G-man says (11:45 AM):
G-man says (11:45 AM):
Mr, Freeman says (11:45 AM):
Mr. Freeman says (11:46 AM):
G-man says (11:46 AM):
You've done...
G-man says (11:46 AM):
A great deal
G-man says (11:47 AM):
In such a small time span
G-man says (11:47 AM):
So well in fact
G-man says (11:47 AM):
that I've received some interesting offers
G-man says (11:47 AM):
for you...
G-man says (11:47 AM):
G-man says (11:47 AM):
I wouldn't contemplate them
G-man says (11:47 AM):
but these are...extraordinary times
G-man says (11:47 AM):
G-man says (11:47 AM):
Instead of giving you the...
G-man says (11:48 AM):
illusion of free choice
G-man says (11:48 AM):
I will be choosing for you
G-man says (11:48 AM):
So wake up Mr. Freeman
G-man says (11:48 AM):
Wake up and
G-man says (11:48 AM):
Smell the ashes
Mr. Freeman says (11:48 AM):
They smell gooood!
Train Rider says (11:48 AM):
Train Rider says (11:48 AM):
I didn't see you get on!
Mr. Freeman says (11:48 AM):
I slipped in the back, naughtily

Citizen says (11:49 AM):
Citizen says (11:49 AM):
here we are
Breen Monitor says (11:50 AM):
Breen Monitor says (11:50 AM):
Welcome to City 17
Breen Monitor says (11:51 AM):
You have chosen, or been chosen
Breen Monitor says (11:51 AM):
To relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers.
Breen Monitor says (11:51 AM):
I thought so much of City 17, that I elected to establish my administration here.
Breen Monitor says (11:51 AM):
In the Citadel so thoughtfully provided by
Breen Monitor says (11:51 AM):
Out benefactors
Breen Monitor says (11:52 AM):
I have been proud to call City 17 my home
Mr. Freeman says (11:52 AM):
O Rly
Breen Monitor says (11:52 AM):
And so, whether you are here to stay
Breen Monitor says (11:52 AM):
Or passing through on your way to parts unknown
Breen Monitor says (11:52 AM):
Welcome, to City 17
Breen Monitor says (11:54 AM):
It's safer here
Citizen says (11:55 AM):
Citizen says (11:55 AM):
Were you the only ones on that train?
Mr. Freeman says (11:55 AM):
No, I got off the jet ski..
Citizen says (11:55 AM):
Overwatch stopped our train in the woods.
Citizen says (11:55 AM):
They took my husband
Citizen says (11:55 AM):
They're being nice though...
Citizen says (11:55 AM):
Letting me stay here
Mr. Freeman says (11:56 AM):
Citizen says (11:56 AM):
They're always leaving...
Citizen says (11:56 AM):
but never going...
Citizen says (11:56 AM):
Always arriving but...
Citizen says (11:56 AM):
Never coming....
Citizen says (11:56 AM):
Oh man, Breen again?
Citizen says (11:56 AM):
I wouldn't say that to loudly
Citizen says (11:56 AM):
This is his base of operations
Mr. Freeman says (11:57 AM):
I'm gonna slap him when i see him
Metrocop says (11:57 AM):
Stop right there.
Mr. Freeman says (11:57 AM):
Metrocop says (11:57 AM):
Metrocop says (11:57 AM):
Get in here!
Mr. Freeman says (11:57 AM):
I want to go over there
Metrocop says (11:57 AM):
I said move!
Metrocop says (11:57 AM):
Mr. Freeman says (11:57 AM):
Metrocop says (11:57 AM):
Oh yeah
Metrocop says (11:58 AM):
I'm gonna need me some privacy for this
Mr. Freeman says (11:58 AM):
Mr. Freeman says (11:58 AM):
Calhoun says (11:58 AM):
Hey Gordon
Calhoun says (11:58 AM):
It's me!
Calhoun says (11:58 AM):
Barney, from Black Mesa
Mr. Freeman says (11:59 AM):
Who from what?
Calhoun says (11:59 AM):
Sorry for the scare
Calhoun says (11:59 AM):
I had to put on a show for the cameras
Mr. Freeman says (11:59 AM):
Oh, i though you were gonna bum me.. Thank god.
Calhoun says (11:59 AM):
Hey Doctor Kleiner
Calhoun says (11:59 AM):
You'll never believe who showed up!
Mr. Freeman says (11:59 AM):
Im not that much of a "Free man"..
Calhoun says (11:59 AM):
*Knock* *Knock*
Calhoun says (11:59 AM):
Calhoun says (11:59 AM):
Just what I was afraid of
Calhoun says (12:00 PM):
Get in here Gordon!
Calhoun says (12:00 PM):
Stack up some props to get out
Calhoun says (12:00 PM):
And make your way to Kleiner's lab
Mr. Freeman says (12:00 PM):
Mr. Freeman says (12:00 PM):
Metrocop says (12:00 PM):
Metrocop says (12:00 PM):
You there
Metrocop says (12:00 PM):
Pick up that can.
Mr. Freeman says (12:00 PM):
Hell no
Metrocop says (12:00 PM):
I said
Metrocop says (12:00 PM):
Metrocop says (12:00 PM):
Metrocop says (12:00 PM):
Metrocop says (12:00 PM):
Mr. Freeman says (12:00 PM):
you do it
Mr. Freeman says (12:01 PM):
Metrocop says (12:01 PM):
*Beats with stunstick*
Mr. Freeman says (12:01 PM):
I don't have a health bar yet, you can't kill me..
Metrocop says (12:01 PM):
(You pass out)
Mr. Freeman says (12:01 PM):
Oh no!
Metrocop says (12:01 PM):
(You wake up)
Metrocop says (12:01 PM):
Metrocop says (12:01 PM):
Mr. Freeman says (12:02 PM):
Metrocop says (12:02 PM):
*You get to the apartment*
Citizen says (12:02 PM):
Was that you knocking?
Citizen says (12:02 PM):
I didn't know we still had a door.
Mr. Freeman says (12:02 PM):
Mr. Freeman says (12:02 PM):
You do..
Citizen says (12:02 PM):
Citizen says (12:02 PM):
Run for it!
Citizen says (12:02 PM):
Head for the roof!
Mr. Freeman says (12:03 PM):
Are you hitting on me?
Citizen says (12:03 PM):
Get in here!
Mr. Freeman says (12:03 PM):
*Runs to roof*
Citizen says (12:03 PM):
Keep going along to roof
Citizen says (12:03 PM):
Until you get to Kleiner's lab!
Mr. Freeman says (12:03 PM):
Citizen says (12:03 PM):
*End Saga*