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My thoughs

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#1 Deverill


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Posted 02 January 2009 - 19:53

My Feedback


How are the Strategy Centres supposed to work? I could only build 1 at a time but my mate could build as many as he liked. The Airforce one was a bit dodgy with the Carpet Bomber, as soon as it was build it used that General point (While i was still rank 1) but then I couldn't use the bomber.


Why does the Russian Supply cost 3500?! The Russian dozers description says "Builds all Chinese structures and repairs buildings".

The Barracks for Russia is just called "Barrack".

No men can be put into the Russian Trench Position.

It was hard to install.

The T-90 looks like the Warmaster from Shockwave

BTR-90 looks like the troop crawler

mig-31 cant attack or force fire

m1-26 is a great idea, similar to the Chinook but I like it. A bit dodgy when dropping off supplies. Also $2400??!


China Supply costs $4000?! and the Chinese warfactory and CC are in the wrong place (Just need switching around.


GLA Mosque seems pointless and it's description says "Unlocks advanced GLA units and tech" how ever it gives no units.

Overall it's a nice idea but nothing in the original armies seems new. Yes USA has detention camp but that is from regular Generals, GLA has the mosque but is pointless and desperately needs a new model, China has?

Russia isn't bad but needs some serious work, voices and description. The pictures are good for the buildings (I actually prefer them to the over complicated pics in ROTR for Russia). However the inf pics gives off the idea you get more than 1 unit. Russia seems just like a combination of USA and China and then all the other generals are just slight combinations of their "Off Generals" - i.e AFG, Demo, Inf

Sorry if that seems harsh or if things will be changed in a Patch or have been in a patch I don't have but these are just my thought.

Looking forward to the next patch.

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#2 Alexei_Stukov

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 20:41

You are missing many things.
T-90 looks like the warmaster from shockwave are you shore? because I'm not 8|
BTR-90 looks like BTR-90 it can't be different. :cool:
Mig-31 attacks only air targets.
Mi-26 will be balanced.
The mosque will be changed with new building. And will have an ability.
Russian faction is not combined USA, China and GLA - it is just my choice of units and sub weapon systems.
Now I'm work on remaking old sub weapon systems with new way to use them, so the things will be different from now
If you look here you will se why I decided to release this early beta of the mod.
Please go and see all media updates, read all suggestions and bugs reports and you will find the answers you need.
Also it is not very polite only to criticize, you can make suggestions how to be fixed. In that case you mentioned the descriptions. Can you suggest something? If yes, make this in the suggestion forum 8|
I'm closing this topic

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