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Red Storm: Redux

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#1 General Kirkov

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Posted 24 July 2009 - 21:16

Author's note;

If you are easily offended or overly critical over context i.e that would never happen in real life... This is fiction and a re-write of a fanfiction piece, that's fiction in two words in one sentence! Those of you who read the original piece a little over a year ago should enjoy that there is now a context/reason for the war. Anyways enjoy the read!

Red Storm



23:00 hrs Linokrov Oil processing plant, Siberia, URF (United Russian Federation)

The three men moved quickly they had a job to do, a mission, a quest, a holy duty to their God. This plant was the biggest in Russia, it supplied crude, diesel, sweet, refined and high grade petroleum and fuel as such it produced 30% of the fuel needed to run the Country’s various needs per annum. Due to the climate few Russian technicians were willing to work in the harsh conditions that surrounded the facility, thus “locals” were employed to supplement the Russian staff. In this case Muslims from near the border with China along with some mongols and Kazakhs. They were well payed and treated well, which they resented oddly enough. It almost felt like patronization, maybe it was to the three men who had changed their names last week so that when the Government in Moscow awoke to the disaster that befell them would know who did it.

After problems battling corruption in the old Russian Federation it was decided that the current system of government (namely open democracy) was a failed experiment in a country that only knew dictatorial rule. And thus a new government very much like the Soviet Government of old was reborn. However they did not go about the same systems that brought the ancient giant down, no they did not go back to collective farms or other stupid economic systems that brought down the Union more then western intervention ever did. However what came back was the 13 man politburo with a “parliamentary advisory council” which was a joke much like the Duma during the waning years of the Romanov dynasty. Simply there to maintain the illusion of democracy, another thing brought back was the resurgence of the power of the “Shield of the Party” formerly known as the KGB now called the SVR was given powers much like its predecessor. Including arresting people on the spot (often they would call out KGB instead of SVR to freeze the people in the streets it worked much better), a “military branch” where an officer was attached to regiments to insure loyalty to the new regime and different branches that reported to the chairman of the intelligence ministry. Most people just saw and understood that the bad old days were back, that’s how the West saw it. The Russians saw an immediate decrease in crime, violence and corruption in their cities and throughout the country. The military was happy because it grew exponentially however the political officers were not quite welcome, some however were agreeable and were treated well by the troops they were there to monitor who were quite happy with the new regime thank you very much.


Back in Siberia the three technicians were moving to the entrance of the control center up to the guards post. An old soldier who was quite kind to them in fact was the lone man on guard tonight, it was a shame he had to die but they needed his pass card and his rifle.
“Good evening Vanya!” Abdul called out.
“Pasha! Oh wait sorry Abdul, please forgive my forgetfulness, your new name suits you well, truly it is good to go back and acknowledge one’s roots, oh hello Ismail and Mohammed. You look tired why are you here so late? Let me make you some tea that sho…” He never finished his sentence as the man only known now as Ismail put a bullet in the back of his head and grabbed his Kalashnikov.
“Poor man” Mohammed began, “He even began reading the Qu’ran with me, he was so interested…”
“It could not be helped, perhaps Allah will look down on him with kindness.” Abdul said mournfully all three truly enjoyed the old man’s company.
Abdul led the group to the control room walked up to the door entered the security pass and waited for a man on the other side to open up. The door was made so that a person on each side had to acknowledge one another before they could enter.
“Pasha? Isn’t that’s Vanya’s pass?” A man asked over the communicator and inspecting the other man through a 10 centimeter thick window, (The AK was kept out of sight by Ismail who was around the corner).
“Yes, I left mine back home and forgot that I had left the maintenance computer for valve 78 on, since it is password encrypted only I can turn it off for the night. These security measures can be irksome at times.” He replied with a well rehearsed lie, the whole plan had been rehearsed time and time again, tonight was perfect however. Conditions outside (a blizzard) would slow reaction times from security and firefighting teams.
“Very well come in.” The man answered with the least bit of suspicion.

