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Mapper needed? - from EA C&C KW /TW mod forum

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#1 Dave d


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Posted 08 March 2009 - 05:21

I read the C&C forum entry by Slye_Fox dated 3/07/2009
Said a mapper was needed,

I'm available, where should I send demos?
TW or KW ?

I got some of both, most of my maps are for my own use, playing skirmishes.

Been working with World Builder and some scripts for about 8 months now.
I have about 4- 6 good examples. ready.

One is a Swamp map with riaisng swamp water, another is a demo with a moving train.

Professional programmer by trade, don't know a lot about modding for C&C ,
but know a lot about working with XML files.

Dave D.

#2 Slye_Fox

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Posted 08 March 2009 - 07:52

TW please.
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#3 Dave d


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Posted 08 March 2009 - 17:34

OK TW maps, i'll need to do a little retro fitting,,,,

Where can I upload them or who should I send them to?

#4 Slye_Fox

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Posted 08 March 2009 - 17:54

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#5 Dave d


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Posted 09 March 2009 - 03:07

sent 2 TW maps and a screen shot of another... let me know you received them


#6 Slye_Fox

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Posted 09 March 2009 - 04:13

Well, i've looked at both maps thoughrely.

And you do have potiontiol, and you should continue to learn and map.

But your current level isn't what you're looking for.

There was alot of open areas ont he maps, some areas where compleatly pointless (like the upper left on the desert map).
THere was alot of releating texture, with no diversity.
Another problem what fairness in basses. the desert map gave 4 blue tib fields to one player, and none to the other.
the grass one had a large 'base area' than the other (by nearly 100%)

And the picture, advice: use .png or .jpg, not .tiff (i spent about 10 mins trying to find out how to open it).
This was alot better, the textures were less repetitive, and more diverce.
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#7 Dave d


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Posted 09 March 2009 - 12:31

Well Ok, show me an example of what you're looking for and I'll match or better it.

Jpg and Tiff are normally used in the business enviroment that I work in where we deal with fax images.
and they should of opened in yuor built in system imageing viewing tool.

I fail to see what you're talking about in the Kasserine map, both starting positions have an equal number of Trib deposits,
guess you didn't really look at the map in detail. and yes the upper left may seem obscure, but considering the map is a diagonal set up map both corners are or could be consider by some as unusabel, but they area great place to locate a 2nd base for like air support ect. Play the map a few times.

As far as Texture statiscs and coverage, you might want to extract out the detailed report in World Builder and look at the reports for the 2 maps.

In either case, if you change you mind let me know, you got my email adress now.

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