FCS' Writing Thread
Started By Admiral FCS, Apr 28 2009 03:37
31 replies to this topic
Posted 08 October 2009 - 03:27
I prefer to use more realistic settings than EA did
And yes, I've been following Paradox, and at the end of the story, I'll credit them for the mod.
Posted 27 October 2009 - 23:11
OK, this ship might be "a bit" OP, but then again, there will be equivalents later for the Klingons and the Romulans (if their fleet still exists after the destruction of Romulus).
USS Kirk, NCC-90101
Name: USS Kirk, NCC-90101
Type: Zeus-class prototype
Purpose: Experimental multipurpose starship
Length: 427m
width: 132m
Height: 81m, 27 decks
Weight: 4,700,470 metric tons
Crew Capacity: 700, extra quarters for 300
Holographic crew: 5 EMH, 1 ECH, 20 Emergency Security Hologram (ESH) and 10 Emergency Utility Hologram (EUH)
With the Sol class and Prometheus class updating most of the Starfleet deep space vessels and heavy utility vessels,
Starfleet, now in the 2420s, starts to research a whole new prototypical multipurpose starship.
The development started in 2411, and the ship class was named Zeus, with the expectation of being the most powerful ship
in Starfleet, if not in the Milky Way Galaxy. The first ship was named USS Kirk to honor of the legendary Starfleet captain
who died in 2371, four decades ago, to save Captain Jean-Luc Picard, the crew of USS-Enterprise-D, and the Federation's future..
The designing of USS Kirk took the finest engineers -Kirayoshi O'Brien and Miral Paris as team leaders- two years to complete,
and it was one innovational design. Although still the old Saucer-Engineering design, the ship looks very elegant, beautiful yet agile. The ship
also features retractable nacelles on both the Saucer section and the Engineering section. During low warp (<5) cruising, the Engineering/Bridge
nacelles will be extended to the usual shape of Starfleet vessels; from low warp to high warp (5-9), all nacelles will be extended; when utilizing IWD,
all nacelles will retract and maintain minimum subspace distortion while in and higher than Transwarp Velocity (10+). Each Engineering (Primary and Secondary)
is equipped with 2 extra cores.
"The Kirk, is, as of yet, the most beautiful ship Starfleet built. Miral did a good job, and so did Kirayoshi and the rest of the team." -Admiral Tom Paris
The Kirk is, after the Sol, another Starfleet technological marvel. The IWD and bioneural circuitry are now standard on Starfleet ships, but some exotic technologies
are now finally able to make it aborad the Kirk. The new Astrometrics Lab, based upon the schematic of the customized USS Voyager Astrometrics Lab, is now even more efficient,
and can perform multiple tasks at the same time, making a main briefing room redundant, since most of the times the senior staff, now including Astrometrics Chief, needs
to go to the Lab frequently anyway. Another achievement, particle synthesis - first discovered by USS Voyager - is now being researched as a new generation of holographic
technology, and the Kirk has a particle synthesis lab for researches to be carried out. The LCARS received a major update from the 24th century 2D touch/voice command;
holographic 3D displays are now equipped throughout the ship, providing a much more efficient layout and even easier accessability. With the main computer cores also being
updated, the LCARS can now perform tasks 47% faster than the 2260s "classic" computer interface.
The Dominion and the Borg made starfleet start to use more protections on the Kirk. The regenerative shielding, now standard, is being enhanced with multiphasic shieldings, able
to resist multiple frequency of energy weapons fire, many lethal radiations, among else. The navigational deflector is now utilizing a more stable electroplasma conversion matrix
and heat-resistant machinery, meaning that the ship can use regular warp drive to maintain extremely high non-IWD warp (Eg. Warp 13, as achieved by an Enterprise-D in the anti-future
time line) for sometime. The shield emitters has also been enhanced. The hull, now made of polytritium and transparent aluminum, is, apparently, somewhat more efficient than polyduramic
hull, though polyduramic secondary hull is still used as reinforcements around the Bridges and Engineerings. Recent research in utilizing heat of the matter/antimatter reaction in more
ways produced the experimental self-sealing powered armour, that requires power, but can repair itself over time. Being highly classified, this armour is only deployed around the MBEP,
along with the alternate future ablative generator (ablative generator is deployed on all escape pods).
