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Fallout 3 tips and tricks thread (SPOILERS)

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#26 Dr. Strangelove

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Posted 07 January 2009 - 04:33

You can hack as much as you want by quitting out of a terminal before you run out of chances. If both a terminal and a lock lead to the same item you can hack then terminal, not open the door, and then lockpick the door for double exp.

For some npcs, like Charon, weapons and armor never degrade, so it is a good idea with items with whose spare parts are rare or degrade rapidly. T-51b and The Terrible Shotgun are a good combo.
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#27 AllStarZ

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Posted 07 January 2009 - 06:31

This is a more technical tip: If you have a lower-end computer like me, and occasionally you find yourself crashing, try this: While running, Access Task Manager and go to Processes. Under the fallout.exe right click, and set the priority to Above Normal. Worked like a charm for me. Normally whenever I got stoppages, the game would crash. This often happened whenever I fast-travelled directly out of Megaton. Now crashes are comparatively rare. If I ever get a stoppage, it usually lasts for a few seconds and then returns to normal. I've also noticed that the game runs a bit smoother. Requires at least over 512 MB of RAM though, and you should at the very least have a 256 MB Video Card.

Melee is quite possible, and effective, against Fire Ants. Fire Ants appear to have some sort of minimum range at which they can breathe fire, and getting inside this minimum range (very close to the ant's head) causes them to back up. You might get caught in a burst of flame or two, but you won't be receiving the full blast. Alternately, you can also rush up to them and outflank them. Fire Ants have a slow turning speed, and so you can keep circling around one hitting it until it's dead. I managed to do this fairly easily with the Ripper.

Edited by AllStarZ, 07 January 2009 - 16:58.

#28 amazin

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Posted 07 January 2009 - 16:07

if you like melee, get the shishkebab fast (blood ties quest)

its tougher than any melee i have come across sofar, even the super sledge

plus it lights people on fire

#29 Chyros

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Posted 07 January 2009 - 17:41

Is any melee build worth it at all? That is, on the same level as a firearm build? I haven't bothered, so far, really.

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#30 Dutchygamer

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Posted 07 January 2009 - 17:51

Sledgehammer and Super Sledge are definitely worth it. On Hunter's advice I restarted and invested into melee: it's really worth it, and nothing is more funny to rush at an enemy, taking all the bullets, and smashing them to pulp :P
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#31 AllStarZ

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Posted 07 January 2009 - 21:59

On melee builds...

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#32 amazin

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Posted 08 January 2009 - 00:06

melee can be really tough, and its handy against melee enimies (Ghouls and animals, some humans too) I mean, i usually switch to my melee rather than shotgun, cause shotgun ammo is rather expensive (just as much as .44, but no where near as tough)

#33 MR.Kim

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Posted 27 January 2009 - 21:17

This is might be helpful without run Windows Live for Opreation Anchorage(After you download DCL pack).


#34 MR.Kim

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Posted 18 April 2009 - 05:26

Sorry for double post.

I found some interesting quest trick.


Note that The Power of the Atom** quest is still available from Burke even if Roy Phillips has killed Alistair Tenpenny and taken over Tenpenny Towers. After installing the Fusion Pulse Charge and traveling to Tenpenny Towers, you'll find Roy Phillips and Mr. Burke speaking on Tenpenny's balcony. Phillips is intimidated by Burke and his ability to infiltrate the Ghoul-controlled Tower, and allows Burke to detonate the bomb and destroy Megaton. This act impresses Phillips so much that he hires Burke as his new right-hand man.

And here is youtube video

#35 Sicarius


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Posted 27 April 2009 - 17:00

I highly recommend getting the Ol' Painless rifle early on, It does more damage, reloads faster, and fires faster than a standard hunting rifle. It also has Zero spread meaning all non-VATS shots go exactly where you aimed them, making sneak attack criticals much easier to pull off. With the right perks and high small guns stat, (and a high condition, easy to achieve as it is repaired by normal hunting rifles) this gun can knock out anything but deathclaws and sentry bots in 1 hit.

Also don't put your strength any higher than 7. Like any stat you can raise it by one with a bobble head, plus you can wear power armour for another point, and finally use consumables like beer and whiskey to raise it to ten.
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#36 amazin

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 22:14

i wouldnt rely on beer to raise it to 10

#37 Sicarius


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Posted 28 April 2009 - 18:22

View Postumm not dachamp, on 27 Apr 2009, 16:14, said:

i wouldnt rely on beer to raise it to 10

All alcoholic drinks temporarily raise Strength by 1.
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#38 amazin

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Posted 28 April 2009 - 22:17

i know, but it also pulls down your other stats, and intelligence is very good to have

plus it gets you addicted easily

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