The quality of the models is very high, as became expected of Alexei_Stukov.
However I found that the only thing that sets apart the Su-37 and Su-30 is their camouflage. This is, of course, expected since Su-37 and Su-30 are both derived from Su-27. Still, it is my opinion that it would be more interesting to have two distinct aircraft (especially if they fulfill two different roles in the game) rather than two similar ones.
But that is only my opinion, and I do not know whether the other fans feel the same way or not. Thus, I create this thread.
If you think that the aircraft are fine the way they are, let us know.
If you think one of the Sukhois should be replaced by a different aircraft, let us know (and suggest a possible replacement).
I personally think that the Su-30 should be replaced. That does not mean that it should be scraped, I just think it should not be an 'independent aircraft'. It could instead be an aircraft that escorts general-powers bombers. Or the player could start of with Su-30 aircraft and than "upgrade" them to Su-37's (similar to the way the player will be able to upgrade Mi-24 to Mi-35)
So what aircraft could replace the Su-30 as an 'independent aircraft'? That is more difficult to answer since I do not know what role the Su-30 is intended to fulfill in-game. Thus, I give the following 3 suggestions based primarily on the aircraft's unique appearance rather than on their role:
1) Sukhoi T-12 (ground attack aircraft)
In the 1990's, the USSR (and later Russia) planed to introduce into its arsenal a complete new line of aircraft including a new heavy and new light fighter, a new bomber (which, incidentally, served as inspiration for Alexei_Stukov's hypersonic bomber) and a new ground-attack aircraft. Sukhoi's entry for the ground-attack project (called Ш-90 (Sh-90 for those of you that do not know the Cyrillic alphabet)) was T-12. Amongst this aircraft's distinctive features are its forward-swept wings and 2 separate side-by-side cockpits (one for the pilot and one for the weapons operator). Eventually this and other projects were canceled in favor of the multirole PAK FA, but rumors say that there is renewed interest in this project.

A diagram and an artistic concept of the T-12 (click to enlarge)
2) PAK FA (multirole fighter)
I am sure that everyone reading this thread has heard of PAK FA, Russia's 5th generation fighter project. Many speculate about what will it look like: some concept artists portray it as a copy of the Raptor, others portray it as a Berkut without forward-swept wings, and still others portray it as unlike either aircraft. The two of the concept's I like the most (based purely on their 'uniqueness') are:

A twin-engine design supposedly put forward by MiG bureau (click to enlarge).

A single-engine design. I am not sure which company proposed this design, but the design bears resemblance to Vityaz-2000 (see concept picture here). Whether Vityaz-2000 is Mukhamedov's PAK FA entry, a separate project, or a rumor is unknown to me.
3) MFI (multifunctional interceptor)
Even though the 5th generation of aircraft have not yet come of age, research is already commencing on the 6th ! One such project is the Многофункциональный Перехватчик (MФП) (Multifunctional Interceptor (MFI) in Russian). If completed, the project will result in a new generation of interceptor with both air-to-air and air-to-ground capability. One of the new technologies this aircraft might feature is variable-geometry scissor wings. The purpose of such wings would be to improve both subsonic and supersonic flight. Currently, engines are being developed for this new aircraft.

An artistic concept of MFI with navy markings (click to enlarge). Here, the MFI is given designation of Cy-41 (Su-41 for those of you that do not know the Cyrillic alphabet)

Another artistic concept of MFI (click to enlarge).

MFI diagram (click to enlarge).
Edited by Someone, 04 January 2009 - 21:10.