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#2326 Wizard


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Posted 07 April 2009 - 22:27


Ben: Dauth: says:
sorry brain in neutral
Wiz says:
I am used to you being like that
Ben: Dauth: says:
Yea must be all the sleep I should be getting
bits of me are falling asleep
brain mainly
Wiz says:
great go out and score some chicks they'd love you now your personality has failed
Ben: Dauth: says:
I still have my looks to rely on
Wiz says:
*goes out and orders Dauth a prosititute*
here you'll be needing this wench
Ben: Dauth: says:
hehe thanks
Wiz says:

And my work is done

#2327 Jazzie Spurs


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Posted 08 April 2009 - 01:00

Bitches dont know 'bout Dauth's dick! :)

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Posted ImageBlack Lagoon OST
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#2328 CommanderJB

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Posted 08 April 2009 - 03:41

That's quite highly inappropriate and I suggest you retract your statement. While it's alright to have fun speculating about the personal lives of others on the forum so long as it is meant and acknowledged as harmless fun, there's a line between innuendo and uncouth behaviour, and I think it should be evident that the above crosses that line.


"Working together, we can build a world in which the rule of law — not the rule of force — governs relations between states. A world in which leaders respect the rights of their people, and nations seek peace, not destruction or domination. And neither we nor anyone else should live in fear ever again." - Wesley Clark

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#2329 Dr. Knickers

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Posted 08 April 2009 - 05:37

EDIT: Was asked to remove this.

Edited by Dr. Nick, 10 April 2009 - 17:46.

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#2330 Wizard


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Posted 08 April 2009 - 18:26


wizardofnoz: Afternoon
Insomniac!: hey
wizardofnoz: guess what
Insomniac!: your busy? :cry:
wizardofnoz: no
wizardofnoz: try again
Insomniac!: You can't play dow later for some reason?
wizardofnoz: nope, again
Insomniac!: dauth died
wizardofnoz: sadly no, again
Insomniac!: AJ died?
wizardofnoz: morbid fucker =( but no
Insomniac!: Oh wait, they're attached. If one lives, so does the other.
wizardofnoz: wtf? they live in the matrix?
Insomniac!: Life and Death, matched together in enternal harmony and turmoil.

This man knows his stuff

#2331 Dauth

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Posted 09 April 2009 - 16:31


Ben: Dauth: says:
Looks like the gristle inside my skull is useful
Wizard says:
like I said last night, you get very lucky
Ben: Dauth: says:
To be lucky this often is a skill
Wizard says:
no, fluke
Ben: Dauth: says:
flukes are one off events
I'm consistent
Wizard says:
you have have a series of flukes
Ben: Dauth: says:
For my entire life? In maths physics sex pubs and online?
Wizard says:
I'd call your sex life something like chaos theory, butterfly flaps it's wings in Japan and somehow you get laid
all the butterflys must be dead over there atm
Ben: Dauth: says:

He's so cruel 8|

#2332 Stinger


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Posted 10 April 2009 - 15:35


The Hunter (AKA André) says:
sorry to interup for a moment but there is a wasp that managed to get in my room brb gonna kill it
*Text and a short pause*
The Hunter (AKA André) says:
The Hunter (AKA André) says:
Fixed Isssue Where there was a bug in my room


SWR Team will get this. :mad:

#2333 Chyros

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Posted 10 April 2009 - 15:43

Lol, nice :mad:!

The brave hide behind technology. The stupid hide from it. The clever have technology, and hide it.
—The Book of Cataclysm

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#2334 Jazzie Spurs


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Posted 10 April 2009 - 17:56

Nice one :mad:

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Posted ImageBlack Lagoon OST
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#2335 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 10 April 2009 - 19:10

 Stinger, on 10 Apr 2009, 11:35, said:


The Hunter (AKA André) says:
sorry to interup for a moment but there is a wasp that managed to get in my room brb gonna kill it
*Text and a short pause*
The Hunter (AKA André) says:
The Hunter (AKA André) says:
Fixed Isssue Where there was a bug in my room


SWR Team will get this. :mad:

Will this be in the ROTR 1.5 patch notes? :mad:
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#2336 Dauth

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Posted 11 April 2009 - 10:53


Ben: Dauth: says:
*wanders onto hamachi*
Wizard says:
no one will be there now surely?
Ben: Dauth: says:
don't call me shirley!
Wizard says:

I broke his spirit!

