Armored Core
Posted 22 May 2009 - 18:09
So, anyone who knows AC knows EVERYTHING it is about. Simply put, build a mech, choose a mission, kill-kill-kill, get bounty and reward and then buy more parts to improve/rebuild mech;repeat steps 2 and above for the rest of the game. I've been a fan since AC 2 and have only played AC3 & AC4, however, using some storyline information from Silent Line (AC3 Expansion) I hope to link together the two universes.
So, here's a LITTLE of what I have right now:
First of all the game will be divided into two story modes: the Story Mode and Adventure Mode.
-Story Mode is story driven and follows a Linear Plot following a Raven. The Raven will be named at some point
-Adventure Mode allows you to pick a side, either LINX or RAVEN, both of which have advantages. Also, Adventer Finally, in Adventure Mode is where ALL the CO-OP and VS CO-OP takes place.
-Multiplayer Mode, it is quite different from before because EVERYTHING is on its own. Meaning that you cannot export money/parts from the story modes, you MUST unlock them on your own in Multiplayer Mode (Hopefully this will help balance and also makes it easier to ignore the story if you want to) and you do so by winning certain number of battles and also by buying parts using money from those won battles.
Also, there are Multiplayer Modes:
-Battle Royal
-Team Battle
-Convoy (Multiplayer Escort Mode)
-Commander (Hunt& Kill specified commander to win, can be preset/randomly chosen)
-Objective Battle (Objectives Chosen)
-Destroy the Fortress (Competitive Battle to see who kills enemy first)
-Destroy the Base (Annihilate EVERYTHING in enemy base)
-Many more
And then, of course, I've added a gameplay systems:
-Radiators: Fans, do not complain, I remember the damned heat system. Instead of doing that, I've made a small class of heat weapons, which uinclude flamethrowers and things of that sort as well as the flames from LARGE explosions ONLY. There are two kinds, the light radiator which offers a certain % of protection that drops as you are exposed to hotter flames for longer times, and the much heavier and drainier Stasis Cores that offer anywhere from 40-95% PERMANENT protection versus heat.
-Kojima Reactors- Heavier generators that generate TREMENDOUSLY more power and KJ particles than normal generators. Their down sides are heavier weight and instability upon death (70% chance of going nuclear=bad in multiplayer, with allies)
-Kojima Boards- Have you ever seen Eureka seveN? Remember the Reff Boards? Same idea, different principle. The air of the world is polluted with low-density KJ particles that are not dangerous like the more concentrated, more nuclear and radiational kind used in the PA. KJ boards exploit this by releasing a Anti-Kojima Particles like the kind used in Reactors, which causes an explosion (like the kind between matter and anti-matter) that serves as the board's propulsion system and can be manipulated by the pilot. Of course, it needs fuel, so it survives by leeching off the AC's PA and running through a special kind of particle accelerator, transforming it into Anti-Kojima Particles. It goes without saying that the more KJ produced by the generator the better, and the amount of PA produced by parts do not matter, but their ability to channel it through the body (measured in percentages) matters LOTS and can increase speed/mobility. Unfortunately, the KJ boards are drainy and when you're on them they drain your PA anywhere from 95%-100%. Also, each board has a certain chance of making an event known as a Red Wave/Tide happens in which the green particle stream left behind turns red and becomes damaging to an AC on contact. Also, each board has a certain resistance to those events. And last but not least, they have a weight limit and can allow AC to go up to Mach 3/4 in HMM mode.
-HMM (High Mobility Mode)- Simply put, the camera draws out and you can do crazy maneuvers. Works with boosters, jetpacks, KJ Boards, and any other mode I can come up with. Is an AC exclusive ability. During HMM the gameplay changes and becomes more like the camera in HAWX during the Limiter-Off mode, but more comfortable. It is achieved by turning the AC's Limiter off. During HMM there is a ten-leveled Psych-Gague. As you go longer and longer in HMM the gague decreases, and making strenuous maneuvers will decrease it more and faster, depending on how hard the move is. If you fail to pull out of HMM to let yourself recharge, you can suffer psych damage and you will lose capability and if the bar goes too low below zero, your nervous system will crash and you will die due to hemorrhages.
Well, I've got history now, so I'll post more later, and add on to HMM and AC Limiters.

[indent]Garrod "Newtype Killer" Ran[/indent]
Posted 22 May 2009 - 19:18
Oh, almost forgot, boosters are now an optional part, as they are not necessary for MOST missions and the jump-jets are built into the AC's legs and vary in strength and other factors by leg model.
Anyway, back to HMM and Limiters (the first one will be BIG):
Psyche (HMM)
Regulates ability to control HMM. As mentioned before, the ability to pilot the AC improves dramatically with HMM on. However, Psyche's measured by a ten level gague (blue=max) accompanied by a percentage that is left. The resilience of HMM can be improved by using it more often, essentially "leveling up" in it and allowing more and more radical use of it for longer periods of time, and also by the FCS and experience with the certain mode of propulsion.
-Note that for HMM to be used, you must first equip the proper Node and at least a Partial-Infinite Flight System.
At first Psyche drops relatively slowly, and preformance is enhanced 500%. After it drops below lvl 8, however, your enhancement drops to 200% and it begins to decrease more quickly. And at level 5 it is again at 100% ability but the decrease slows and continues to slow with each lower level. After level five, efficiency drops by 20% every level until level Zero (which is a bright, dark, blood-red color compared to level 1's lighter red) is reached, at which point you are at 1% efficiency.
Also, after you drop below level five, the pilot's sanity begins to waver. At such point he will actually start to mutter weird things. At level three he will start to confuse some allies with enemies, and EVERYTHING that can be targeted will be highlighted in red. At level 2 he will begin to see hallucinations and even some enemies that do not exist will be seen and sometimes targeted. At level one, the pilot will be able to preform the most complicated maneuvers and it will not hinder the decrease or increase it, also, the craft will become MUCH harder to control and will shake and move on its own, he will also suffer damage (although it will not affect the AC's AP but is a cool addition) and begin to cough up blood and the like. At level zero, the pilot starts to suffer even more, and the paranoia is a constant, no longer will the confusions be momentary as well as the hallucinations (usually they were relatively short flashes that became longer as the pilot goes down more levels), but PERMANENT. Below level Zero, well, the gague cracks and some cool stuff I'll explain later happens.
In my next post I'll finally explain the limiters and more.
Edited by Zero, 22 May 2009 - 19:19.

