IMO the antitank missile should be asigned by general point star, so you asign the AT missile to the BtR-90 and the T-95 at the same time, but should not be asigned to the T-90, while the machine gun should not be asigned to the T-95, so then u have a tanks anti-tank (T-95) and a more multirole tank (T-90), also it could avoud any over powered unit.
Th Gaz Vodnik unit is redundant, i think is better to be replaced or upgraded to the BTR-90, i think that the general star for the BTR-90 is a bit sense less, since it is not a great or vital unit.
The Su-47 is a legend in the Generals modding

, but since this is a realistic mod, why not to change the su-47 for the russian "skat" as a relative slow and cheap bomber with more limited stealthy capacities, stealthy bombers is a american side feature, the skat could have a "stealthy mode" which can last 5-6 seconds, or make that cant attck while in stealthy mode, dunno, just a idea, anyway the skat should have a decent line of sight, so perfect to use in combination with the smerch, and should be more a support unit (intelligence, ECM support) than a combt aircraft
The topol M as superweapon is very creative (cool feature actually), but i think that topolM's units should also cost some energy (actually, a lot) for balance reasons, also the damage is crazy overpowered
Now that im gathering resourse with the Mi-26, the resources gathered should be a bit less, mayve 1600 or 1200.
individual upgrades, probably $1200, more firepower, but slightly longer reloading times.
I think other canon will give the same fire power, but with the double fire rate speed
Edited by zerocold, 29 November 2008 - 16:51.