#2337 Chyros

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Posted 11 April 2009 - 12:05

 Dauth, on 11 Apr 2009, 12:53, said:


Ben: Dauth: says:
*wanders onto hamachi*
Wizard says:
no one will be there now surely?
Ben: Dauth: says:
don't call me shirley!
Wizard says:

I broke his spirit!

At times I admire Wiz' staying spirit :mad: .

The brave hide behind technology. The stupid hide from it. The clever have technology, and hide it.
—The Book of Cataclysm

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#2338 Dauth

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Posted 12 April 2009 - 18:25


(19:23:47) Insomniac!: Any idea if wiz will be online?
(19:23:51) Ben: Dauth:: not a clue
(19:23:58) Ben: Dauth:: We're not married you know :P
(19:24:18) Insomniac!: Debatable..
(19:25:06) Ben: Dauth:: *quotes

#2339 WNxMastrefubu

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Posted 12 April 2009 - 18:56

WNxNumbers (98714123340): Where is everybody?!
WNxmastrefubu (masterfubu): Ohai
WNxmastrefubu (masterfubu): idk
WNxmastrefubu (masterfubu): easter
WNxNumbers (98714123340): So?
WNxmastrefubu (masterfubu): i got bak from chruch while bak
WNxNumbers (98714123340): Jesus became a zombie today and everyone vanishes?
WNxmastrefubu (masterfubu): yes.
WNxmastrefubu (masterfubu): zombie jesus has that effect
WNxmastrefubu (masterfubu): youll be surprised what robot jesus does...
WNxNumbers (98714123340): A very well programmed robot but not the robot jewish massiah
Attached Image: bob.jpg

#2340 Dauth

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Posted 13 April 2009 - 20:44


Wizard says:
but a good one
Ben: Dauth: says:

#2341 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 14 April 2009 - 01:17


JRK - Scope says:
AJ says:
NOT THE | 8 smiley!
or is that the 8 | smiley? :read:
i cn never tell
JRK - Scope says:

8 |
the eyes point left so 8 is first

FAJL tiem?
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#2342 Libains

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Posted 14 April 2009 - 01:19

At 2am I guess it was inevitable. That damn smiley will be the death of me if you ask me :read:

EDIT: Add a drunk Ion to a sober Scope and you get:

Insomniac! has 4 offers from all 4 of his universities :cool: says:
*just a word of waeninf i will rememberds everythin thats happens
*im not that bad
*well i am basd, but not thats bad
AJ says:
*scope - did you understand that? 8|
JRK - Scope says:
AJ says:
*gdgd :D
JRK - Scope says:
*i speak drunk too remember?
AJ says:

Edited by Libains, 14 April 2009 - 01:58.

For there can be no death without life.

#2343 Wizard


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Posted 14 April 2009 - 10:47


Wiz says (11:45):
Ben: Dauth: says (11:45):
sorry wireless failed
Ben: Dauth: says (11:46):
I blame excessive exposure to AJ

#2344 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 14 April 2009 - 20:59


Sgt. Rho says (10:56 PM):
oh, about hyperspace: There's a huge drawback: The ship would need to be controlled like a frucking WW1 plane while in hyperspace
Sgt. Rho says (10:56 PM):
due to the drive: It's a megaEMP
Anubis says (10:56 PM):
Anubis says (10:56 PM):
can you imagine a woman as a pilot
Anubis says (10:56 PM):
they'd be turned on just by flying it
Anubis says (10:58 PM):
imagine it : this is control center to sarah .. pls respond ... chh chhh ... yeah ... yeah... this is sarah ... ohh fuck this is sooo goooddd.... i'm cumming ... i'm cummingggggg.... hello control center ... i just prepared the flight systems and see if they are fully operational
Sgt. Rho says (10:59 PM):

#2345 Dauth

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Posted 18 April 2009 - 10:41