[indent]Garrod "Newtype Killer" Ran[/indent]
Posted 23 May 2009 - 01:41
Also, yes, DEFINITELY third-person and third-person ONLY. AC has ALWAYS been a 3rd person game, and I will NOT change that tradition because I love the game too damn much. Also, it would not work very well in 1st person most especially with my new control scheme. And last but not least, the HMM mode will be an extreme 3rd person mode.
Oh, new multiplayer mode:
-FFA (Formula Front): Think online-ranked arena
And, where was I, oh, Below Level Zero (I'm willing to accept any suggested cool names for this "Ultimate Mode"):
REALLY cool I think. So you regain control and by now tour spilling blood EVERYWHERE in your AC. Not only that, your veins are popping out (btw, did I forget to mention that every random amount of time, a small box will show up on-screen displaying the pilot's status and the cockpit's, but only during HMM. So yes, you'll see the blood and the bloody coughing, and the veins!), your eyes are dialated and blood-red...the whole nine yards. And that's visually!
Preformance-wise, you go ALL the way up in preformance to 1000%! Also all negative side-effects except the illusion and ally confusement and blood go away. Also the gague cracks and starts to pulse like a heart while it flashes gray. Even cooler, you can hear a heart-beat speed up, slow down, return to normal, EVERYTHING! The down side though is that you have 5-30 seconds to disengage HMM mode and reactivate the Limiter or you DIE. Simply put, your brain hemorraghes, and you die in any one of a potential million ways depending on the circumstances and the physics engine.
Now, the Limiter:
The Limiter is meant to keep the AC in check. Simply put, an AC has theoretically unlimited potential save for the pilot's capabilities. Piloting an AC without a limiter allows unrivaled presicion, maneuverability, agility, and speed, however, the strain on the pilot (both psychological and physical) that it can actually KILL the pilot (think Devilfish from Eureka Seven or Gundam Wing Zero from Gundam Wing or any of a million other pilot-killers). The Limiter literally limits the AC's capabilities to make it easier for it to preform in combat and not die for longer periods of time.
Now, levels: Think Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion. There is a level for almost EVERYTHING and it can ONLY be gained by using the skill OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. Higher Levels mean more and more skill meaning improved efficiency. And also some weapons fit into both classes so the skill level in both classes HAS to be the same for the effect to take place. The classes are:
-Handguns (Includes all kinds but Shotpistols)
-Rifles (Includes Sonic, Beam, Plasma, Shell, and everything else)
-Cannons (All Non-Hi-Beam cannons)
-Hi-Beam Cannons
-Grenade Weaponry
-Blades (Solid)
-Special Blades (Parrying& Energy)
-Melee (Hand-to-Hand)
-Shields (Energy and Solid Shields)
-Kojima Board (HMM)
-Jetpacks (HMM)
-Psyche (HMM)
-Short Blades (Daggers, Assassin's Blades)
-Fully Automatic Weapons (MGs/Chainguns/etc.)
-Finishing Moves
-Many more will be added later on.
Now, I will explain the layout of the package:
-3 CDs
-One for Story Mode
-One for Adventure Mode
-One for Multiplayer Mode
-I am considering making it PC and PS3 only. I have a reason too. The reason is that the gmae is SO massive I don't want to make it 360 (and yes, there is a SLIGHT bias vs. 360 there since because of it I can't find ANY PS3 titles for sell at flee markets because it outsold it so badly). To put it into perspective, I had over 10,000 parts envisioned when I STARTED. That and a MUCH larger musical score, and improved graphics and other tiny things added on which will add up BIG time. Also, PC because it can be modded and PCs are easier to produce for than any other console if you know how to do it, and it is also the most beneficial in every way, including control-scheme although I haven't developed it yet...
Now, I'll explain the basic storyline:
Pretty much you find out Ace (AC3) was actually a chick, and that Raven (AC3) actually married her. Furthermore, you pick up many hundred years after AC3 and I bind together that storyline and the AC4 storyline. Also, Exile from AC3 was Ace's brother, and the first "LINX", the only survivor of a rough and primitve genetic and physical engineering project carried out by the Controller.