The three men walked in and once they noticed Ismail’s rifle they began to panic, too late he began cutting everyone down making careful that the controls and computers would be left undamaged. One by one the Russian technicians were mowed down, unfortunately one managed to get to a phone and alerted security forces who were but a mere kilometer and a half away. Ismail guarded the door after dispatching the man whose bravery would be forgotten while his friends began turning on all of the valves flooding all the pipes with mixed types of fuel and then started the purging systems. The purging systems were meant to be turned on when all the pipes were empty and the excess fuel to be burnt off with controlled heat burning off the fumes safely. This time the entire network of pipes leading to derricks was flooded and the heat set off a massive explosion leaving the surrounding complex ablaze. Out of anyone’s control to stop it, well maybe except for God but the three men thought they were doing his will anyways. As the security team charged the control room Ismail gunned down all the controls leaving them inoperable. The security force arrived too late and soon they too were engulfed in the flames.


Chapter 1

“Holy shit sir we have a possible ICBM launch coming out of Siberia!” a NORAD watch sergeant reported to his superior as the explosion took place.
“What? Let me see, I don’t see an inbound missile, isn’t that approximately the location of their newest super refinery?” The major asked.
“I think so, let me check… Confirmed that’s Linokrov going up up and away.” A new Lieutenant replied from her station.
“Man when those guys have industrial accidents they have them big time…”


Soon after that a junior Politburo official, in this case aid to the former minister of natural resources and energy (who had passed away leaving his post vacant) was dispatched to ascertain what happened. It was even worse than he had imagined he dispatched teams to begin assembling a detailed report as he returned to Moscow to deliver a preliminary analysis on how fucked the country was. He walked into the Kremlin with his report clutched in his hand furious how the “accident” happened, remembering his constant warnings delivered to the men about whom he was going to brief about trusting locals to manage the most precious resources Russia had and was proven right all along.
“Comrades as we know at 23:00 hrs lima time, three armed radicals entered our oil refinery complex in Siberia, executed a relatively simple plan which has crippled part of our oil production. They walked in executed the one night guard, one of their friends, proceeded with his pass card into the control room killed more of their friends and co-workers, flooded the oil pipes and quite literally tossed the proverbial match in. Held off what little security troops that managed to get to the place in time before dying in a blazing inferno.” He reported
“Thank you comrade Petrov but how does this affect us as a country?” The Chairman inquired.
“Russia is now self sustainable in agriculture, energy and oil, well not quite anymore on that last item.” He said tersely. “We transferred much of our refining capability to that new facility to improve quality of the refined petroleum products, as such we have been dealt a blow beneath the belt. It will take us about 18 months to re-divert production to our older facilities to meet 80% of our consumption needs leaving us to tap into our reserves which will last us a year at most until we can salvage that facility which would take about 27 months…” He replied
“27 months?” Defense replied, “We are going to have a shortfall for the first time in 3 years of oil? Do you know what this means for our growing army? Total stagnation we will have to cut back drastically on the civilian sectors just to keep it active” He persisted.
“Cut back on the civilian sector? I think you can put your toys in the corner for a year or two we don’t really need them right now comrade, we need to export our goods to maintain a surplus budget which means a higher consumption of petrol” Interior shot back.
“Don’t forget our agricultural sector relies heavily on machines to get our crops on our plates, which I regret to say will be… less than expected this year.” Agriculture replied.
“So we all need oil for our prime users but not enough to go around anyways because we all need different types of oil. Our military uses certain types of fuel for which the most part are incompatible with agricultural machinery. Industrial generators run on another type of petroleum and our other type of power plants may not be able to pick up the slack and maintain power throughout the cities of the URF.” Petrov replied getting an unprecedented amount of attention from these men who had not thought of different types of oil, but only knew that they needed it. Russia needed oil badly, and had no means to get their plants back to the state where they needed them.
“There is a place with much oil, they have been shunned by the West for the most part and have bogarted their surpluses, I believe with our military in its current state of readiness could seize the oil in Iraq and Iran with a month however I strongly doubt that this alone would feed our population…” Defense said softly. “The Ukraine has much food to go around enough to feed us and them until we can get back on our feet he continued.
“You do realize that the West won’t sit on its hands while we begin grabbing parts of the world and call “dibs” on it do you? NATO will retaliate we will find ourselves in a major war with no clear plan of attack on how to go about it!” A minister without portfolio shouted in alarm.
“Truly you don’t think that the Soviet Union had no plans for an attack on NATO don’t you? In fact I have been reading some of the doctrines and plans for a short term limited objective campaign which would be no longer then 3 months to secure Europe and key uhh areas of relevance including seizing part of the Middle East and closing the Atlantic to America and Canada, whose merchant vessels and Navies would be key in reinforcing the continent. Gentlemen I present to you strategic plan #34 spring-fall USSR and Warsaw Pact – NATO war plan; code name: RED STORM.”


