I can take requests aslong as its not anime (I just dont "get" anime *shrugs*). Any EC related requests would be more than welcome

Ill start with dumping all my old sigs and things and some sigs which I made but never used. All with little stories...

My first sig ever :O This was before I had w3d viewer or anything. So its carefully cut out screenies which took forever.

Best game ever. also my first avvie

After a WHILE of having that other China sig I made this napalm themed one. Again theyre all carefuly cut out screenies.

One of my all time faves, spent forever getting this as perfect as possible. Just using released renders and screenshots.

A sort of "china is coming in the distance" siggy. I made this in the small hours of the morning once and forgot about it.

Another one of my all time fave games. I learned about the importance of sharpening during this.

RATATATATA. an experiment in animation

More animation experimentation in a CORE SOTW

From about here on in I started the whole Name-In-The-Game-Font thing in my sigs. Another one of my all time faves

Oh look I found a mini Havoc from EC wallpaper

My entry for the Lost themed SOTW

A load of team sigs to promote EC

I wish everyday that my damn FC2 wasnt bugged to hell. I dont think Ive ever seen a downed hind in FC2 anywhere... Another personal fave

The start in a long line of Resident Evil sigs. I just love the atmosphere

An animated Resident Evil 4 themed sig, the scene I think is from just before the big fish boss

A public GLA Biker cameo I made a while back

A Public Crusader cameo

Gd ol WIC, Shame I could never get it to work properly on my computer

Visions.... of Paradise....
My entry for the Nature themed SOTW

A Random nuclear explosion is some skyline, this was just messing around. Cookies to anyone who can actually make out my name in the sig

My Hawx themed siggy

After seeing watchmen I rushed home to make a sig

Another Resident Evil 5 siggy. My fave boss from the game

My Resident Evil Zero siggy, best RE game ever imo

My GTA hero themed SOTW entry

An Avvie+Sig Combo request for Boidy

An update of my happy nuke avvie. Was going for the very very very old poster look

An Avvie+Sig Combo request for Ghostirder, which was beaten by AJ *tear*