Okay, remember the Controller from AC3? Well, the reason it became so unstable was because of a computer-virus. During the time, Kisaragi, the weakest of the three major companies saw that Mirage's and Crest's strength lay mainly in how much the Controller depened on them. So, they developed a virus supposed to KILL the Controller. It turned out, however, that something went wrong and the virus only made it malfunction. Afterwards, a guilty CEO shot and killed the president and became the Kisaragi president and formed Union to destroy the Controller to both destroy the other two companies and atone. Meanwhile MIRAGE was experimenting with bio weapons to try to take CREST down while CREST tried to persuade the Controller to give them leway to distroy MIRAGE (if you played 3 you'll notice that the Controller seemed to favor Crest and that's why they were so adamant on controlling it). Anyway, Controller dies at end of AC3 and humanity is finally released into the "Outer World."
During this time Ace and Raven marry and have 3 children, she retires. Events of Silent Line take place and Raven finds out the pseudo-Controller was built by a terrorist group named the Controller Resurgance Army (CRA). By this point, for his heroics, Raven becomes the new head of the newly found Order of the Raven, a newly reformed Raven Organization, and while still mercenaries, their number ONE loyalty is to the order and only the order. During this time, Appleboy, Raven's best friend, war-buddy, and closest living comparison on the battlefield is tricked by him into a cryostasis chamber, and Appleboy will develop a grudge.
As controller of the Raven Order, Raven is in complete control of the world because he decides what happens between the Big Three. It is then, however, that Ace rejoins the Order. She and Raven find Neo-Union to help fight the new CRA and many other groups, one of which (can't remember the name off the top of my head) is dedicated to returning the world to a government run federation of peace. They suceed, but they die shortly before it happens of old age.
Then the National Dismembermant (or whatever, the one prior to AC4) happens, and all the Ravens are "killed." The LINXs, however, do not know that they only killed the weak Ravens. The Order survives, led by Raven's grandchild. Events of AC4 happen.
After the events of AC4, the story flashes forward 120 years. During this time all the major companies defeated in AC4 have been destroyed, and the Big Three from AC3 have rised again. The LINX serve EXACTLY as they did in AC4, to protect the Big Companies.
Meanwhile, the Big Three plot. Kisaragi, now headed by a female descendant of Raven is dedicated to rebuilding the Federation based on governments. CREST funds the Neo-CRA. And MIRAGE is intent on using their nearly perfected bio-weapons to annihilate all other competitors.
During the roughly 150 years between the National Dis. War, and the events of the game, the Raven Order has restructured underground and have banded together under the name Union again (Neo-Union was corrupted near the end of the "Oldworld"-the Raven's age as is referred to in the game). They quietly serve Kisaragi, as well as CREST and MIRAGE, but untrustingly, and even fight for the Big Five Corporations, when it benefits the Order.
They become a guerilla group. Their ace, is Raven's great-great-great-great grandchild who is only thirty-something. In an attempt to defeat the guerillas the Corporations resurrect Appleboy who's body they retrieved, but he betrays them because he can't betray the order and Raven despite his grudge. He gets back and meets "Raven" (that's the kid's name, quotes and all) and quickly surpasses the boy and hates him because compared to the real Raven, he is an old man without any skills (the original started really young and was the BEST Raven EVER). To counter this, the Corporations resurrect Proto (Codename for AC4 Main Character) who took over White Glint's role after his death (due to the deadly LINX modifications) and keeps the name White Glint as his AC's Name.
The main character, a young Raven aged 16 joins the Ravens after his parents are slaughtered by the Corporations in an attempt to make some easy money, he's an MT-Pilot. You play him, and now all out war is about to break out.
ANY questions ladies (and that's the VERY short version)?
Okay, now I'll explain the damage system:
-Damage shows, and when AP is low enough, limbs can be shot clean off
-Finisher System (Fatalities): kill enemy, once at AP at 0, do kill, has benefits I will not name now....
And now I will explain the KJ Board weaknesses:
-Although the fastest system in the game, the KJ Boards have a HEAVY weight limit, save for the special SAVIOUR Board (best one in my opinion)
-Drains your PA so low you become fragile
-And, most of all, it raises the usage drain on your board so much that boosting becomes almost useless and you MUST use the KJ board to survive AC battles.
And, finally (for today), Commander Mode:
-Only available in certan missions and multiplayer modes
-Allows to "buy" units with Company funds
-Can position units and defeneses, move them, plan escape routes, plan drop-offs, ambushes, reinforcements, the whole nine yards.
And yes, I'm one ambitious bastard! More to come...at some point!!!!!!!!!

