Funny quotes
Posted 28 February 2008 - 02:23
[Comr4de] AKA Luis says:
i know what they do but
[Comr4de] AKA Luis says:
using the program and such

Stinger says:
Stinger says:
You need an engineer.
Stinger says:
You need a guy with a yellow hard hat and briefcase, ideally, to capture the building for your own twisted purposes.
[Comr4de] AKA Luis says:
Posted 28 February 2008 - 22:43

=]Chris[= dice:
*remembers watching some anime*
=]Chris[= dice:
IonCannonDude dice:
by TODAYs weapons
=]Chris[= dice:
A fricking challenger tank killed a 20 story mech
IonCannonDude dice:
not some fancy-dandy-anime-shityme-crap scifi X
=]Chris[= dice:
=]Chris[= dice:
Mech >>> Tank
=]Chris[= dice:
But the show made me go WTFHELL
IonCannonDude dice:
=]Chris[= dice:
the best part is
=]Chris[= dice:
The Challenger shot the mech in the groin
IonCannonDude dice:
=]Chris[= dice:
and the mech went boom
IonCannonDude dice:
and the convo went quoted XD
=]Chris[= dice:
Posted 01 March 2008 - 15:39
[16:36] <Bob> D:
[16:36] <CodeCat>

[16:36] <Bob> "a with hat, euro, colon"
[16:36] <CodeCat> MAJOR FILE
[16:37] <Bob> http://guernsey.myminicity.com/
[16:37] <CodeCat> WEN STOP LINKSPAM?
[16:37] <PrinceKassad> wtf
[16:37] <PrinceKassad> I messed up mario 3
[16:37] <CodeCat> Nice going Kassad
[16:37] <CodeCat> You broke the meme chain
[16:38] <Bob> yeah D:
[16:38] <PrinceKassad> why?
[16:38] <PrinceKassad> me breaking things is a meme
[16:38] <CodeCat> lmao

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb
Posted 04 March 2008 - 00:05

that is only the gun
Warboss Nuka dice:
not bad
IonCannonDude dice:
It could fire M1A2 tanks
Warboss Nuka dice:
Warboss Nuka dice:
Warboss Nuka dice:
oh dear lord
Warboss Nuka dice:
........could I trouble you for a towel?
IonCannonDude dice:
"ABRAMS INCOMING!!!" "WHERE?!" *stuka sound* "THERE!"
IonCannonDude dice:
Warboss Nuka dice:
or the classic:
Warboss Nuka dice:
Warboss Nuka dice:
Warboss Nuka dice:
IonCannonDude dice:
Warboss Nuka dice:
*muffled voice*
Warboss Nuka dice:
"Oh.........sir, that's no duck"
Warboss Nuka dice:
IonCannonDude dice:
I almost pissed myself
Warboss Nuka dice:
IonCannonDude dice:
and that goes quoted^^
Warboss Nuka dice:
And so he found out that I am called IonCannonDude in MSN

wait a second
Warboss Nuka dice:
why did Master Chief post it?
IonCannonDude dice:
Because I am Master_Chief
Warboss Nuka dice:
Warboss Nuka dice:
Warboss Nuka dice:
here I'm thinking you're Ion Cannon
Warboss Nuka dice:
Warboss Nuka dice:
IonCannonDude dice:
Warboss Nuka dice:
Warboss Nuka dice:
Warboss Nuka dice:
Don't mind me
IonCannonDude dice:
Warboss Nuka dice:
I'll just be in the corner kicking my own @$$
IonCannonDude dice:
that gets quoted too
Warboss Nuka dice:
Warboss Nuka dice:
Edited by Master_Chief, 04 March 2008 - 00:08.
Posted 04 March 2008 - 02:55

Insomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:
I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.
Posted 04 March 2008 - 03:04

Posted 04 March 2008 - 21:43
<PrinceKassad> cctv's website is slow as hell
<Kid> XD
<PrinceKassad> lol
<PrinceKassad> it looks weird
<Kid> CC stands for?
<PrinceKassad> http://tv.cctv.com/04/04/index.shtml
<PrinceKassad> codecat
<Kid> XD
<Huntez> CodeCat Television!
<Huntez> For all your needs!
<Kid> XD
<Kid> lol that was a good one XD
Posted 05 March 2008 - 01:27
[02:20] <CodeCat> EVA in this channel! Whooooooo
[02:20] <CodeCat> </C&C fanboy mode>
[02:20] <Eva> I'm prooooobably not that EVA.
[02:21] <CodeCat> Aww
[02:21] <Eva> But for 10 seconds, I could have been.
[02:21] <CodeCat> Can you say 'Construction complete?'
[02:22] <Eva> Construction complete.
[02:22] <CodeCat> Eeeeeeeeeee~!

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb
Posted 05 March 2008 - 18:30
<nidmeister> is this chat balanced?
=-= CodeCat has changed the topic to “Welcome to the E-Studios IRC. If you have any tech questions about Shockwave .95, please ask in the forums. | This channel is proud to be balanced!”
<nidmeister> Excellent

<PrinceKassad> hi
<PrinceKassad> erm
<nidmeister> Hello
<PrinceKassad> This channel is proud to be balanced!' <- do you have a replay to prove that?