I decided to pin the first chapter for your enjoyment, comments are needed so feel free so long as they don't conflict with the opening statement at the top of the post.

Edited by General Kirkov, 24 July 2009 - 21:21.

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#2 Jok3r

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Posted 24 July 2009 - 21:39

Look, it's good, but you ripped half the bloody scenario from Red Storm Rising :D! Now, I expect it'll move away from that as you continue, but at the moment the similarities are... startling.
kinda, sorta alive.

#3 General Kirkov

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Posted 25 July 2009 - 07:44

View PostThe Joker, on 24 Jul 2009, 17:39, said:

Look, it's good, but you ripped half the bloody scenario from Red Storm Rising :D! Now, I expect it'll move away from that as you continue, but at the moment the similarities are... startling.

*Looks up book in question*

Bloody Tom Clancy! If there was someone who was going to write a book with the same bloody tittle as my piece it would be him! its more than likely the beginning (1 or 2 more chapters) may look the same since I'm just following a plan laid out oh 30 or so years ago.

Damn now I have to get the bloody book, I hadn't realized he had written a WWIII scenario...


Red Storm Rising cover art;

Posted Image

Red Storm cover art/sig link

Posted Image

At least mine looks better :S

Anyways now I have to say any similarities are entirely accidental, I'm not re-re-writing this work to avoid looking like a copy paste of what looks like a pretty good book. I just read a summary and the bugger had the rest of my plan written down published and copyrighted, at least there isn't an insidious political agenda behind this.

Edited by General Kirkov, 13 January 2010 - 16:52.

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#4 Jok3r

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Posted 25 July 2009 - 15:57

It's the same, down to the Muslim extremists blowing up an oil plant to start the war. That's one hell of a coincidence :D. (Not questioning you, thats just really funny if you haven't read it. It's a rather brilliant book, btw)
kinda, sorta alive.

#5 General Kirkov

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Posted 25 July 2009 - 19:59

View PostThe Joker, on 25 Jul 2009, 11:57, said:

It's the same, down to the Muslim extremists blowing up an oil plant to start the war. That's one hell of a coincidence :D. (Not questioning you, thats just really funny if you haven't read it. It's a rather brilliant book, btw)

I just ordered it on Amazon today :D lets see how much he copied me lol. Chapter 2 up in a few hours.
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#6 General Kirkov