[indent]Garrod "Newtype Killer" Ran[/indent]
Posted 23 May 2009 - 03:43

Insomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:
I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.
Posted 23 May 2009 - 20:18
Soul, on 23 May 2009, 4:43, said:

Again, I won't go at it alone, I'll have to go to the publisher, this is a retail-sale game. As for the copyrights for the anime and inspiration, if you can impress someone enough to convince them that it'll sell well enough you can get almost ANYONE to sign on the dotted line.

[indent]Garrod "Newtype Killer" Ran[/indent]
Posted 23 May 2009 - 20:29
Zero, on 23 May 2009, 16:18, said:
Soul, on 23 May 2009, 4:43, said:

Again, I won't go at it alone, I'll have to go to the publisher, this is a retail-sale game. As for the copyrights for the anime and inspiration, if you can impress someone enough to convince them that it'll sell well enough you can get almost ANYONE to sign on the dotted line.
I highly doubt they'll go for it

Insomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:
I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.
Posted 23 May 2009 - 21:04

[indent]Garrod "Newtype Killer" Ran[/indent]
Posted 25 May 2009 - 23:55
-Katana (used like Ninja Katanas, can only be 2x wielded)
-Daikatana (used like Samurai, 2x handed only)
-Zweihänder (2x Handed only)
-Chinese Moon/Circular Blade
-Assassin's Hidden Blade (Hidden in Upper/Lower Wrist Weapon Slot)
-Great Sword
-VibroBlade (like the ones used by the FLAG in the first episode of Gundam 00)
-Energy Saber (Lightsaber with another name)
-Fin Blades (arm-attached blades)
-Double Blade (A REALLY long sword that has the handle in the middle) (2x Handed Only)
-Sickle Blade
-Double Energy Saber (Darth Maul's Lightsaber!!!)
-Energy Blade (Mounted on arm like in older AC games)
-Fists (Default)
-Claws (Fingernail Claws)
+Burst (Shotgun blast on fist impact)
+Brass Knuckles
+Energy Burst (Energy Shortgun blast on impact)
+Piercing (Spike knuckles)
-Energy Claws
Miscellaneous Melee
-Bo-Staff (2x handed only)
-Battle/War Axe (2x handed only)
-Energy Spear
-Elbow Spike
-Claws (hand-held)
-Energy Claws (hand-held)
-Crucifix (Energy Shield AND Blunt Bashing Weapon. GIGANTIC crucifix mounted on arm and held in hand by handle for extra support)
-Morning Star
-Parrying Blade
-Energy Parrying Blade
-Extend Orbit
+Energy Cannon (Small one)
+Energy Machinegun
+Pulse Gun
+Energy Rifle Pods
-Missile Interceptors
-Hiwatari Core (Look at Lelouch's Knightmare-can't remember the name-it's the Central Crystal Reflective Energy Cannon in the center of the Knigtmare's chest)
-MFPG (Multi-Function Palm Gun) (Built into AC hands' palms
+Close Range-Preset- (Energy Lance)
+Close Range #2-Preset- (Double Energy Lancelets) (Energy Blades mixed with E Lance)
+Medium Range-Preset- (Pulse Gun)
+Medium Range #2-Preset- (Pulse Rifle)
+Long Range (Linear Pulsar Cannon)
+Ranged Close Range-within 15-150 meters- (Fingertip Energy Blasters) (Does not work with claws)
-Energy Shotgun
-Energy Eyes
Fully-Automatic Weapons
-Minigun (Upper/Lower Wrist Weapon Slot Only)
-30mm Cannon
-Gattling Gun
-Fingertip Blasters
Assualt Weapons
-Assault Rifle
-Sniper Rifle
-Energy Rifle
-Energy Sniper Rifle
-Sonic Rifle
Personal Weapons&Handguns
-Pulse Gun
-Pulse Blaster
Cannons-Back only
-Hi-Laser Cannon
-Laser Cannon
-Plasma Cannon
-Pulse Cannon
-Grenade Launcher (Heavy)
-Grenade Launcher (Medium)
-Grenade Launcher (Light)
-Photon Cannon
-Ion Cannon
-120mm Cannon
-150mm Cannon
-Rail Cannon (2x back)
-Linear Cannon
-Gauss Cannon
-Railgun (can be 2x wielded on back, unlike Rail Cannon)
-Sonic Cannon
-Wing Cannon(s)
Cool Weapons-My Favorites
-Homing Laser (one of my favorites, will be described later due to unorthodox weapon design&use)
-Hiwatari Core
-Gekki-Ha (Guren Mk.II's Gamma Palm) (can be upgraded with collapsable arm upgrade)
-Energy Bow
-Energy Rod (Like the ones on the Gouffs in Gundam!)
-Repair Unit (can ONLY repair allies)
-Guncannon (will describe later, SO COOL!!!)
-Small Missile
-Medium Missile
-High Explosive Missile (like AC 3's TITAN Missile)
-Bomblet Dispenser
-Micro Missile
-Napalm Missiles
-Decoy Missiles
-Decoy Flares (Technically not missiles or weapons, but meh, it's an inside part)
Missile Paths
-Metronome (Special type that follows random, strange path)
-Ground Torpedo (Flies REALLY close to ground)
-Riser (Rising Ground Torpedo)
-Flanker (Tries to go in from side)
-Blind Sider (Tries to go in from behind)
-Multi-Missile (Many Missiles at once)
-Spread Missiles (Many from one)
-Arch (Arch to enemy)
-Large Rocket
-Multi-Rocket (many launched at once)
-Spread-Rocket (many from one warhead)
-Medium Rocket
-Small Rocket
-Bazooka (Hand-held Weapon)
-Spread Bazooka (Hand-held Weapon)
-Napalm Rockets
Inside Weapons/Parts
-Decoy Flares
-Jammers (Shoulder-Mounted) (Radar/Sonar/All)
-Net&Energy Net (Capture& Drain enemy energy for 2-5 seconds)
-Floating Mines
-Jamming Rods (Impaled into grouds)
-Jamming Pods
-Bomb Dropletts
Defensive Armarmaments
-Shield Bits
-Auxillary Armor
-Energy Shield
-Solid Shield
*Note: Unless stated otherwise, EVERY weapon can be 2x wielded.
*Note II: Three blade grips: Normal/2x Handed/Assassin (holding it like The Apprentice from The Force Unleashed)
*Notw III: 2x handed can only equip 1 blade per 2 sword slots (there are 4 default on EVERY AC btw)
Edited by Zero, 28 May 2009 - 19:24.