Weapon enhancements has been made as well. Quantum torpedos now replaces photon torpedos, and subspatial torpedos are now in more common usage. Limited supplies of transphasic torpedos has
been granted to the Kirk, but restocking requires the attention and approval of at least 3 admirals. The new phaser harmonic feedback randomizer, as its name suggests, increases the harmonic
feedback to the enemy when they are struck by phasers, and the phasers will automatically rotate to random frequencies with aids of a pre-installed fractal algorithm, which separately controls
the 12 Type XVI phaser emitters.
As the name suggests, the ship is dedicated to Captain James Tiberius Kirk, the most decorated captain in history of Federation Starfleet. The crew lounge, now officially named the Kirk Lounge,
contains visual and vocal records and biography of the captain for the crew and visitors to use. The ship's holodecks also contains a hologram of Captain Kirk and the original Enterprise crew.
USS Kirk, NCC-90101 parted from McKinley Spacedock in 2421, exactly half a century after the captain's death. This ship will explore strange new worlds, seek out new lifes and new civilizations,
and boldly go where no one has gone before, just like the original Constitution-class USS Enterprise, NCC-1701, and its 500 crew.
USS Kirk, NCC-90101
Zeus class heavy starship
McKinley Spacedock, Sol III,
Sector 001, UFP
"To explore strange new worlds;
To seek out new lifes and new
To boldly go where no one has
gone before."
-the Prime Objective of Starfleet
OK, this ship might be "a bit" OP, but then again, there will be equivalents later for the Klingons and the Romulans (if their fleet still exists after the destruction of Romulus).
USS Kirk, NCC-90101
Name: USS Kirk, NCC-90101
Type: Zeus-class prototype
Purpose: Experimental multipurpose starship
Length: 427m
width: 132m
Height: 81m, 27 decks
Weight: 4,700,470 metric tons
Crew Capacity: 700, extra quarters for 300
Holographic crew: 5 EMH, 1 ECH, 20 Emergency Security Hologram (ESH) and 10 Emergency Utility Hologram (EUH)
With the Sol class and Prometheus class updating most of the Starfleet deep space vessels and heavy utility vessels,
Starfleet, now in the 2420s, starts to research a whole new prototypical multipurpose starship.
The development started in 2411, and the ship class was named Zeus, with the expectation of being the most powerful ship
in Starfleet, if not in the Milky Way Galaxy. The first ship was named USS Kirk to honor of the legendary Starfleet captain
who died in 2371, four decades ago, to save Captain Jean-Luc Picard, the crew of USS-Enterprise-D, and the Federation's future..
The designing of USS Kirk took the finest engineers -Kirayoshi O'Brien and Miral Paris as team leaders- two years to complete,
and it was one innovational design. Although still the old Saucer-Engineering design, the ship looks very elegant, beautiful yet agile. The ship
also features retractable nacelles on both the Saucer section and the Engineering section. During low warp (<5) cruising, the Engineering/Bridge
nacelles will be extended to the usual shape of Starfleet vessels; from low warp to high warp (5-9), all nacelles will be extended; when utilizing IWD,
all nacelles will retract and maintain minimum subspace distortion while in and higher than Transwarp Velocity (10+). Each Engineering (Primary and Secondary)
is equipped with 2 extra cores.
"The Kirk, is, as of yet, the most beautiful ship Starfleet built. Miral did a good job, and so did Kirayoshi and the rest of the team." -Admiral Tom Paris
The Kirk is, after the Sol, another Starfleet technological marvel. The IWD and bioneural circuitry are now standard on Starfleet ships, but some exotic technologies
are now finally able to make it aborad the Kirk. The new Astrometrics Lab, based upon the schematic of the customized USS Voyager Astrometrics Lab, is now even more efficient,
and can perform multiple tasks at the same time, making a main briefing room redundant, since most of the times the senior staff, now including Astrometrics Chief, needs
to go to the Lab frequently anyway. Another achievement, particle synthesis - first discovered by USS Voyager - is now being researched as a new generation of holographic
technology, and the Kirk has a particle synthesis lab for researches to be carried out. The LCARS received a major update from the 24th century 2D touch/voice command;
holographic 3D displays are now equipped throughout the ship, providing a much more efficient layout and even easier accessability. With the main computer cores also being
updated, the LCARS can now perform tasks 47% faster than the 2260s "classic" computer interface.