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Posted 25 July 2009 - 22:25

Chapter 2

The defense minister and his chief of staff went over “Red Storm” allowing the members of the politburo to take it all in and admire the plan developed but never implemented that might just put Russia back on the map.
“I see a few flaws in your plans comrade General and minister” Interior began, firstly the Warsaw pact no longer exists so traveling through their territories might make them… unhappy, secondly closing the Atlantic to the Americans and Canadians requires taking one of the North Atlantic NATO outposts and holding it. We no longer have a navy with sufficient landing craft to achieve an amphibious assault on say the most convenient target, with long enough runways to stage Blackjack and Backfire bombers, this of course would be Iceland which has 3 or 4 former US airfields. Back to our navy aspect we still don’t have enough surface ships to create a barrier to intercept and block the combined British American and Canadian navies. In fact this whole notion of stopping them is unrealistic at best we are 40 years out of date when it comes to our navy! Then you propose taking the oil fields in Iraq and Iran, this is the most sensible aspect of the plan only because of recent developments, ‘liberating’ those two countries from the GLA would make everyone happy so let’s solve our oil problem that way first then we can go back to economic development.”
“I knew you would bring up the navy comrade minister and that’s why I say we don’t need surface ships to stop NATO reinforcements, we have developed new submarines that are far superior to any in service anywhere I promise you that. Secondly taking Iceland would be done via an airborne assault with perhaps two or three regiments. The island nation forced the US out in 2010 remember? The airfields are still usable and once they are secure we can start flying in bombers, fighters and equipment. Not to mention Iceland is a key station for the submarine detection network known as the SOSUS line.” The defense minister concluded.
“What about Europe? I suppose we still plan on invading the continent? We still have to pass through a number of countries before reaching our final objectives in France and Northern Europe, what about the others? Surely you don’t think they’ll sit on their hands and wait until we attack them? And while I’m on that page what of the key part of the plan? During the Cold War we had jump off points in East Germany, the Ukraine, Poland, Czechoslovakia and so on.” The minister persisted.
“Well I’m glad you returned to the core of the operation” the minister for State Security began “we have made arrangements with all but Poland to move our troops across with incentives to our former allies, it would seem that in the advent of a stronger Russia some of them and certain European countries are rethinking their stance towards us. We will be able to move freely, Poland will have to be crushed naturally we didn’t bother asking them. The plan also called for hitting strategic NATO communication installations, they have been removed recently. In fact the continent is less defended than ever, they are ready to be taken by surprise, and the GLA has bled them dry even America pulled her troops out of the continent replaced by a rotation of British and Canadian brigades.”
The other members of the council did not know why Europe had to be taken, hopefully all would be made clear once this mess had been settled. It would seem that the Russian army was trigger happy and its target of choice was Europe, the vote passed quickly it would seem that Red Storm was a go…


Brussels, capital of the EU

“I’m sorry to hear that Mr. Chairman but you do realize that Europe practically relies on Russian oil for many day to day needs, well I understand that the attack on your oil fields has hurt your production. Of course we can negotiate what kind of fuel can be transferred, oh you only want to cut military grade fuel and limit gasoline exports, I suppose that isn’t so bad. Only for a few months, yes of course, completely understandable, good day.” The president of the EU hung up the phone with the Russian (Soviet?) Chairman, shouldn’t he be talking to their President? Something was odd here… The EU would now have to rely on their reserve oil supplies for military use which they could afford to cut back; there wasn’t really a threat of more GLA strikes against them. Russia was right to worry besides heating oil and gas would still be coming through and petroleum wouldn’t be cut completely, yes they could stand down their military for a while.


Berlin, Germany

“YOU AGREED TO WHAT? Do you know that our tanks, trucks, airplanes, helicopters and armoured vehicles will all have to be shelved? What happens if the Red menace of our grand parents rolls across our borders?” The German chancellor replied to the rather unpleasant phone call from the EU leader.
“There isn’t a Red menace anymore, and it’s not as though we have much of a choice, it’s their oil and last I checked Germany has the largest military grade oil reserves in Europe, well after Russia that is. Don’t worry; we spend too much money on our armies anyway.” The Chancellor heard the voice on the other end of the phone. Why then had Russia increased its military size and training over the past few years? Germans had always feared the Russians and vice versa were destined to never get along, in photo shoots the German representative was always at the opposite end of his or her’s Russian counterpart. No this made no sense Russia still needed oil money, she would have simply raised the price under normal circumstances what was going on?