[indent]Garrod "Newtype Killer" Ran[/indent]
Posted 26 May 2009 - 13:03
With your massive lists, nobody will want to look. I suggest trimming it down quite a bit, making the categories less specific, and make it far easier for a developer/publisher to look at. Currently, you have essentially listed every technology past, present and future, and thrown them on a big stompy robot. The level of customisation you want is found in a mmorpg and maybe a game like Eldar Scrolls/Fallout series, but you are defining a shoot-em-up all but, and people will run for the hills with that ruleset, as what people want from Shooting/Robot games like you have described, is a reasonably immersive storyline, a reasonable selection of weapons, and HUGE amount of money spent on graphics and presentation and AI. Primarily, people want to feel integrated into the game, and keep playing for hours, switching weapons on the fly, not like an outsider twiddling with it every 30 seconds when they have enough money to upgrade their metal sword to a massive great big laser beam.
Prime example of all of this is TF2 - Valve have added in weapons and are going to do trading systems and whatnot, and they got it all wrong as people just want nice and easy weapon switches on the fly without having to interchange 200 BOINK! drinks to get ahold of a bow and arrow.
Posted 26 May 2009 - 19:17

Posted 26 May 2009 - 22:46
And yes, I am planning an IMMENSE, at least 40 hour long storyline (and that's only the Main, not Adventure Mode) and so it will be justified. I feel it's time Armored Core grew up and developed a REAL storyline, that was my ONLY complaint in the past to be honest. And no, it is not a shoot-em-up. Armored Core's always been half RPG (Custimization) and half Third Person Shooter (Missions which I will add a deeper layer to.)
Also switching weapons will not be dilemma as it still as easy as it was in AC4, save that now you can use some of the directional pad buttons to allow for more diversity and accessability. And upgrading is quick, simply swap out or tune as you did in EVERY other AC game, so as far as those aspects go I haven't changed much.
As I have already stated, the optional Commander Functions as well as in-game commands to allied ACs (functioning much like in Rainbow Six and I hope to add a voice-activated layer to) adds a more strategic and tactical element to it. Furthermore, I'm adding an easy-to use cover mechanic (for use in Urban Areas). All this and more. As I've stated before I will COMPLETELY reboot AC, and I plan to do so, I will make it into the TRUE God of Custimizable Mech games as it should be, and make it not the Niche Title it's always been (one that is not very well known and unadvertised) but a masterpiece that holds true to its roots in most gameplay and FINALLY becomes well noticed and mainstreamed. If this game is EVER published under MY direction, I will accept no more than PERFECTION (a 10/10 from Gamespot and at least 10 other places).
THAT is my dream for AC, to have it become well known.
ultimentra, on 26 May 2009, 19:17, said:
Ooh! A fellow fan! We, my friend, will get along WELL!
GREAT! That's ALL we're doing here (I have none either my friend, can't draw, program, skin, or ANYTHING else. I'm just a good writer, and a good conceptualizer). If you have any ideas just PM me or send me an E-Mail, and I'll look it over, and if you want you can do some of the balancing since I can't figuer some things out, k? Just ask and I'll send you a set of parts (the All-Custom SAVIOUR AC made by Terminus, one of the BEST ACs in my personal opinion, and the one piloted by Appleboy by the end of the game).
Edited by Zero, 28 May 2009 - 19:25.