The Dominion and the Borg made starfleet start to use more protections on the Kirk. The regenerative shielding, now standard, is being enhanced with multiphasic shieldings, able
to resist multiple frequency of energy weapons fire, many lethal radiations, among else. The navigational deflector is now utilizing a more stable electroplasma conversion matrix
and heat-resistant machinery, meaning that the ship can use regular warp drive to maintain extremely high non-IWD warp (Eg. Warp 13, as achieved by an Enterprise-D in the anti-future
time line) for sometime. The shield emitters has also been enhanced. The hull, now made of polytritium and transparent aluminum, is, apparently, somewhat more efficient than polyduramic
hull, though polyduramic secondary hull is still used as reinforcements around the Bridges and Engineerings. Recent research in utilizing heat of the matter/antimatter reaction in more
ways produced the experimental self-sealing powered armour, that requires power, but can repair itself over time. Being highly classified, this armour is only deployed around the MBEP,
along with the alternate future ablative generator (ablative generator is deployed on all escape pods).
Weapon enhancements has been made as well. Quantum torpedos now replaces photon torpedos, and subspatial torpedos are now in more common usage. Limited supplies of transphasic torpedos has
been granted to the Kirk, but restocking requires the attention and approval of at least 3 admirals. The new phaser harmonic feedback randomizer, as its name suggests, increases the harmonic
feedback to the enemy when they are struck by phasers, and the phasers will automatically rotate to random frequencies with aids of a pre-installed fractal algorithm, which separately controls
the 12 Type XVI phaser emitters.
As the name suggests, the ship is dedicated to Captain James Tiberius Kirk, the most decorated captain in history of Federation Starfleet. The crew lounge, now officially named the Kirk Lounge,
contains visual and vocal records and biography of the captain for the crew and visitors to use. The ship's holodecks also contains a hologram of Captain Kirk and the original Enterprise crew.
USS Kirk, NCC-90101 parted from McKinley Spacedock in 2421, exactly half a century after the captain's death. This ship will explore strange new worlds, seek out new lifes and new civilizations,
and boldly go where no one has gone before, just like the original Constitution-class USS Enterprise, NCC-1701, and its 500 crew.
USS Kirk, NCC-90101
Zeus class heavy starship
McKinley Spacedock, Sol III,
Sector 001, UFP
"To explore strange new worlds;
To seek out new lifes and new
To boldly go where no one has
gone before."
-the Prime Objective of Starfleet
Edited by Admiral FCS, 30 October 2009 - 05:31.
Posted 11 May 2010 - 23:12
ZHU Unit Lore Release
I hope most of you remember, or have heard of, Zero Hour Unleashed, a mod in Mystique Studios.
I worked as a beta tester and lore writer in the team, but now, with the mod unofficially dead, there's nothing left.
With the lores I wrote, it's a shame to see them collect dust, so I will release them, on a weekly basis if possible.
If by possible demand (seems unlikely), I will also post them in this thread.
I hope most of you remember, or have heard of, Zero Hour Unleashed, a mod in Mystique Studios.
I worked as a beta tester and lore writer in the team, but now, with the mod unofficially dead, there's nothing left.
With the lores I wrote, it's a shame to see them collect dust, so I will release them, on a weekly basis if possible.
If by possible demand (seems unlikely), I will also post them in this thread.
Edited by Admiral FCS, 11 May 2010 - 23:12.
Posted 12 May 2010 - 00:12
Post 'em up mate, it's good to see this kinda work and I don't really frequent MGS anymore...
kinda, sorta alive.
Posted 12 May 2010 - 04:14
Vulture Attack Aircraft, General Juhziz
On April 18, 1943, The 339th Fighter Squadron, headed by Captain Thomas Lanphier and his co-pilot 1st Lieutenant Rex Barber, was tasked with the mission to intercept a Japanese heavy bomber designated as carrying an “Important High Officer”. Lieutenant Barber shot down a Japanese bomber down to the forest, while Captain Lanphier shot down another. The “Important High Officer” was found dead near one of the wrecks on an island. His name: Isoroku Yamamoto.
With this victorious interception, and lots of other records, the P-38 Lightning entered the list of the finest piston-engine powered fighters, but although it was a capable aircraft, soon the age of the jets arrived, and it silently quit the air over modern battlefields. However, impressed with its tough armour, heavy armament and modifiability, terrorist organizations all over the world used any means necessary to get this aircraft. The Global Liberation Army was one of them.
