CommanderJB, on 23 May 2009, 23:55, said:
I don't know why I didn't move this before, but consider it done now.
@Topic, while the white armour is ridiculous (expect to see active camouflage layers new ballistic protection fabrics instead of stark white 'SHOOT ME!' colour schemes, it is somewhat intimidating to see sci-fi emulated, with faceless helmets and high-tech gadgetry protruding everywhere. By far the most concerning element, however, is the drugs; while they might only be for 'your own protection' (/enhancement), is there really any way you could ever tell? Now this may be symptomatic of my general hatred of mind-altering substances, but I don't think a situation like that in Haze is too far off if we start going down that path.
Also, @ Pav3d, I lol'd!
Good Point. More then likely to increase the awareness of each soldier they'll use the same thing that gives Raptor pilots their picture of the battlefield... Sensor Fusion. Basically, everyone will have real-time uplinks with a shit load of sensors (both planted in the ground, and on the soldiers body), UAVs and UGVs, AWACS/JSTARS, and other combat units in the vicinity. This, combined with Blue-Force Tracking software will give soldiers an unparalleled view of the modern battlefield. They will know where they are, where they're objectives are, where the bad guys are, and more importantly, where your buddies and all civilians are. Add items like Sniper-Detection hardware, adaptive armor, and active camouflage, and you will have an army that will be virtually unstoppable. Granted, all of this is mute if we're still using the M16/M4 series weapons at time. I know the system has a call for specialized weapons, but more then likely those won't get used during initial combat tests, since, as anyone can guess, switching weapons over-night takes time, and ALLOT of money.