward in whatever intensity you specify:
VelOutward = 0.50 1.00
VelOutwardOther = 0.50 1.00
The first number is low and second is high the thrown particles will go within those two speeds, Others will cause them to be wildly thrown about.

SPHERICAL will cause a dome or sphere kind of explosion/placement of particles:
VelSpherical = 5.00 5.00
As with all others first number is low and second is high.

ORTHO is if you want to throw the particles in specific directions like with cannon fire/muzzle flashes:
VelOrthoX = 0.00 1.00
VelOrthoY = 0.00 1.00
VelOrthoZ = 0.00 1.00
As you see X, Y, and Z will be the direction at that intensity the particles are thrown (and remember first number low second high).

CYLINDRICAL is used on stuff such as the EMP Sparks and if you want to make a Cylinder style posistioning of particles when thrown:
VelCylindricalRadial = 0.55 1.00
VelCylindricalNormal = 0.50 4.00

RADIAL will make it more cylinder like if used alone and Normal will throw them in a cylinder style but not as clean use both as shown above to make a random spaking effect or thowing.

HEMISPHERICAL is used primarly to make smoke effects for damaged units and the like:
VelHemispherical = 1.00 2.00
Will just set the size or placement of the smoke, large number widely placed smoke puffs.

NONE will give you nothing and will be "dead" used by things like unit damage FX and in Generals is used on only one thing, TankStruckFlameSlave.

this is simply the heirarchy of removing systems to save game performance, the heirarchy is as follows from greatist to least:
1 - ALWAYS_RENDER (never be removed)
2 - CRITICAL (highest priority)
10 - BuiLDUP

ALWAYS_RENDER should only be used lightly as if too much gets in game at one time and the game cant remove it because it is set as ALWAYS_RENDER it will crash. For more information on how the particle priorities are determined, take a lok at the MinParticlePriority= and MinParticleSkipPriority= statements in GameLOD.INI.

By Lt.Zack Edited By the goofed guy who runs this forum

#2 Kris

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Posted 05 October 2005 - 07:19

dont want to revive but.....the goofed guy who runs this forum can u put this in the "tutorial" page u made? because this thread have some nice info in editing the particle effects :)

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