Followed by the hollow defeat in Europe and Asia during the First and Second GLA Crisis, the GLA “ran away from us, just like mice run away from cats”, so said by the Director of Chinese Army Intelligence.
But the USA and China were both fooled by the GLA. The GLA assembled a team of strategists, tacticians and veterans from all over their territory, and established a sophisticated intelligence/military agency, designed to counter the enemies’ strength. This team’s first mission was to analyze why the GLA lost this “Crusade of Freedom” to the “imperialist pigs”. One of the reasons soon emerged: The GLA didn’t have an air force, which severely limited their attack power and mobility, proved by large supply of “Young, brave fighters with great knowledge” being sent to the Infantry Regiments, pathetically cut down by Dragon Tanks, Pathfinders, etc. There was a dilemma: To build an air force, or not. After three weeks of discussions, arguments and shouting, the decision was made: Yes.
With this in mind, the GLA’s junk dealers searched all across the world for aircrafts that could be acquired without attracting too much attention from American and Chinese intelligence agencies. One of the aircraft they found especially intriguing was the P-38.
The GLA managed to get their hands on a couple of P-38s still in working condition. When the top designers, salvagers and builders in the GLA arrived, process of upgrading and copying P-38 started. With half a year’s tests, failures, and successes, they finally managed to produce a small squadron of 20 fighters. These all went to General Juhziz, who had taken a special interest in the upgrade of the P-38. The rebuilt P-38s received a slightly outdated, but sturdy composite metal structure, a lengthened cockpit, low-efficiency-but-working radar, and modern turboprops to summarise the main structural changes.
The armaments of these P-38s were greatly enhanced. A B-17 gun turret was slapped on the back of the plane with 2x.50 calibre machine guns for AA self defence, but if ordered, the pilot could also fly the plane towards other aerial targets while the gunner unleashes a hailstorm of AP shells. The storage area inside the turret and the cockpit is large, so the plane can carry enormous amounts of ammo. The main shell-based weapon was changed into 4 30mm auto cannons. These auto cannons uses newly developed AP rounds, making them into very deadly weapons, against both ground as well as air targets. The most devastating armaments though, are 8 HE unguided rockets. These rockets have their HE warheads freshly-made with enhanced formula, and 8 is enough to destroy most land-based vehicles and severely damage buildings, if not destroying smaller ones altogether. The GLA has intensely trained pilots for the aircraft, and they learned a lot about this. One of the things they learned was to not fire all rockets at once, to conserve ammo. The auto cannon shells can be stored in the hull, but the large, heavy rockets are mounted under the wings, so an aircraft must return to base to reload these weapons.
With all these modifications, the speed of the P-38 is increased by 25%, armour has been improved a whole lot, and it should be safe to say that its combat firepower has been doubled or tripled, according to test missions.
On April 18, 2038, General Juhziz officially named the new aircraft Vulture, and authorized the mass production of this aircraft. Being Juhziz’s “Death from Above”, it sends destruction and fear towards the frontline troops of the USA and China, even seasoned veterans.
On April 18, 1943, The 339th Fighter Squadron, headed by Captain Thomas Lanphier and his co-pilot 1st Lieutenant Rex Barber, was tasked with the mission to intercept a Japanese heavy bomber designated as carrying an “Important High Officer”. Lieutenant Barber shot down a Japanese bomber down to the forest, while Captain Lanphier shot down another. The “Important High Officer” was found dead near one of the wrecks on an island. His name: Isoroku Yamamoto.
With this victorious interception, and lots of other records, the P-38 Lightning entered the list of the finest piston-engine powered fighters, but although it was a capable aircraft, soon the age of the jets arrived, and it silently quit the air over modern battlefields. However, impressed with its tough armour, heavy armament and modifiability, terrorist organizations all over the world used any means necessary to get this aircraft. The Global Liberation Army was one of them.
Followed by the hollow defeat in Europe and Asia during the First and Second GLA Crisis, the GLA “ran away from us, just like mice run away from cats”, so said by the Director of Chinese Army Intelligence.
