First ep of the new Mazinger series just came out. And uh yeah. It looks FREAKING COOL.
To those not familiar with Mazinger, watch this ep to see what sort of show it is then watch ep 2 when it comes out for some sort of explanation.
To those familiar with Mazinger, watch the first ep and GO ALL HOTBLOODED FANBOY. Seriously, they included like every character from everything Mazinger ever! Ankoku Daishogun's there, Dr Hell, Baron Ashura, Count Bracken, Pygman, Boss Borot, the Mazinger Army, hell I even saw the Mazin Saga Mazinger there! Mazinger has essentially been given the Giant Robo treatment here. Except there's still 20 something eps left of it. Good lord I cannot wait.
If you're a fan of super robot shows like Gurren Lagann, then seriously: Check it out. It's going to be that good.