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Poll: Forum Skin (40 member(s) have cast votes)

Which skin do you use?

  1. Fallout Blue (default) (20 votes [50.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 50.00%

  2. Fallout Orange (14 votes [35.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 35.00%

  3. Soviet Sovyekshih (6 votes [15.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 15.00%

Would you like to see the Soviet Skin updated?

  1. Yes, about time (20 votes [50.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 50.00%

  2. No, I like it as it is (5 votes [12.50%])

    Percentage of vote: 12.50%

  3. Meh, I don't use it (15 votes [37.50%])

    Percentage of vote: 37.50%

Vote Guests cannot vote

#26 CommanderJB

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Posted 12 January 2009 - 00:30

Since the USSR isn't even a nation any more, how on Earth is it a problem? There's being no fun and then there's stopping fun from happening and this I think falls into the latter category. No offence but since no-one's ever likely to create a British or American skin the point is kinda moot, don't you think?

@Topic, I use Orange (I find it more visually interesting and better fitting the theme than Blue, though they're both lovely), but I'd certainly consider using a new, more refined and less-aggressive Soviet skin were it created.


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#27 Whitey

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Posted 12 January 2009 - 00:38

However, the USSR/Soviet Union/Soviet Russia all portray a communistic ideology, which is political, which is not allowed on the forum. For the sake of equality, it follows that it ought to have such political symbols removed or else open up the possibility of other political/national themes.

There are forum members who do not take communism as an April Fools joke. And in any case, if meant as a joke, it is a political joke and ought then to be removed, and if not a joke, it is politically motivated, and then ought to be removed anyway.


#28 CommanderJB

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Posted 12 January 2009 - 01:12

I'll be frank. I don't particularly care if someone wants to read political meanings into the skin because they're not even there. Unless someone would want to tell me that whoever made it was actively trying to spread socialism among the forum members?


"Working together, we can build a world in which the rule of law — not the rule of force — governs relations between states. A world in which leaders respect the rights of their people, and nations seek peace, not destruction or domination. And neither we nor anyone else should live in fear ever again." - Wesley Clark

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#29 Whitey

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Posted 12 January 2009 - 01:44

Subconsciously? The possibility DOES exist.


#30 Jok3r

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Posted 12 January 2009 - 02:21

I didn't vote because I use two- Fallout Orange on my laptop on occasion, but usually Fallout Blue so I can view it on my iPhone (it looks much better in blue).
kinda, sorta alive.

#31 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 12 January 2009 - 05:46

Fallout Orange and I don't really care what you do to the Soviet one. It was fun for a week then I got bored. Fallout Blue appears too indistinct for me.
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#32 Wizard


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Posted 12 January 2009 - 08:12

View PostSwimmer, on 12 Jan 2009, 2:21, said:

I didn't vote because I use two- Fallout Orange on my laptop on occasion, but usually Fallout Blue so I can view it on my iPhone (it looks much better in blue).

If you could choose the one you actually prefer and let me know whether you are interested in seeing the Soviet updated, whether you use it or not. The more votes, the less argument there can be when it's changed and people say "oh why did you do that?". The poll proves there is interest in the change and that I am not wasting my time.

Also, can we stop this hyperbole about bloody political images. I want to change the skin because it looks dated, overly contrasted and it doesn't look as good the other two. This isn't a topic about anything else. There won't be any images like we have now as they don't figure in the new aesthetic I am going for. Simple.

#33 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 12 January 2009 - 15:09

In a somewhat related matter, will you be porting the Fallout Orange for the main page or is that a task for Bob or will it just not happen?
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#34 Wizard


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Posted 12 January 2009 - 15:16

The actually porting will be Bob's job, but I don't think it would be out of the realms of probablity that we could try and bring everything inline at roughly the same time.

*ponders some changes to the orange skin*

In a topic related note. I am gonna run this poll for only another 24hrs. I really don't want to leave this open ended for ever and I need to get working etc.

#35 Stinger


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Posted 12 January 2009 - 18:28

View PostWaris, on 11 Jan 2009, 19:49, said:

View PostThe Dr, on 12 Jan 2009, 6:04, said:

I use the Blue and i don't use the Soviet Skin for the same reason as Chyros.