But the USA and China were both fooled by the GLA. The GLA assembled a team of strategists, tacticians and veterans from all over their territory, and established a sophisticated intelligence/military agency, designed to counter the enemies’ strength. This team’s first mission was to analyze why the GLA lost this “Crusade of Freedom” to the “imperialist pigs”. One of the reasons soon emerged: The GLA didn’t have an air force, which severely limited their attack power and mobility, proved by large supply of “Young, brave fighters with great knowledge” being sent to the Infantry Regiments, pathetically cut down by Dragon Tanks, Pathfinders, etc. There was a dilemma: To build an air force, or not. After three weeks of discussions, arguments and shouting, the decision was made: Yes.
With this in mind, the GLA’s junk dealers searched all across the world for aircrafts that could be acquired without attracting too much attention from American and Chinese intelligence agencies. One of the aircraft they found especially intriguing was the P-38.
The GLA managed to get their hands on a couple of P-38s still in working condition. When the top designers, salvagers and builders in the GLA arrived, process of upgrading and copying P-38 started. With half a year’s tests, failures, and successes, they finally managed to produce a small squadron of 20 fighters. These all went to General Juhziz, who had taken a special interest in the upgrade of the P-38. The rebuilt P-38s received a slightly outdated, but sturdy composite metal structure, a lengthened cockpit, low-efficiency-but-working radar, and modern turboprops to summarise the main structural changes.
The armaments of these P-38s were greatly enhanced. A B-17 gun turret was slapped on the back of the plane with 2x.50 calibre machine guns for AA self defence, but if ordered, the pilot could also fly the plane towards other aerial targets while the gunner unleashes a hailstorm of AP shells. The storage area inside the turret and the cockpit is large, so the plane can carry enormous amounts of ammo. The main shell-based weapon was changed into 4 30mm auto cannons. These auto cannons uses newly developed AP rounds, making them into very deadly weapons, against both ground as well as air targets. The most devastating armaments though, are 8 HE unguided rockets. These rockets have their HE warheads freshly-made with enhanced formula, and 8 is enough to destroy most land-based vehicles and severely damage buildings, if not destroying smaller ones altogether. The GLA has intensely trained pilots for the aircraft, and they learned a lot about this. One of the things they learned was to not fire all rockets at once, to conserve ammo. The auto cannon shells can be stored in the hull, but the large, heavy rockets are mounted under the wings, so an aircraft must return to base to reload these weapons.
With all these modifications, the speed of the P-38 is increased by 25%, armour has been improved a whole lot, and it should be safe to say that its combat firepower has been doubled or tripled, according to test missions.
On April 18, 2038, General Juhziz officially named the new aircraft Vulture, and authorized the mass production of this aircraft. Being Juhziz’s “Death from Above”, it sends destruction and fear towards the frontline troops of the USA and China, even seasoned veterans.
Posted 19 May 2010 - 01:32
Eisenhower Heavy Tank, General Alexander
United States Marine Corps have always been one of the most effective fighting forces in the United States military. Their long line of victories, intense trainings and state-of-the-art weaponry speaks for themselves, and whenever there’s a tough nut to crack, the Marines are it.
However, in this unconventional warfare of the GLA Crisis, the Marines have suffered some of the most tragic losses of the United States Military, partly due to the amazing battle effectiveness of the GLA, and partly due to General Alexander’s “Super Weapon Doctrine”. Although the technologically advanced “super weapons” of the United States military and the Marine’s heavy hypersonic bomber, code-named “Aurora Alpha” proved to be successful, the Marine’s strategy to not employ any heavy ground fighting vehicles made them loss tens of hundreds of Hummers, Tomahawk Cruise Missile Launchers, Avenger Laser AAAs and else. The Air Force also suffered similar losses from another doctrine, “Air Force Superiority”, led by General Malcolm Granger, for the Air Force employed its own Base of Operations without any heavily armed vehicles or superior defences.
Soon after the GLA’s apparent destruction in 2020, the Joint Chief of Staff called in all three generals participated in the conflict: General Townes, General Granger and General Alexander. The JCS pointed out sharply that a doctrine only focuses on one part of superiority will not succeed. All three generals agreed to employ a much more balanced doctrine, and the JCS agreed to support them with necessary resources.
General Alexander soon proceeded to build a new shiny Marine Corps’ own armoured division. The position of tank was substituted by M7 Westmoreland IFVs, since they are much more multi-functional than a MBT and has more flexibility in urban combat. The heavy artillery is replaced by M302 Negotiator NLOS-A System, a destructive and long range shell-based artillery. As for the light artillery, a missile-based plan is approved, but has not yet been produced. The Chaparral reactivation program concludes for the heavy AA system.