Moscow, Russia

The chiefs of the various military branches met in a staff meeting to discuss the various phases of the plan and how to go about it, including allocation of units to the various theaters now designated as Command Group North (Northern European Countries), Command Group West (Germany, Austria, France, Belgium and what ever country was stupid enough to take up arms against the largest formation assembled for this operation), Command Group South Which was essentially going strait for the oil fields, Expeditionary Force Command, the tactical assault on Iceland. Air command, Strategic Rocket Forces Command (no one wanted them to get involved), Naval command and the overall commander in chief for the campaign; Marshal Zhukarin. If Russia went after Iraq and Iran everyone else would mobilize to a certain level, primarily because the Muslims who attacked the oil fields were Chinese in origin, this would cast suspicion about the motives beyond seizing oil fields. They would have to launch a well timed coordinated attack, preferably shortly after the assault on Iceland which had to be perfect if they wanted to allow their underwater forces to get out in the Atlantic and wreck the havoc the navy promised they would give the allied navies. Odly enough the commanders of the Air force and Naval Aviation had little smiles across their faces…



15 Class A armoured regiments (200 Kodiak tanks, 50 Sentinal tanks, 800 BMP2s (with AT Rockets), 250 MTSA artilery vehichles.
20 Class A Motor Rifle Regiments and Guard Regiments (4000 BMP3s, 500,000 Infantry soldiers, 1000 towed artilery pieces, 3 engineer regiments with Ribon Bridging equipment, 100 SAM vehicles, 300 Tunguska AA vehicles, assorted Radar vehichles)

5 Aviation wings; 300 Mig-35 fighters, 150 SU-47 Berkuts, 500 SU-25 Frogfoot Fighter Bombers, 200 MI-24 Hind gunships and various transport helicopters.

20 Class B Armoured regiments; (1000 T-90 Tanks)
10 Class B Motorifle Regiments and Guard Regiments (2000 BMP2s 200,000 conscripts)


10 Class A armoured regiments (100 Kodiak tanks, 600 BMP2s (with AT Rockets), 250 MTSA artilery vehichles.
15 Class A Motor Rifle Regiments and Guard Regiments (3500 BMP3s, 300,000 Infantry soldiers, 800 towed artilery pieces, 2 engineer regiments with Ribon Bridging equipment, 100 SAM vehicles, 300 Tunguska AA vehicles, assorted Radar vehichles)

2 Aviation wings; 300 Mig-35 fighters, 350 SU-25 Frogfoot Fighter Bombers, 200 MI-24 Hind gunships and various transport helicopters.

20 Class B Armoured regiments; (1000 T-80 Tanks)
10 Class B Motorifle Regiments and Guard Regiments (2000 BMP2s 200,000 conscripts)


15 Class A armoured regiments (150 Kodiak tanks, 25 Sentinel tanks, 800 BMP2s (with AT Rockets), 250 MTSA artillery vehicles.
15 Class A Motor Rifle Regiments and Guard Regiments (3500 BMP3s, 300,000 Infantry soldiers, 800 towed artillery pieces, 2 engineer regiments with Ribbon Bridging equipment, 100 SAM vehicles, 300 Tunguska AA vehicles, assorted Radar vehicles)

2 Aviation wings; 300 Mig-35 fighters, 350 SU-25 Frogfoot Fighter Bombers, 200 MI-24 Hind gunships and various transport helicopters.

20 Class B Armoured regiments; (1000 T-90 Tanks)
10 Class B Motorifle Regiments and Guard Regiments (2000 BMP2s 200,000 conscripts)


3 Reinforced Paratrooper Regiments (3500 para soldiers, 100 BMD-4s, 20 MI-24 Hinds, 5 mobile radar vehicles, 50 Sam tracks (SA-15s), 75 GAZ-2975 transport vehicles.
1 Naval Aviation squadron (25 Mig-35 Fighters)
1 Tactical bomber squadron (5 TU-160 Blackjack Bombers, 20 TU-22m Backfire Bombers)


Submarines (in the Atlantic); 11 Delta class , 20 Typhoon class, 8 Oscar class, 30 Sierra class, 15 Akula class , 12 Victor class, 20 Kilo class, 3 “Super/Improved Kilo class submarine*”

Aircraft Carriers: 1 Admiral Kuznetsov class (in the Pacific)
Battlecruisers: 8 Kirov class (3 in the Atlantic)
Cruisers: 3 Slava class cruisers (all 3 in the Pacific), 2 Kara class cruisers (1 in the Atlantic)
Destroyers: 10 Udaloy class (8 in the Pacific), 12 Sovremenny class (5 in the Atlantic), 6 Kashin class (3 in the Atlantic)
Frigates: 2 Krivak class, 4 Krivak II class, 2 Neustrashimy class (All in the Atlantic)
Corvettes: 2 Steregushchy class, 25 Tarantul class, 9 Parchim class, 25 Grisha class (split evenly between the Artic, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans)

Ok now that the set up is complete lets have us a little war, comments are welcome,
. Hope you guys enjoy it putting lots of work making a better presentation than I did with the first one.

