One such mod I'm particularly pleased I found was one which claims to replace all the unit symbols with their real life NATO counterpart (get it here). However, I'm not convinced that the creator has got it quite right, especially with the naval units (he openly admits the battleship is wrong, for example). I was wondering if any of you people could direct me to the correct versions of the wrong ones, as I was thinking of fixing them (Defcon is incredibly easy to mod).
Here's what I have so far (screenshot is taken over Alaska):

The land installations from left to right are radar, missile silo ICBM mode (top) and air defense mode (bottom), airfield. The aircraft are fighter on the left and bomber on the right. The naval units, clockwise from top left, are battleship, carrier, surfaced submarine, submurged submarine.
The internet is quite bad for finding this sort of information, so does anyone here know how correct these are and has an alternative?
Edited by Rich19, 07 May 2009 - 22:04.