Just when everything seemed fine, a problem appears: Neither the Negotiator or the new missile artillery would have the ability to stop a massive wave of GLA tanks, let alone fast vehicles, while the Westmoreland, even with ATGM configurations, might not win a 1-1 fight against a Marauder medium tank. A new MBT is still needed to replace M25 Paladin Adv.MBT for the Corps.
This news was just in time for the GM-Ford team. They successfully designed M20 Crusader MBT and M25 Paladin Adv.MBT, and wanted to try something new. They soon have a plan for a new tank for the Corps: A double barrel, heavy turret, and 75-ton class heavy MBT. Alexander saw the squads after squads of Marines die on the front; she did not wish it to happen again. The new program, codenamed MCAD-5 (The fifth new program for Marine Corps Armour Divisions) soon got the permission both from Alexander and the JCS.
After a year and a half, a prototype, coded XM40, finally drove out of the assembly line at Boston Manufacturing Plant. The monstrous tank was more than 10 metres in length, wider than 4 meters, and has a height of 3.25 metres. The first impression for anyone would be: It’s indestructible, and I wouldn’t want to be its enemy.
Although the structure was not changed too much from prototype to mass production model Mk 2, the weapons were changed again, again, and again. Originally, 2 of the M25’s main guns were slapped on the turret, with a point defence laser. However, Alexander rejected it at the first glance, and does not want to see any cannon with a calibre less than 150mm. Shocked, the designers asked Alexander why, and she answered: “Previously we Marines won with surprise and courage; now we win with surprise, courage and overwhelming firepower.”
155mm guns with shells left from Desert Storm era was then installed. This time Alexander was slightly pleased, but gave an order: The gun must have at least a calibre of 203mm, equivalent to the obsolete M203 artillery system. And, there should be two other weapons to defend it from infantry crowds.
The designers had to completely re-design the turret, to add on new weapons as well as to install necessary anti-recoil devices and reinforce the turret, since the new plan’s gun – 223mm Lh100 by Rheinmetall – has the currently highest calibre in tank guns – Except the Chinese Overlord and Emperor, with a calibre of 300mm and 350mm – and would require a lot of space to install anti-recoil device and the gun itself. Added to that, they’ve also installed a M40 “King Cobra” auto cannon for anti-infantry tasks.
Just then the designers came to a dilemma. It’d be redundant to install any other machine guns or auto cannons, but General Townes wouldn’t borrow any of his technology – “Oh, I am very sorry, dear Alexis, but you have to understand that my arsenal represents all the US Military’s top secret weapons, so, I’m afraid that I cannot borrow you any” – and any advanced weapons wouldn’t be possible. Missiles would take too much space, therefore not an option. Lucky for them, a new modular shrapnel-HE grenade launcher just came on to the shelf. 2 of these chaps are slapped on, and proved to be effective. A hailstorm of auto cannon fire and a torrent of shrapnel grenades would be enough in addition to two 223mm cannons firing.
On August 1, 2038, General Alexander named the tank M40 Eisenhower, to the memory of General Dwight Eisenhower. This tank, although slower than most of the Corps’ vehicles, would bring “Shock and Awe” to the peace-disrupting terrorists with its twin cannons, auto cannon and grenades. Its sheer firepower, its ultimate defence and its name would give it the honours of bearing the proud flag of the United States of America, and the emblem of United States Marine Corps.
United States Marine Corps have always been one of the most effective fighting forces in the United States military. Their long line of victories, intense trainings and state-of-the-art weaponry speaks for themselves, and whenever there’s a tough nut to crack, the Marines are it.
However, in this unconventional warfare of the GLA Crisis, the Marines have suffered some of the most tragic losses of the United States Military, partly due to the amazing battle effectiveness of the GLA, and partly due to General Alexander’s “Super Weapon Doctrine”. Although the technologically advanced “super weapons” of the United States military and the Marine’s heavy hypersonic bomber, code-named “Aurora Alpha” proved to be successful, the Marine’s strategy to not employ any heavy ground fighting vehicles made them loss tens of hundreds of Hummers, Tomahawk Cruise Missile Launchers, Avenger Laser AAAs and else. The Air Force also suffered similar losses from another doctrine, “Air Force Superiority”, led by General Malcolm Granger, for the Air Force employed its own Base of Operations without any heavily armed vehicles or superior defences.