* I wrote about the "Super Kilos" in the Original before Project 636 was made public

-edit- typos and formatting...

Edited by General Kirkov, 26 July 2009 - 02:07.

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#7 General Kirkov

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Posted 26 July 2009 - 03:55

Chapter 3

Major General Lioned Klukhov couldn’t have hoped for better weather, wind over the Atlantic was minimal the target area was flat, well it was an airfield after all, Keflavik, was perfect left completely unchanged post withdrawal in 2006, (SRV estimates believed a US presence remained until 2010 but that was simply institutional paranoia) A close formation of 20 AN-22s were above the clouds and approaching the drop zone. Klukhov like most combat officers wanted to go into combat, however he was a flag officer so he was in the rear of the formation with the political officers. They had begun talking on how to deal with the population of 340,000. The most passive people you could want to occupy, no military, minimal police force people who were likely to do nothing at the sight of the parachutes hitting the ground and most of the population was far away from the airfield anyways. The general tired of arguing with the idiots discovered that they had never done a “combat” jump, they had simply qualified and would just follow Klukhov out. Once he had found out he simply mentioned that it was far safer floating down inside one of the BMDs were nothing was left to chance. In fact 5% of such vehicles suffered miss-drops and were totaled, thus troopers jumped either before or after their equipment left the cargo hold. Klukhov was hoping for such a misdrop with those idiots in it.

The Troops landed successfully the BMDs and GAZ jeeps landed in perfect condition as well, this was a tribute to the skill of the pilots flying the big Antonovs who rarely got any recognition for such stressful work. Once the soldiers and attached engineers reported the LZ safe AN-225 “Cossacks” began the relatively rapid process of unloading the non-airdroppable equipment, first the SAM batteries which were sighted and stationed around the airfield and a tucked within a mountain range. Then the Radar tracks rolled out and were also moved out to be used in conjunction with an old radar and control tower kindly left behind by the Americans, whom also left behind vast underground fuel storage tanks (most military airfields have them). Tunguska AA vehicles were unloaded next, finally the Hind squadron was rolled out and were being assembled, the army thought it wise to send in heavy artillery to be set up near the coast in case of a naval assault, it seemed prudent but from what the General was told no such assault would come.

As the Fulcrum-F (Mig-35s) fighters began their approach they flew by an American AWACs bird having no other choice the pilot shot it down, better to kill it when it had little or no data then to have it map out Keflavik's new landscaping job. The only problem with Keflavik was that it could not accommodate all the aircraft CINC – EF wanted to stage from the tiny Island, there was enough room for the MiGs which was going to be a tight fit but not for the bombers. In the end the fighters got the right of way leaving the bombers to fly out from either Russia or whatever airfield they could capture in the next month or so. That’s when the North American navies would be able to sortie with supplies bound for Europe.

“Klukhov reports success begin Red Storm on all fronts I expect the Northern countries to fall within 2 weeks Colonel General, no mercy this is the most vital part. No you have more than enough troops to roll over the Dutch, the Fins, Denmark and Norway, well if you have trouble we can send in the heavy bombers to fix that.” Marshal Zhukarin told is subordinate, a good strategic thinker but a man with little experience always playing chess, he tented to employ a defensive posture when they played, perhaps he could be used to organize the defenses of occupied Europe… Yes he made a note of that he was the right man for the job.

“CINC-SOUTH? This is Marshal Zhukarin, yes complete success you may begin; estimate a week and a half? That is very optimistic, how long until you engage the enemy? 8 days, well then get back to me in 25 days after you complete your objectives thank you. Yes drilling engineers will follow your rear echelons; yes we want to capitalize on success imediately or as close to that as possible, da thank you.” An optimist, however an optimist with the easiest task by far.

