Funny quotes
Posted 13 May 2006 - 08:02

Posted 13 May 2006 - 14:58

Waris: DS transmogrify to Hunter!!
Posted 13 May 2006 - 23:44

In the meantime, here's one from another forum I visit:
Rob said:

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb
Posted 14 May 2006 - 10:19
MSN Convo between No-Skillz and CodeCat said:
So, skillless man
Ciarán Good (CodeCat) - Somebody set up us the bomb! says:
We meet again...
No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112! says:
Das ist ich?
Du hat eine probleme?
Ciarán Good (CodeCat) - Somebody set up us the bomb! says:
Nein ich habe keine probleme aber ich wollte dir fragen um ein spiel mit mich zu tun
Ciarán Good (CodeCat) - Somebody set up us the bomb! says:
Shockwave, zum beispiel...
No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112! says:
Oh dear god it burns!!!!!!!!!!11 >_<
Ciarán Good (CodeCat) - Somebody set up us the bomb! says:
Hmm das musst wohl das schlechtster Deutsch sein was ich immer gelesen habe...
The burning... >.>
Edited by No-Skillz, 14 May 2006 - 10:23.
Posted 14 May 2006 - 10:24

[01:50] CodeCat: Yeah
[01:50] AMR RustyDroid: I've considered getting it...I am obsessed arent I?
[01:57] CodeCat: Yup
[02:04] AMR RustyDroid: ya know how Ozy says "Joy and Rapture"?
[02:04] CodeCat: No...
[02:05] AMR RustyDroid: anyway my sister was telling me something about cracking an egg and two yolks coming out and I responded "joy and rapture"
[02:05] CodeCat: You ARE obsessed!
[02:05] CodeCat: Good!
[02:05] CodeCat: More friends!

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb
Posted 14 May 2006 - 21:01
[No-Skillz] Afk...
[No-Skillz] -_-;;
[CodeCat] How are you gentlemen!! All your base are belong to us.
[No-Skillz] ...Lawlz
[CodeCat] What you lawlz?
[No-Skillz] o_O
[CodeCat] You have no chance to lawlz make your time.
[No-Skillz] Lawlz! ^^
[CodeCat] Move game
[No-Skillz] Just trying to hook up some ShWers
[CodeCat] For great compstomping
[No-Skillz] No one's responding
[No-Skillz] Nooo
[No-Skillz] Wait
[No-Skillz] What about Blaat?
[No-Skillz] <.>
[No-Skillz] OH NO WAIT
[No-Skillz] xD
Moments later, on MSN...
[20:39] CodeCat - Somebody set up us the bomb!: Yup
[20:39] No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112!: xP

[20:41] No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112!: ...O Rly?
[20:41] No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112!: You gonna quote it, or shall I?
[20:42] CodeCat - Somebody set up us the bomb!: I will, it was my idea

[20:42] No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112!: ...Fine
[20:42] No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112!: So why did you tell me?!
[20:42] No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112!: >_<
[20:42] CodeCat - Somebody set up us the bomb!: Oh shut up you... where's crypty
Edited by CodeCat, 28 December 2010 - 00:18.

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb
Posted 15 May 2006 - 00:09
CodeCat42 (5:36:38 PM): lol
CodeCat42 (7:01:12 PM): Nuuuuuuke
AMR RustyDroid (7:01:33 PM): alright...Nuke or SCUD Storm?
CodeCat42 (7:02:20 PM): Nuke!
AMR RustyDroid (7:02:57 PM): Nuke or ShW Soyuz Missile?
CodeCat42 (7:03:46 PM): Nuke!
AMR RustyDroid (7:04:22 PM): I'm guessing right now that you're the kind of person who builds nukes, nukes, and more nukes in strategy games
CodeCat42 (7:05:09 PM): Yup!
AMR RustyDroid (7:48:14 PM): whatever. if you did that today you'd be charred.
CodeCat42 (7:48:39 PM): lol
CodeCat42 (7:48:56 PM): Even if it was off, assuming there was some char left in it
AMR RustyDroid (7:51:43 PM): yeah...
AMR RustyDroid (7:55:26 PM): we invented...ummm...uh...let me think...
CodeCat42 (7:56:04 PM): The nuke
AMR RustyDroid (7:56:28 PM): well yeah, there's that
AMR RustyDroid (7:57:02 PM): we invented stealth aircraft
AMR RustyDroid (7:58:10 PM): and the gattling gun
CodeCat42 (7:58:15 PM): But is there anything besides weaponry?
CodeCat42 (7:58:23 PM): I wouldn't exactly be proud of that...
AMR RustyDroid (7:59:11 PM): in a way, you can, cause it means no one can mess with you and not get out unscathed
AMR RustyDroid (7:59:27 PM): but non-weaponry...we had the first powered aircraft
CodeCat42 (7:59:34 PM): Yeah right, so you have the power to obliterate anyone who attacks
CodeCat42 (7:59:44 PM): Obliteration = bad
CodeCat42 (7:59:49 PM): No matter who does it
AMR RustyDroid (7:59:49 PM): and...rock music
CodeCat42 (7:59:53 PM): lol
AMR RustyDroid (7:59:53 PM): and jazz
CodeCat42 (7:59:58 PM): And anticommunism
AMR RustyDroid (8:00:03 PM): lol
CodeCat42 (8:01:57 PM): o0
thats all from me
Posted 16 May 2006 - 12:17
me, on my dads birthday, said:
Me: The dog barks, not my aunt

Posted 17 May 2006 - 15:36
(me) oh crape i got 50% off all clothes on that thing

Made by me ^
Posted 20 May 2006 - 13:19
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112! zegt:
How are j00?
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
been working from 9 till 2
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
in the rain
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112! zegt:
No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112! zegt:
I apologise for making you suffer
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
you casted a rain spell or something ?
No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112! zegt:
No, I am God"
No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112! zegt:
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:

No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112! zegt:
Lol, I got a quick question
No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112! zegt:
Can people on ShW ZH, play people on ShW TFD ZH?
No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112! zegt:
Cos me and Code couldn't play Flareon today, it was weird...
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
weird what
No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112! zegt:
No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112! zegt:
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
we get signal
No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112! zegt:
No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112! zegt:
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112! zegt:
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
omg lol i'm gonna qoute that
No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112! zegt:
Fucking owned...
No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112! zegt:
No-Skillz | ph34r my 14ck 0ph 5k|112! zegt:
me and ash having a little convo
Posted 20 May 2006 - 19:18
Edited by CodeCat, 18 December 2010 - 22:50.

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb
Posted 20 May 2006 - 21:34
PS: Looks like CodeCat's been listening to Generals Challenge people too much...
CodeCat42 (5:11:07 PM): Greetings, general
AMR RustyDroid (5:11:31 PM): playing the Generals challenge I will assume?
CodeCat42 (5:11:32 PM): Do not think I can not see your spies flying over my base... pleeease look all you wish, because this may be the last time you ever see my stronghold
AMR RustyDroid (5:11:39 PM): Thrax.
CodeCat42 (5:11:53 PM): No I was playing a 4vs4 comp stomp with Ash, Hunter and Rum
AMR RustyDroid (5:11:58 PM): oh
AMR RustyDroid (5:12:06 PM): but why are you quoting thrax then
CodeCat42 (5:12:08 PM): And 2 of them bailed on us...

AMR RustyDroid (5:12:11 PM): lol
CodeCat42 (5:12:15 PM): Cause thrax rules
CodeCat42 (5:12:19 PM): He's funny
Edited by RustyDroid, 20 May 2006 - 21:35.
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