Fallout 3 review time
Posted 31 October 2008 - 15:01
I've bought the plain PC-DVD version, I want the game and don't want to spend £15 on little extras. The PC version in Game is retailing for £7:50 less than the PS3 which is a nice start.
Character creation is extremely adaptable, you can choose from any number of facial shapes with the sort of choices you would expect in the Sims. Thousands of beards and eye shapes, the choices are endless, I'm sure if you wanted to play as Gordon Freeman you'd be fine.
I've barely explored the wastes, but can testify to the beauty of the game, the characters you meet are well developed and each with a unique voice mean it is like moving into a new world. The VATS system is very useful for those tricky enemies, however anyone with FPS experience should be able to hold their own in most firefights. Despite all this prettyness, what really gets me is the storyline, and while I'm not deep into it yet, I have already seen the non linear nature rearing it's head to give unlimited options for playback.
Having bagged my first supermutant I am still stumped for words as the chemical mix of hormones in my blood slowly subside. In a matter of hours I have become engrossed and now play while being scared out of my wits about what I'm facing next. My ony real problem is the change in controls from Fallout 2, Tab for the Pipboy is fine, but I'd like a direct link to the map using m and my inventry using I. I do also miss some of the comedy descriptions of items, however I might just have failed to find them so far.
Tips: Use VATS in tough fights, its probably better than you are.
Search everything, ammo is a bitch to find and I've gone through about 5 guns and still am thin on the ground.
Listen to the radio, it will help build up a picture of the wastes, (Fallout 2 junkies listen to Enclave Radio for some fond memories)
Using T to rest until you have light is useful, it will make the scenary less scary.
Posted 31 October 2008 - 16:14

Would be playing it now if i didn't have to get ready.
Here is my Evil look

Edited by Dr Frankenstein, 31 October 2008 - 16:32.


Posted 31 October 2008 - 23:26
Posted 01 November 2008 - 02:08
The Phantom, on 1 Nov 2008, 0:26, said:
yep, chronic ammo shortage, i have that, even then my good nature, female, pink haired and melee oriente moral-chan is doing relative well having poor skills with guns, melee is kinda fun if you liked it in oblivion

also i hate ants
.....specially the one BREATHING FIRE!
anyway the spanish version is dubbed so i warning future spanish buyers: you will hear Bart Simpson a LOT, like....every child EVAR
the GOAT question nº10 and answers made me lol

Posted 01 November 2008 - 06:16
The Phantom, on 31 Oct 2008, 23:26, said:
Oooh, maybe Bethesda hasn't screwed up after all, ammo should not be plentiful.

Posted 01 November 2008 - 20:27
Edited by KiraSama, 01 November 2008 - 20:28.