Come on, Waris, how hard is it to type a message of your own? This business of quoting and not saying anything adds nothing to the subject at hand. It's like you are +1ing, and this is not the first time you've done it, either.

Now, back to the topic: I use the Fallout Blue exclusively. I've only used the Soviet skin once before, but that was to see how it looked. I don't particularly care for it either way.

#36 Dutchygamer

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Posted 12 January 2009 - 18:35

Used Blue from the beginning. Even though it's pretty dark when the sun shines on the screen, in the night it ain't that killing for your eyes (either that, or I must turn down my brightness :P).
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#37 Kaido

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Posted 12 January 2009 - 21:39

I use Fallout Orange and i Havent used the soviet skin at all o.0

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#38 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 12 January 2009 - 22:11

View PostWizard, on 12 Jan 2009, 10:16, said:

The actually porting will be Bob's job, but I don't think it would be out of the realms of probablity that we could try and bring everything inline at roughly the same time.

*ponders some changes to the orange skin*

In a topic related note. I am gonna run this poll for only another 24hrs. I really don't want to leave this open ended for ever and I need to get working etc.

Cool. Looking forward to it then.
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#39 Wizard


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Posted 13 January 2009 - 21:38

Ok judging from the responses I've had there is a preference for a reskin from those that do use it. So consider it on it's way. If you all behave I may let you sneak a peak at some point.

PS quite impressed at how many seem to be using the orange skin still.

#40 TehKiller

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Posted 14 January 2009 - 21:47

Makes me wonder if theres only 3 people who use it 15 users of the skin wants a reskin...

For now the skin is desecrated IMO...wtf is with this lame grey background+pink letters... if there is really something that needs to be changed then its the stars for New Posts/ No new posts (frankly its a bit small but AFAIC it can stay).
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#41 Dauth

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Posted 14 January 2009 - 21:52

I've heard there are a couple of bugs, something has changed (and I know it wasn't me cocking up) we're looking into fixing it asap. If you don't like Soviet atm then try one of the others.

#42 RaiDK

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Posted 15 January 2009 - 02:00



View PostMasonicon, on 17 Oct 2009, 13:44, said:

According to Conspiracy theories in internet, sci-fi and fantasy are real!

#43 Ascendancy

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Posted 15 January 2009 - 03:35

I've been using the Soviet skin for well, probably a long time now (>1 year? I'm not sure). Then before that, I used the old E-Studios Blue skin (which is roughly equivalent to the Fallout Studios Blue skin now, and I looked at it for a moment and liked it).

So, if the Soviet skin doesn't make some return (I'm assuming that it will, in some less hammer and sickled form), then blue it is for me. Of course, since I can't have the Soviet one atm, I'm using the Orange one and I'm fairly impressed with it as well.

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Thanks to that awesome signature maker, Cattman2236.
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#44 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 15 January 2009 - 05:12

View PostAscendancy, on 14 Jan 2009, 22:35, said:

I've been using the Soviet skin for well, probably a long time now (>1 year? I'm not sure). Then before that, I used the old E-Studios Blue skin (which is roughly equivalent to the Fallout Studios Blue skin now, and I looked at it for a moment and liked it).

So, if the Soviet skin doesn't make some return (I'm assuming that it will, in some less hammer and sickled form), then blue it is for me. Of course, since I can't have the Soviet one atm, I'm using the Orange one and I'm fairly impressed with it as well.


I hope you helped Codecat then. If not read that announcement at the top.
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#45 WNxMastrefubu

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Posted 17 January 2009 - 05:25

well since soviet is gone. im blue. officially
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#46 Wizard


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Posted 17 January 2009 - 10:36

@ WNxmastrefubu - You could do us a huge favour and PM Code. You are a soviet skin user and may hopefully have the css in your browsers cache which would help out hugely.

#47 TehKiller

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Posted 17 January 2009 - 12:49

Bah my cache wouldnt do good enough as it is A)either erased by now b) I saw the glitches when i visited the forum so the code is pretty much screwed
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#48 WNxMastrefubu

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Posted 18 January 2009 - 04:28

i did what codecat said but i got a 404 errow
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