The Marshall was putting off calling CINC-WEST to the last minute, for that man would be busy and would need the best officers advising him, he would need some ruthless bastards thinking for him in his forward units. The 3rd Motor rifle regiment would be in the thick of it as he went through the names of officers that he would insert as regional tacticians two stood up; Major Anton Grishin, tactics instructor at Frunze, gambler with his men achieved 90% success in scenarios, yes he would do well there. *Grant access to Frontal Aviation aircraft in the region, grant access to call in artillery barrages without superior permission* that should help him. The second name rang a bell Kirkov, Kirkov where had he heard that name before? He went over his record; recognized as an excellent officer, natural leader, top in Grishin’s classes they would work well together. They only had 3 months to reach the English Channel.

“General? Yes it is time, listen I have two officers that you should place in your forward command centers, no just a major and a captain, yes attach them to the 3rd Motor Rifle give the Captain a company and the Major some room to plan his moves, yes you heard of them fantastic! Can you help me I can’t put my finger on one of the officers name, you know where I heard it..."

As the thunder of the artillery hit the target zones well into Western Europe no one could figure how fast they got there, Eastern European countries just let them roll by, apparently even waving. “What the fuck just happened?” The President of the United States asked

“Sir yesterday one of our AWACS doing a joint exercise with Canadian fighters and picked up some chatter over Iceland, in Russian. Well the exercise broke off the Canuks returned to their airfields and he pressed on, this is the last thing his radar picked up.” His chief of Defense held out a printout of a radar screen.
“Mike I can’t read that I was a Squid remember your were the Chairforce boy remember?” The President said in an annoyed tone.
“Sir you are looking at an outline of a shiny new-ish MiG-35 Fulcrum-F, real bad news, generation 4++ multirole fighter. We did a satellite sweep over the area 5 hours later and well Keflavik and Iceland are now property of the URF, they have 20 or more of those things there, approximately 3 airborne regiments with all the trimmings, attack helicopters, BMDs, probably a shitload of SAMS but their so well hidden we can’t pick em up on screen, they probably moved them while the sat passed overhead. And that’s not the worst of it sir.” The General continued.
“Oh it gets better?”
“Yep, we left em a shit load of Aircraft fuel, in underground bunkers, couldn’t take it with us when we left, they also inherited a great radar and control tower. And…”
“They just cut off the SOSUS line.” The president finished, he was an attack sub skipper before selling his soul to Washington.
“That’s right, we had pictures of a bunch of subs in their pens yesterday and now, well their gone, hunting season just opened for Ivan…”
“General deploy the Atlantic fleet I want Carriers, Cruisers, Destroyers, Transports with Marines, Tanks, Artillery to whole Goddamn show off the coast of England in 6 weeks, with the troops landing in Fucking Normandy by week 9, make it happen.” He cut off his friends objection before it could start and dismissed him.
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Posted 07 August 2009 - 02:46

Chapter 4

Day 56, WWIII, European Theater, France

Shit, the sergeant said. Another private was fed to the Russian bear, walked strait into a trip flair and got gunned down by about 20 or so rifles. All because he had to go relieve himself as though we didn’t have facilities at HQ! Well he did warn the company of the Russian presence in the “Secured Area” but probably woke them up too. An airstrike called in to the yanks then put most of them back to sleep. Sergeant Michaels was tired of it but was used to seeing plugs (new troops used to “plug” the gaps in the regiment) and even senior troops die for the most stupid reasons. The worst part was that it didn’t seem to register to the officers in charge so long as “objectives” were met. In this case they located a Russian company HQ that had been abandoned in a tactical retreat, no maps were recovered, the radios had all been destroyed and the only thing they could find was a porno mag. (Now in possession of a newly promoted master corporal.) He marched his section back to allied lines where tired French troops nodded their heads in respect has he passed by with 3 tags in his right hand.