Posted 04 November 2008 - 15:49
Dr. Strangelove, on 1 Nov 2008, 16:16, said:
The Phantom, on 31 Oct 2008, 23:26, said:
Oooh, maybe Bethesda hasn't screwed up after all, ammo should not be plentiful.
Bethesda hasn't screwed up at all. For a short while I was short, then I started to get a little ballsy and venture into the unknown, including areas that where radiated for a little bit. Also as with stalker. There are hard parts then there are parts after the hard parts that reward you. I get scared shitless sometimes with the areas I have been venturing in too but I have found stuff that was awesome. I find also venturing into parts or buildings that have nothing to do with quests have greater rewards and actually aid certain quests later on. I'm lvl 11 now and have worked my way through most parts of DC. FUCKING HARD:P Mutant masters and those massive mutant (ones in the capitol building) dudes are the toughest guys I have come across. I won't spoil anything though as this is still a brand new game and I'm just cutting the tip off the iceburg.
My review of it however. I have played and completed only the original fallout 2 and played fallout 1 and fallout tactics to some extent. Fallout 3 does a brilliant job in adding to the franchise, though I play it only in FPS mode now no matter how hard the enemy is. Everything about it. the characters, the desolate landscape, the vehicle architecture and the missions all add to the way fallout was meant to be but in a FPS. It brings the player to realise that the reality of war especially a nuclear war is totally wasteful and pointless. The sheer destruction and death that the player inflicts if they so choose also reflects this. Its almost depressing in a way.
But then again there are the actions you can choose that will alter the outcome of the entire game, like any games that is but after going through DC you realise an escapism that is to help these people who the player chooses to side with.
My pet hatefalls so far.
Not being able to wear power armor at the point where you first get it. I happened to stumble across a outcasts party with 2 power armored pples and a robot which I quickly slaughtered with a chinese officers sword.
When you reload at a really important moment like when a mutant is charging at you, the animation will do a pointless anim like with the smg. The animation loads the gun, pulls the mag out and taps it on the side of the gun then reloads, or the .44 where the player anim will spin the mag cylinder after loading.
NO DRIVABLE VEHICLES ( I am seriously considering taking some oblivion tutes and get this fixed) nothing like a good old fashioned converted vehicle to drive off road and run over robots, zombies and muties in the wasteland and if it wasn't for the metro access ways through central DC too:P).
Thats it for pet hatefalls so far, I will add:P
In regards to the trade mark comedy, It still has been retained though not directly. I looked at this terminal and it said this one girl owed 400000 hrs of non paid service to the company she was working for but not turning up to work:P There are lots of subtle things like one lays comments after you detonate megaton cities bomb and she says "I never knew building a city around a bomb was so dangerous"lol. There are many others like this scattered throughout the game.
Nway damn good game and a brilliant addition to the continuing development of the worrowind, oblivion fallout 3 engine "does this engine have a name?" and the continuing development of the fallout franchise..
Edited by Mortecha, 05 November 2008 - 07:31.
Posted 04 November 2008 - 16:10
Posted 05 November 2008 - 07:29
Brilliant introduction and damn those vertibirds look great.
Bethesda has done this franchise a service.
Posted 05 November 2008 - 13:37

Posted 05 November 2008 - 13:40
EDIT: Missed an 'r' from mirror. D:
Edited by EpicZeke, 05 November 2008 - 13:41.

Posted 05 November 2008 - 15:39
The Phantom, on 31 Oct 2008, 19:26, said:
I had that problem at the beginning of the game. Soon after I got to Megaton, that all sort of changed. I have over 300 shots for the Hunting rifle. I had over 500 rounds for the assault rifle but that got expended quickly. I'm down to about 140 rounds. Energy seems to be the most common source of weapon types, and unfortunately I'm too far along in levels to be change my focus of weapon types.
P.S. I hate fighting Mister Gutsy.
Posted 05 November 2008 - 16:25

Posted 05 November 2008 - 16:29

Posted 05 November 2008 - 16:56
Edited by Waris, 05 November 2008 - 16:57.
Posted 05 November 2008 - 17:29

Changed my helmet, kept the suit.


Posted 06 November 2008 - 05:32
Crazykenny, on 6 Nov 2008, 2:25, said:
Don't worry about it just yet. Though you will have to follow the storyline to be able to ware it.
So I finished FO3 and I can say it is one of the greatest games I have ever played. It was like a book you just couldn't put down, and It read like one as well. What a spectacular ending.
Ill gather some pics of my travels and put them up here:P
I would like to get a mod together to enable the player to be able to use some key vehicles and possibly fly a virtibird, damn those things are awesome!!
Edited by Mortecha, 06 November 2008 - 05:33.
Posted 06 November 2008 - 06:24
Mortecha, on 6 Nov 2008, 5:32, said:
There is a mod for Fallout 2 that allows you to use the RAH-88 Inca Vertibird...

Posted 06 November 2008 - 16:58
Posted 08 November 2008 - 00:47

Posted 08 November 2008 - 00:49
Posted 08 November 2008 - 01:09

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