[indent]Garrod "Newtype Killer" Ran[/indent]
Posted 27 May 2009 - 00:53
Cover-Mechanic: This mechanic is only available when you are against a wall, by quick-boosting towards the wall and charging directly towards it, you turn around and use it as cover. This can be used on virtually anything larger than your AC from a "disarmed" enemy ship, to a rock wall, or, most likely, a tall building. It should be noted, however, that enemy ships can be demolished, and buildings demolished. Also, some weapons such as Sniper Cannons and Rail Cannons and the sort can shoot clean holes through even the densest rock walls. Some thinner rock walls, however, can be shot through or worn down to the point where they can be shot through. On average, energy weapons are able to penetrate deeper into rock than Sonic which is able to go deeper than shell.
Now, some of my favorite weapons:
Hiwatari Core- It's like Lelouch's Knightmare's Reflective Beam Cannon. Essentially, a computer locks on to group of enemy, which may take from one quarter of a second to five seconds depending on the number of targets. After lockon, the reticle turns green and you can fire the gigantic reflective diamond inmbedded in the chest. An EM cannon forces the diamond out and fires the High-Density (Power) Laser that reflects off the crystal and hits ALL (up to 30) locked-on enemies with full force that can rival most medium or even Light-Heavy Class Laser Cannons before being retracted by an EM Puller. The drawbacks are that it requires use of its own FCS, cannot be used simultaneously with any other weapon, and has a 30 second reload timer, as well as that it cannot efficiently hit any FAST moving target. Essentially functions as Laser-Missile and is classified as a Homing Laser, one of a kind Core, but new models can be made in Part Creator. Has infinite ammo.
Homing Lasers (Conventional)- Floating (Extended Orbit) Laser Cannons that attach to your AC's chassis. The weapons activate by simply pressing a button, and will function for a certain amount of time and then shut down to recharge, to make it even better it can be used with other weapons and is instead activated by activating the Miscellaneous Parts System (as you would activate the MFPG or any other Extra System-only one can be equipped at a time- using the down button pad). Unfortunately, recharge times are long and can sometimes exceed twice its active time, also, they are very drainy and as such useless outside of a KJ Board. They boast infinite ammo, however, and while they DO count towards your AC's weight in the garage, they do NOT on the field (as they hover the ENTIRE time and recharge via either suspended cable or Microwave Energy Beam). Each model can equip a certain number on to one AC (for example, the SAVIOUR's can equip up to 15 on one AC) and they can all aim indepently. It is, however, impossible to equip them along with a Hiwatari Core and some parts are incompatible with it. Additionally, the total Energy Channeling and Kojima Channeling capabilities of the AC must meet a minimum requirement (never less than 80%) and using it will nullify ALL PA and Phaseshift Armor benefit. And finally, they can be shot down by random chance if enough damage to them is incured by enemy fired towards you (although they can't be aimed at, they hover close enough to be hit). Their HP is displayed on your screen in small boxes for each one showing a green health bar and a percentage of what is left in black inside the bar.
Shield Bits- Forget to list this. My favorite defensive weapon, and directed from Gundam 00 Season 2. Pretty much serves as a Shield Version of a Homing Laser capable of blocking incoming damage to lower or completely nullify the damage. The bits have health and are monitored by the lasers and disintrigate on use. They, however, have no usage time limit and will continue to hover for as long as you can supply adequate amounts of energy (they leech off of yours via Microwave Energy Beam). The shields move around during battle to block incoming fire and sets come in all sizes (very small tidbits the size of your AC's eyes to ones the size of half its body) and different numbers per set (as a rule of thumb, the smaller the shield bit, the more in a set). For each destroyed during a mission you are charged an ammunition cost.
Auxillary Armor- Extra Armor that can be added to ANY part of your AC to raise AP and Defense. One set looks like the one Dynames uses in 00....
Sniper Cannon- My FAVORITE hand weapon! It has range equalling a Rail Cannon (longest range in the game), if not surpassing it, and power equalling if not surpassing it as well. It is one of the few weapons able to shoot through rock, despite its thickness. This weapon is MASSIVE!!!! Seriously, MASSIVE!!!! So Massive it takes at LEAST one shoulder spot AND one arm spot on the same side for the SMALLEST Sniper Cannon. How Powerful? Remember the Railgun from AC 3, the WEAKEST one is that powerful. In terms of raw power and range, it is unbeatable!
The Sniper Cannon is also VERY heavy. Furthermore, some can use up both shoulder spots and an arm, or even both shoulder spots and both arms. And even heavier models have to bolt to the Core and cannot link with a Hiwatari Core. They require a Special FCS and have a rather long-ranged minimum range. They also have 100% PA Penetration on ALL models (only one). Another interesting thing to note is that they come in two varieties: Shell and Energy. Shell are inferior, but lighter, cheaper, less drainy, but have no AoE, they also have a faster Reload and no Recharge. Energy Cannons MUST recharge after every shot that may take a LONG time, also they are heavier and drainier but are MUCH more powerful than the shell, and the price tag shows it, they also can have a damaging linear trail and some have AoE that expand right out of the muzzle to the size of some large buildings. Energy ones have the longest range and also longest reload (recharge) time and greatest power and weight and drain.
More to come!!!!!!!!!!

[indent]Garrod "Newtype Killer" Ran[/indent]
Posted 27 May 2009 - 05:33
Zero, on 24 May 2009, 6:18, said:
Soul, on 23 May 2009, 4:43, said:

Again, I won't go at it alone, I'll have to go to the publisher, this is a retail-sale game. As for the copyrights for the anime and inspiration, if you can impress someone enough to convince them that it'll sell well enough you can get almost ANYONE to sign on the dotted line.
The truth hurts, but you won't get money off this unless you:
- Create a franchise of your own
- Develop a product good enough to sell (includes buying or writing your own engine, you cannot sell a mod engine unless it is strictly mentioned previously [i.e. from a specific type of license])
- Somehow miraculously do both of the above better than a 50-person strong game development company does in 2 years
In short: you will not get money from it.

Posted 27 May 2009 - 19:19
Also, yeah, no one EVER listens to a 15 year old, which is why when I suggested to an Engineering Major back in the DR (I was only seven at the time) to use nanobots (techincally microbots) programmed to find things such as tumor by using released enzymes and then killing it as is done with chemotherapy, he laughed at me. Now universities all over the US are FINALLY starting to develop such technologies, and may I remind you, this is something that was more or less plausible in the late 90s.
And as far as gaming goes, I AM planning my own franchise, but I'm having difficulty working on it, but I hope it to be BIG!

[indent]Garrod "Newtype Killer" Ran[/indent]
Posted 27 May 2009 - 20:56

Posted 27 May 2009 - 22:04
First thing before make something public that you may want your name on credits, go patenting. I'm not telling we here at FS are idea thieves, but someone can take your idea, without giving you creditis.
That's my advice. Good luck for you and your game,

kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!
Posted 27 May 2009 - 22:49
Gen.Kenobi, on 27 May 2009, 18:04, said:
First thing before make something public that you may want your name on credits, go patenting. I'm not telling we here at FS are idea thieves, but someone can take your idea, without giving you creditis.
That's my advice. Good luck for you and your game,
Remember this well.

Insomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:
I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.
Posted 27 May 2009 - 22:56
Gen.Kenobi, on 27 May 2009, 23:04, said:
First thing before make something public that you may want your name on credits, go patenting. I'm not telling we here at FS are idea thieves, but someone can take your idea, without giving you creditis.
That's my advice. Good luck for you and your game,
Don't care much about the pay. And I don't even want too much recognition, regardless of what it is for. Simply a: "And thanks to Zero" in the credits, even if just the ending credits. Someone can use them, even a company, I just require a simple "Thank You." It's fair, isn't it? It's not even too much to ask for?
But even if I DON'T get credit, that my ideas are implemented and improve the game and its status are WAY MORE than enough for me!
Edited by Zero, 27 May 2009 - 22:56.

