[20:33] <@IQCrazy> i want beer to be cheaper in Norway!
[20:33] <@Squire_James> is it seriosly expensive up there?
[20:33] <@IQCrazy> 6-7 euro for 0.4 litre draft? hell yeah
[20:33] <@^budozero^> tax on alchohol is expensive anywhere in scandi
[20:36] <@IQCrazy> who needs a smartshop when you can grow mushrooms and weed in your backyard?

[20:36] <@[StOnE|UT]> well bravey just pretend someone is taking your cp in itdm and frag em ;D
[20:36] <@Psil0> yes
[20:37] <@Squire_James> hehe
[20:37] <@Psil0> but that takes times
[20:37] <@Psil0> time
[20:37] <@Psil0> and i want the shrooms soon
[20:37] <@IQCrazy> yes .. and?
[20:37] <@Tirana> weed =better
[20:37] <@IQCrazy> geowing them yourselves is so much more rewarding
[20:37] <@Psil0> want them for the beginning of february
[20:37] <@IQCrazy> growing*
[20:37] <@Psil0> i beleive in that
[20:37] <@Squire_James> LOL
[20:37] <@Psil0> but now i just want to pleasure of eating them
[20:37] <@Psil0>

[20:38] <@IQCrazy> heheh
[20:38] <@IQCrazy> ffs, its 21:38 and i am bored :s
[20:38] <@k2`> come to helsingborg
[20:38] <@Tirana> oslo is a big city whit lot of pubs i belive
[20:38] <@Psil0> <Tirana> weed =better <---- its different

[20:38] <@IQCrazy> thats the problem, plenty of pubs, no cheap beer!
[20:39] <@IQCrazy> hmmmm, whats this payTV button on my remote

[20:40] <@Tirana> 2112:3812:4112] 12[@IQCrazy12] hmmmm, whats this payTV button on my remote

=> lol in a while you gonna wank if you wath
[20:41] <@Squire_James> why ya in norway IQ?
[20:41] <@Tirana> i did grow weed in my back yard
[20:41] <@IQCrazy> meeting with some guys at Ricoh Norway
[20:42] <@Tirana> but i had to mutch:P
[20:42] * @IQCrazy works at Ricoh Europe
[20:42] <@Psil0> my neighbour from 7th floor with who we share the internet
[20:42] <@Squire_James> ah, work :(
[20:42] <@Psil0> growed in is closet
[20:42] <@IQCrazy> lol
[20:42] <@Tirana> lol
[20:42] <@Psil0> but only one plant
[20:42] <@IQCrazy> booooooo
[20:42] <@IQCrazy> n44b

[20:42] <@Psil0> not space for more
[20:42] <@Psil0> *no
[20:42] <@Tirana> yeh the can be big

[20:43] * @IQCrazy remembers that carton box in the loft that says "Dried Flowers"

[20:43] <@IQCrazy> i bet the strength is gone now
[20:44] <@Squire_James> lol
[20:44] <@Tirana> yeh idd time for some new growing
[20:44] <@IQCrazy> you need to stuff your joint with loads of weed to get a kick now :S
[20:44] * @IQCrazy wants spring to start now

[20:44] <@Tirana> one plant is enough
[20:46] <@Squire_James> roflmao
[20:47] <@IQCrazy> omg, this norwegian food makes me fart ... ewwwww
[20:47] <@Psil0> thx for the info iq
[20:47] <@[StOnE|UT]> lol
[20:47] <@Psil0> :o
[20:47] <@IQCrazy> yw
[20:47] <@[StOnE|UT]> he is like that

[20:47] <@[StOnE|UT]> he shares all
[20:48] <@[StOnE|UT]>

[20:49] <@IQCrazy> damn, finished my chocolate already and it aint 22:00 yet
[20:50] <@^budozero^> got hardly any dope and its only 10 to 9 :[
[20:50] <@Psil0> whats the link between the chocolate and the time
[20:50] <@Psil0> ?
[20:50] <@^budozero^> cant get more?

[20:50] <@^budozero^> too early?
[20:50] <@^budozero^> could be lots of things :]
[20:53] <@IQCrazy> the link is my eating frenzy when it comes to chocolate or any munchie munch stuff
[20:57] <@IQCrazy> ffs, finally found a decent channel to watch, its a paid channel ffs ... and no it wasnt pr0n
[20:57] * [StOnE|UT] is now known as [StOnEcO|D]
[20:57] <@IQCrazy> Norway sux
[20:57] <@[StOnEcO|D]> yeah right

[20:57] <@Psil0> we didnt say nothing
[20:57] <@Psil0> u framed ure self
[20:57] <@Psil0>

[20:57] <@IQCrazy> if you must know, it was latest Batman movie
[20:58] <@[StOnEcO|D]> lol
[20:58] <@IQCrazy> well, it beats CNN
[20:59] <@Psil0> not that bad that movie