If you want the skirmish AI to garrison civilian buildings around its base you have to name those buildings properly so that the AI would know which buildings it could garrison with infantry. Each player can have up to 3 buildings which it will try to garrison if they are present on the map, and these buildings should be named like this Player1 Garrison2 the number next to the player determines which AI player will use this building and it can go from 1 to 8, but if you have only 4 players on the map you should only use numbers 1 to 4 for each start location. For example buildings near the start location 3 should be named like this Player3 Garrison1, Player3 Garrison2, Player3 Garrison3, and as you can see the number next to the Garrison just determine which garrison building it is and it should go from 1 to 3 since in ZH AI there are scripts and teams for only 3 buildings per each player, also you could probably try to give the same name to more than one building but the AI would probably garrison only the nearest building to its base.

Little advice for the mappers
Started By Rade, Nov 26 2008 15:36
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