Soon after the GLA’s apparent destruction in 2020, the Joint Chief of Staff called in all three generals participated in the conflict: General Townes, General Granger and General Alexander. The JCS pointed out sharply that a doctrine only focuses on one part of superiority will not succeed. All three generals agreed to employ a much more balanced doctrine, and the JCS agreed to support them with necessary resources.
General Alexander soon proceeded to build a new shiny Marine Corps’ own armoured division. The position of tank was substituted by M7 Westmoreland IFVs, since they are much more multi-functional than a MBT and has more flexibility in urban combat. The heavy artillery is replaced by M302 Negotiator NLOS-A System, a destructive and long range shell-based artillery. As for the light artillery, a missile-based plan is approved, but has not yet been produced. The Chaparral reactivation program concludes for the heavy AA system.
Just when everything seemed fine, a problem appears: Neither the Negotiator or the new missile artillery would have the ability to stop a massive wave of GLA tanks, let alone fast vehicles, while the Westmoreland, even with ATGM configurations, might not win a 1-1 fight against a Marauder medium tank. A new MBT is still needed to replace M25 Paladin Adv.MBT for the Corps.
This news was just in time for the GM-Ford team. They successfully designed M20 Crusader MBT and M25 Paladin Adv.MBT, and wanted to try something new. They soon have a plan for a new tank for the Corps: A double barrel, heavy turret, and 75-ton class heavy MBT. Alexander saw the squads after squads of Marines die on the front; she did not wish it to happen again. The new program, codenamed MCAD-5 (The fifth new program for Marine Corps Armour Divisions) soon got the permission both from Alexander and the JCS.
After a year and a half, a prototype, coded XM40, finally drove out of the assembly line at Boston Manufacturing Plant. The monstrous tank was more than 10 metres in length, wider than 4 meters, and has a height of 3.25 metres. The first impression for anyone would be: It’s indestructible, and I wouldn’t want to be its enemy.
Although the structure was not changed too much from prototype to mass production model Mk 2, the weapons were changed again, again, and again. Originally, 2 of the M25’s main guns were slapped on the turret, with a point defence laser. However, Alexander rejected it at the first glance, and does not want to see any cannon with a calibre less than 150mm. Shocked, the designers asked Alexander why, and she answered: “Previously we Marines won with surprise and courage; now we win with surprise, courage and overwhelming firepower.”
155mm guns with shells left from Desert Storm era was then installed. This time Alexander was slightly pleased, but gave an order: The gun must have at least a calibre of 203mm, equivalent to the obsolete M203 artillery system. And, there should be two other weapons to defend it from infantry crowds.
The designers had to completely re-design the turret, to add on new weapons as well as to install necessary anti-recoil devices and reinforce the turret, since the new plan’s gun – 223mm Lh100 by Rheinmetall – has the currently highest calibre in tank guns – Except the Chinese Overlord and Emperor, with a calibre of 300mm and 350mm – and would require a lot of space to install anti-recoil device and the gun itself. Added to that, they’ve also installed a M40 “King Cobra” auto cannon for anti-infantry tasks.
Just then the designers came to a dilemma. It’d be redundant to install any other machine guns or auto cannons, but General Townes wouldn’t borrow any of his technology – “Oh, I am very sorry, dear Alexis, but you have to understand that my arsenal represents all the US Military’s top secret weapons, so, I’m afraid that I cannot borrow you any” – and any advanced weapons wouldn’t be possible. Missiles would take too much space, therefore not an option. Lucky for them, a new modular shrapnel-HE grenade launcher just came on to the shelf. 2 of these chaps are slapped on, and proved to be effective. A hailstorm of auto cannon fire and a torrent of shrapnel grenades would be enough in addition to two 223mm cannons firing.
On August 1, 2038, General Alexander named the tank M40 Eisenhower, to the memory of General Dwight Eisenhower. This tank, although slower than most of the Corps’ vehicles, would bring “Shock and Awe” to the peace-disrupting terrorists with its twin cannons, auto cannon and grenades. Its sheer firepower, its ultimate defence and its name would give it the honours of bearing the proud flag of the United States of America, and the emblem of United States Marine Corps.
Posted 18 August 2012 - 07:19
Umm, is necro allowed for this? Feels like I may re-start writing some stuff after 3 fricking years of hiatus despite the fact that I'm going to uni, but seems too much of a necro IMO.
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