[indent]Garrod "Newtype Killer" Ran[/indent]
Posted 28 May 2009 - 13:07
Pav3d, on 27 May 2009, 22:58, said:
Again Pav3d, I want to put them here. This is were I come for INSPIRATION, and without this place, my notebook full of practical inventions would NOT exist. Also, this is where I come for suggestions and criticism, and it has helped me quite a bit in the past before. So, in hopes of improving it, I put it here.
Besides, most people here I believe are nice enough to put up a simple: "And thanks to Zero" at the end of the credits of Armored Core, where as most business people will simply write it off since it's not copyrighted, afterall, I haven't run into that many selfish people in here.
So this is in the hopes that someone can put this to use!

[indent]Garrod "Newtype Killer" Ran[/indent]
Posted 28 May 2009 - 19:34
As far weapons go melee will be the biggest problem as will small handguns as they are they use up a LARGE number of spaces. I have counteracted this by only enabling the switch-weapon system to a max of 3 or 4 weapons (will decide definitively later on), which can be preset to fit your favorites. After that, you must access an extra "hangar" menu by holding down the switch button on your controller for two seconds on the corresponding side, a menu will come up, you can browse through it by moving the directional pad which will highlight the closest weapon in the chosen direction and then you press X and let go to equip. I should mention that you can ONLY move during this time, boosting or otherwise, you CANNOT shoot or quickboost or do anything too complicated. This is made so to offset equipping too many weapons without a use, and to make combat a bit more fun and methodical (probabling leading to hit-and-run or even trapping tactics) for everyone. It is a given that it is advised to ONLY do this when safe, under cover, OR when facing weak enemies.
Oh, did I mention that the first few missions of the game, REGARDLESS of what you play (story or adventure, either side) will be MT training missions which I will describe later? No, good, I'll describe it later how you get to feel like a REAL Raven in that you have to go through the training and THEN take tests finishing in the Final Qualification Test, the Raven Aptitude Test (RAT