(11:39:28) Wizard: blah
(11:39:38) Wizard: is it me or are there no good films out atm
(11:39:51) Ben: Dauth:: Wolverine is due out soon
(11:39:58) Wizard: true
(11:39:59) Ben: Dauth:: But the FBI are watching it
(11:40:07) Wizard: huh?
(11:40:09) Ben: Dauth:: So I'd keep my head down for a while
(11:40:23) Ben: Dauth:: They're hunting the leak of the prerelease version
(11:40:30) Wizard: OH right, not talking abuot d/ling it
(11:40:39) Wizard: that was a cinema thing, not a pirate thing
(11:40:43) Ben: Dauth:: Ah
(11:40:50) Ben: Dauth:: You have to tell me these things
(11:40:51) Wizard: just lots of poor films out atm
(11:40:55) Wizard: ^ right xD
(11:41:00) Ben: Dauth:: I see you and expect piracy
(11:41:05) Ben: Dauth:: :P
(11:41:05) Wizard: lol
(11:41:14) Ben: Dauth:: *quotes


(12:23:09) Wizard: that on to be exact
(12:23:12) Wizard: *on
(12:23:15) Wizard: ffs
(12:23:16) Wizard: *one
(12:23:21) Wizard: oh fuck this
(12:23:23) Wizard: *1

#2346 CodeCat

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Posted 20 April 2009 - 11:05

 Dauth, on 11 Apr 2009, 12:53, said:

I broke his spirit!

You threw his whiskey bottle on the floor?

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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#2347 Stinger


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Posted 20 April 2009 - 11:10

Taxi for CodeCat.

Poor AJ as well. He seems to be the subject of satire these days. :P

#2348 Stinger


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Posted 20 April 2009 - 18:00


Stinger says:
Met a big fecking cow down the back roads.
Stinger says:
People were standing on the road and I had to stop quickly.
Stinger says:
Put my foot down motocross style.
The Hunter (AKA André) @ my laptop says:
Stinger says:
As in... on the ground.
Stinger says:
Using your foot to balance. D:
Stinger says:
The Hunter (AKA André) @ my laptop says:
***** would be proud

You had to be there.

#2349 Nem


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Posted 21 April 2009 - 23:10


[18:56:43] [Nem]
If you have time to talk you have time to play, and if you dont do it today, You will pay!

[18:56:51] [Rich19]

[18:57:12] [Nem]
I thought a pretty rhyme would persuade you :|

[18:57:25] [Rich19]
it nearly did.

[18:57:27] [Rich19]
but no.

[18:58:11] [Nem]
I tried my hardest but rich did not budge, Oh Fudge, Oh Fudge! I just cant give him that nudge.

[18:58:19] [Nem]

[18:58:43] [Rich19]
you're a poet but you just can't show it

[18:58:48] [Rich19]

[18:59:25] [Nem]
A poet but cant showet? Don't I know it! Day by day I hide my skill only to have them discovered behind a nearby hill :)

[19:00:21] [Rich19]
what's the use in doing that? hiding your skill makes you seem like a twat!

19:00:53] [Nem]
I laughed at Riches joke only to frown as I looked in the lobby and found nobody around 8|

[19:02:03] [Rich19]
I'm afraid, sir that you shall look in vain; don't tell me this needs explaining AGAIN...

[19:02:19] [zero]
Ten.. No, maybe 15 minutes ago I hid in this very corner where I have come from.

[19:02:28] [zero]
Waiting for the perfect moment to intervene.

[19:02:48] [zero]
Now, if you will give me an hour to explain my backstory, we can begin.

[19:02:53] [Nem]
Explain as you wish your words do not stick, for I am going to force you in with a rather large kick!

[19:03:17] [zero]
An hour passes by..

[19:04:00] [zero]
And thanks to Jonah, I know that a very large whale is dropping at a perilous speed to this very location.

[19:04:07] [zero]
So, goodbye.

19:04:11] [zero]

[19:04:38] [Nem]
Run if you will you cannot escape for i'm going to hunt you down and bring you your date.

[19:04:41] [Nem]
A rather large whale.

[19:04:49] [Rich19]
I disagree, kicking will not work; if anything it is on the forums I shall go to lurk

[19:04:55] [zero]

[19:06:01] [Rich19]
notice please, this whale on me - the fall damage has turned my metal age to three...

I present the Hamachi Poet Club!

Edited by Nem, 21 April 2009 - 23:17.

#2350 WNxMastrefubu

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Posted 21 April 2009 - 23:17

lol, i remember that, i see u cut out my spam tho
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