well, basicsally i editted the apoc. cheaper slightly and stronger.
Files are Apocmod (with mod.badproj file)->data (with mod and weapon xmls) -> soviet (with sovietantivehiclevehicletech3.xml)
mod xml says
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AssetDeclaration xmlns="uri:ea.com:eala:asset" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
mod.xml is the central include for mod setup data.
<!-- These includes need to be in all mod.xml files -->
<Include type="reference" source="DATA:static.xml" />
<Include type="reference" source="DATA:global.xml" />
<Include type="reference" source="DATA:audio.xml" />
<!-- Including the Harbinger Gunship from Uprising -->
<Include type="all" source="DATA:Apocmod/data/soviet/SovietAntiVehicleVehicleTech3.xml"/>
<!-- New sample weapon.xml -->
<Include type="all" source="DATA:Apocmod/data/Weapon.xml"/>
00:00:04.9920000] Error: Mvp.Xml.XInclude.FatalResourceException: Resource error has occured and no fallback has been provided: An exception has occured during GetEntity call to custom XmlResolver.. ---> Mvp.Xml.XInclude.ResourceException: An exception has occured during GetEntity call to custom XmlResolver. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'c:\ra3 mod sdk\mods\apocmod\Includes\SovietCrushUpgradePlayerPower.xml'.
[00:00:04.6644000] Error: Mvp.Xml.XInclude.FatalResourceException: Resource error has occured and no fallback has been provided: An exception has occured during GetEntity call to custom XmlResolver.. ---> Mvp.Xml.XInclude.ResourceException: An exception has occured during GetEntity call to custom XmlResolver. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'c:\ra3 mod sdk\mods\apocmod\Includes\SovietCrushUpgradePlayerPower.xml'.
problem: nothing being read
skudef and big files are 1 kb each
Edited by AZZKIKR, 03 May 2009 - 13:22.