[indent]Garrod "Newtype Killer" Ran[/indent]
Posted 29 May 2009 - 02:00
Here I will explain MORE of my favorite weapons, maybe. But first!
Some Limiters on weapons....
First off, I'll describe the weapon slots on the AC:
-L&R Arm Weapon
-L&R Hand Weapon
-L&R Fingers (applies for finger-claws which replace default fistst)
-L&R Knuckles (cannot be used in synchronization with Fingers, claws or fists, choose ONE)
-L&R Shoulder Weapon (Missiles, Cannons, etc.)
-L&R Leg Hangar
-L&R Shoulder Hangar
-Head Hangar (can only hold Energy Sabers-the Lightsabers of the game)
-L&R Upper Wrist
-L&R Lower Wrist
-L&R Elbow (Elbow spikes for ramming)
-L&R Shoulders (Shoulder spikes for ramming)
-Palm (Light Pulse Weapons, MFPG, AND a special Assassin's Hidden Blade)
-L&R Hand Fingers (Fingerguns only, cannot be used with claws OR knuckles)
-L&R Waist (Blade)
-L&R Back (Blade spaces on back, can be used along with back spaces for a total of 4 blades)
-Core (For Weapon Cores or Hangar Cores)
-Eyes (Laser Eyes, of course)
-Head (Anti-Personnel MG available on only some head models)
And that's all...for now.... *evil laugh*
Now, for auxillary weapons:
These weapons fit into a special cateragory that I will list as it evolves. Only ONE auxilllary weapon may be equipped due to its nature, which is OP a lot of the time....
Auxillary Weapons
-Hiwatari Core
-Energy Eyes
-Repair Unit
-Weapon Cores (include EO Cores)
-Shield Bits
-Sniper Mode
-Guncannon (Energy Bazooka Mode, if turned off can equip another thing instead)
-Homing Lasers
And the Guncannon MAY be added, but I COMPLETELY forgot what it was, so I'll get back to you on that one....
Now the ammo system for energy weapons (all E weapons are actually plasma weapons but retain laser for namesake):
-Encapsulated: Premade and include Plasma Cannons and Plasma Rifles, finite ammo and only ammo that weapons that are not labeled Laser/Energy/Beam/Rail/Photon weapons can use. Also, MUCH less usage drain than normal.
-Collective: Uses a combination of the two, heavier energy system BUT about doubles ammo, default on most energy weapons.
-Full Spectrum Collective: Grants infinite ammo, but is heavier BUT on the other hand, it also suffers of a recharge time in which it must reload every so many rounds. Default Energy Sniper Cannon Setting. More usage drain.
-Supercharged: Grants infinite ammo and no reload, however, it is much heavier. It can also boost power of SOME weaker weapons. On the down side, it affects Heavy Energy/Laser/Beam/Rail/Photon weapons in that it increases AoE BUT lowers RoF. Also works with any and all Energy Sniper Cannons which still need to recharge and is the ONLY choice for some of them. Same usage drain as Full Spectrum Collective Rounds.
Oh, and now a note on Sniper Cannons: Shell-based Sniper Cannons MUST bolt down to the ground to fire their rounds, as do some of the heavier energy ones. The Energy have a down-side in that the high energy output around the gun actually destroys the Kojima Particles of ANY AP field COMPLETELY, rendering it unusable with a longer reload every time it is fired while PA is on. Also, Energy-based shots can easily consume well over 1/4 to 1/3 to even 1/2 or more of the energy production of even the best generators.
ANYWAY, moving on to the MFPG:
This is a really cool weapon in that it fits ALL possible needs. You could go out with this weapon alone, seriously, it's that good. Well, it's not that it's GOOD, just VERSATILE. It comes default with infinite ammo and is linked directly to the generator and replaces the need for boosters by supplementing boosters that are beyond average, BUT nowhere near the best either. It, through a correct node, can enable HMM although the Linear Pulsar Cannon cannot be used during HMM. Also, the way it flies in HMM is just like the Type 3 Nirvash in Eureka seveN in that the it flies much like a KJ Board, but the particles are emitted from the hands and feet (although I just now noticed that the two fly the same, it hadn't been planned that way).
Anyway, you know the weapons and their relative range so I'll move one....
Guren Mk.II's Gamma Radiation Burst Cannon. Works the same way, and ammo comes either encapsulated, or supercharged, may I note that supercharged Gekki-Has weigh a LOT more than normally supercharged weapons. Up to 2 Gekki-Has may be used in one AC. Also, the Gekki-Ha, on Supercharged can use ranged attacks whose firing type (spread: HUGE AeO for a decent range/linear: LONG range, TINY line with PLENTY of damage packed in) by attempting to switch weapons. The Gekki-Ha CANNOT be equipped with any Wrist, Hand, Arm, Knuckle, Finger, or Shoulder (both shoulder types counted) filled. This put aside, however, the Gekki-Ha is VERY powerful and is tremendously lighter than a Sniper Cannon, most especially with the Collapsable Arm Upgrade and packs the same power, although it DOES share the recharge/reload problems of the two. Also, although VERY hard to do, if you can grab the enemy and lock him down well enough, you can use a more powerful than usual blast that will do more damage than usual as well as stun him although you will be unable to use the Gekki-Ha for 3 to 4 times the normal reload.
Also, new functions, for the MAJORITY of weapons, you can fire and switch the weapon while reloading/recharging. While recharging weapons will recharge in their "off-time" and most shell weapons will reload, the heavier shell weapons, especially those that fold in half will not be able to and must unfold to finish reload before it can be used again.
Also, I've added a new armor like PA:
Phaseshift (Yes, it's from Gundam Seed, but you'll see why I picked the name): The armor uses sensors in the head to pick up on incoming energy signatures. The plates of the armor are able to realign to deflect any "true" lasers (found ONLY on fortresses and other such enemies) and, when it detects incoming "normal" lasers (plasma) it releases a thick, concentrated patch of Kojima particles that help prevent damage. rearrange in super-strong formations to counter all other energy weapons. It cannot be used simultaneously with PA. It is COMPLETELY useless vs. shell rounds.
This is part of an attempt to dumb down energy weapons. Although already the strongest weapons in the game in terms of firepower, the lasers were only made the more powerful in the inability of ANY armor to stand up to them for more than a few seconds, MOST ESPECIALLY in AC4. This will act much like PA but the effect is indefinite. It should be noted, however, that the incoming of too many laser rounds can confuse the system and lower, if not completely shut down the system, while prolonged exposure to energy round will effectively destroy the armor and reduce its efficiency. It is an optional armor part that can be supplemented for PA.
Done for the day.....
Any questions, if so feel free to ask. As for me, I'm done, Adieu!
Edited by Zero, 03 June 2009 - 21:06.

[indent]Garrod "Newtype Killer" Ran[/indent]
Posted 29 May 2009 - 19:19
Now, you could be asking yourself what the above has to do with ANYTHING, so I'll explain: I LOVE Easter Eggs, and joke weapons are my favorite of all Easter Eggs. Why? Simply put because they are funny and fun to use. To be quite honest they are something that are not very serious and as such I'd rather keep them confined within the Simulator Mode, and so there they shall stay. Not sure what to put in yet....but careful consideration is going into it.....
Now, let me describe the modes in AC.
There are these modes:
-Mission (Select Mission)
+Mission selection is now done by selecting the Country you want to go to on a world map and then picking a city like in
AC3 off a holographic board, and then a mission
-Simulator (Same as in AC4, you fight enemy representations of NEXTs, as well as go over past missions and do training
missions and tutorials
+Available ONLY to NEXTs and ONLY in Adventure Mode
-Arena- Same as in AC3, fight ANY ranked Raven, and to fight some certain conditions must be met.
+There is Solo Arena and Team Arena
+Raven ONLY
-Holodeck- A smorgashboard of different game modes
+EPIC- Relieve best/hardest missions of past AC games (will list some later, suggestions VERY WELCOME!!!!)
+Training- Run training missions and tutorial
+Emulator- Rerun missions
+AIAS- Fight aces from ALL games, the best of the best
*It should be noted that redone missions in Emulator/Simulator do not reward in cash, but also do not charge fees
EPIC Missions
-Destroy the Controller (AC3)
-Destroy Massive MT (AC3)
-Destroy Unknown Weapon (AC3)
-Firefly (AC4-Hard Mode Version)
-Chevalier D'Eon (AC4-Hard Mode Version)
Will add more soon!
Edited by Zero, 03 June 2009 - 20:45.

[indent]Garrod "Newtype Killer" Ran[/indent]
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