Posted 05 March 2008 - 22:08
[22:57] Ciarán Good (CodeCat) - Eka theudiskône razdô sprekô: S. I.M.B.C.
[22:57] Slye_Fox - Little modding Fox: F.U.N.E.X.?
[22:57] Ciarán Good (CodeCat) - Eka theudiskône razdô sprekô: 9.
[22:57] Slye_Fox - Little modding Fox: I.F.C.D.X.
[22:58] Ciarán Good (CodeCat) - Eka theudiskône razdô sprekô: I.F.N.10.E.X.
[22:58] Slye_Fox - Little modding Fox: O.

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb
Posted 05 March 2008 - 22:48
[18:43] <Bob> you dont deserve voice for that
[18:43] <Huntez> No one can hear me or flame me!
[18:43] <Huntez> *dance*
[18:43] <Logical2u> I can flame you
[18:43] <Logical2u> FLAME
[18:43] <Huntez> Cant touch this
[18:43] <Huntez> *does a dance*
[18:43] <Huntez> *does the wave and the ymca*
[18:45] * Huntez decides to make fun of all the FireFox users cause they cant hear me
[18:46] <Bob> ...
[18:46] <Logical2u> I can hear you just fine
[18:46] <Logical2u> the mode is not +m
[18:46] <PrinceKassad> wtf
[18:46] * TheSwimmer throws a rock at huntez
[18:46] <Bob> same
[18:46] <Huntez> Wait... what...
[18:46] <Bob> indee
[18:46] <Logical2u> this is getting quoted for the loss
[18:46] <Bob> d
[18:46] <Bob> MAJOR FILE
[18:46] <Huntez> @%&^
How Many Times Must Another Line Be Drawn
We Could Be Down And Gone
But We Hold On
Posted 05 March 2008 - 22:49
logical2u, on 5 Mar 2008, 17:48, said:
[18:43] <Bob> you dont deserve voice for that
[18:43] <Huntez> No one can hear me or flame me!
[18:43] <Huntez> *dance*
[18:43] <Logical2u> I can flame you
[18:43] <Logical2u> FLAME
[18:43] <Huntez> Cant touch this
[18:43] <Huntez> *does a dance*
[18:43] <Huntez> *does the wave and the ymca*
[18:45] * Huntez decides to make fun of all the FireFox users cause they cant hear me
[18:46] <Bob> ...
[18:46] <Logical2u> I can hear you just fine
[18:46] <Logical2u> the mode is not +m
[18:46] <PrinceKassad> wtf
[18:46] * TheSwimmer throws a rock at huntez
[18:46] <Bob> same
[18:46] <Huntez> Wait... what...
[18:46] <Bob> indee
[18:46] <Logical2u> this is getting quoted for the loss
[18:46] <Bob> d
[18:46] <Bob> MAJOR FILE
[18:46] <Huntez> @%&^
Haha I finally got myself quoted!

I cant believe I actually got you to quote me.
Edited by Huntez, 05 March 2008 - 22:52.
Posted 07 March 2008 - 01:27
it won't be long before I'm getting off with that sexy little thing ::
Warboss Nuka says:
Llama. [/Nidmeister] says:
Warboss Nuka says:
Nid shall now be known as Justin Timberlake
Llama. [/Nidmeister] says:
Warboss Nuka says:
he brought "sexy back"
Llama. [/Nidmeister] says:
I was gonna say the same thing
Llama. [/Nidmeister] says:
which reminds me
Warboss Nuka says:
Llama. [/Nidmeister] says:
Warboss Nuka says:
Warboss Nuka says:
oh god noez
Llama. [/Nidmeister] says:
but this time
Warboss Nuka says:
I'd like to have "fun"
Llama. [/Nidmeister] says:
I'm bringin' Sexy back ::
Warboss Nuka says:
Llama. [/Nidmeister] says:
Llama. [/Nidmeister] says:
Lizzie says:
*Drives Truck head first into tornado*

Posted 07 March 2008 - 14:55
How do you greet someone in spanish? XP
【☆】 кเ๔๔๏ 【☆】 dice (15:53):
Hola que tal?
=]Chris[= dice (15:53):
tell spanish first

【☆】 кเ๔๔๏ 【☆】 dice (15:53):
Hola, encantado

=]Chris[= dice (15:53):
in english

【☆】 кเ๔๔๏ 【☆】 dice (15:54):
Hellno nice to meet you
【☆】 кเ๔๔๏ 【☆】 dice (15:54):
Lol that typo is not balance
=]Chris[= dice (15:54):
=]Chris[= dice (15:54):
【☆】 кเ๔๔๏ 【☆】 dice (15:54):
Show replay!!
Posted 07 March 2008 - 19:03
1- During a game of Co-Op campaign in Ra2
SLG said:
Huntez said:
SLG said:
2- During a game of Ra2 with major navy
Huntez said:
SLG said:
Huntez said:
It turns out dolphins Pown seals, as they can't c4 dolphins, just machine gun then. and dolphins are very resistant to this
Posted 07 March 2008 - 19:30
Slg- hey
Slg- We had a good game without you
Kid- You have a replay to prove that?
Slg- yup
Kid- You fucked up the meme
Slg- no
Slg- It was fucked up already because it was OP
Kid- XD
Slg- Quoted
kid- lol...
Posted 07 March 2008 - 20:03
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