Those bloody Russians or were they Soviets again? Nobody could really make up their mind on that, had decided that Europe seemed under defended and was ripe for the taking. Most people attributed the Russian aggression to the traditional reasons for their belligerent attitudes; poor crops, lower than expected industrial performance, etc… However the word on the street was that a tank officer just ordered his men forward pulling the whole Russian Federation into a war that was going well to a certain extent. That was probably bullshit anyways, their military officers are on a leash so tight one or two of them get strangled to death. So Michaels had to go up and bring Wilks or was it Taylor’s tags up to the Coy HQ. As with most Canadian troops and probably most others when a war breaks out they are eager to get out there, believing that it will be over by Christmas they would have a nice row of medals for fighting a real enemy. Besides it wouldn’t be as bad as the major wars of the 20th century would it? But when they get there it’s not what they’d imagined at all. So he was now in France; they held out a bit longer this time around (mostly because the Germans put up one hell of a last stand) so that North American and British troops could land on the beaches without getting torn to shit by machine guns like that last war told by the children of the survivors of that dousy.

Normally a platoon is composed of 30-35 troops part of a company of 3 platoons. Michaels got the job of running a platoon of 22, well, now 19 men. It was a joke; this was the reserve platoon to reinforce the company if something went to hell they usually guarded the HQ. However, they kept getting ambushed on stupid recce missions and received no substancial reinforcements! Hell he said to himself we don’t even have an officer not even a measly 2lt to “lead us”. They were probably better off that way seeing that the rookie officer would order them to do something stupid, no they were better off with him in charge. As he walked in to the tent carrying his C7a5 essentially a 5th generation CF assault rifle, it wasn’t bad either, just a tad out dated. He didn’t salute, he hated Capt. Walker, what he hated more was when he smiled at him.


“We lost how many men?” yelled Major Grishin. “Captain if I were you I would stop sending our men to die at the hands of NATO airmen and concentrate on their supply lines instead!” “We were comrade major, but one of those accursed Canadian patrols set of a flair set up by our engineers last month during our retreat!” Kirkov yelled back. “Their command center was but within 1 kilometer of our mortars”. “One of our eager checkist friends supposed to supervise us got jumpy and killed a worthless private! Then the whole force opened up on nothing but trees and they called in an airstrike.” He concluded, this major had no field experience and was expecting miracles! “I know” replied the major, “he came back and was foolish enough to lie”. Grishin gestured to the rear of the room where 1st Lieutenant Vasily Konotov (FSB) of the 3rd Motor Rifle regiment lay with half a head, obviously where the major had decided to vent his frustration. Captain Nikolai Kirkov was pleased Konotov had arrived first.

Captain Nikolai Kirkov like many Russian officers wanted to trace back his past family exploits to see if he “came from good stock” as to let slip one of theses family facts to a superior officer so that they might put them up for promotion over another. Kirkov’s parents had been farmers however is great-grandparents had both served in the Great Patriotic war of 1941-1945 (women fought on the front lines with men during that conflict, over 800,000 served in the infantry or the Airforce or as field medics). Both had fought at Stalingrad, had both been awarded the “Hero of the Soviet Union” medal, his great-grandfather received it twice. They marched to Seelow, fought in the streets of Berlin and finally took notice of each other during the celebrations of VE-Day and the rest was, well history. His grandfather served in the Red Army in the airforce flying Hinds in Afghanistan, his father did his two years in the infantry and returned to Siberia. Kirkov wanted to do his ancestors proud he wanted to lead a regiment, not some political company, maybe with the death of Konotov he might get his chance…


Micheals had to lead a small group of troops on a quick in and out recce, Intel thought that the enemy wanted to move up a mortar detachment to bomb allied lines to lead up to an attack on the dazed troops who so far were performing horribly. Well the trip flair and the yanks put a stop on that supposed plan, anyways the Russians did not go back for their dead so close to the lines, they had to assess if it was indeed a mortar detachment (by finding mortars) then get a view of tracks that would have gone backwards fast, pretty simple and actually safe, for once. What the sergeant saw was not pleasing at all. They had to get back to HQ at once.

“Sir they haven’t moved back all the way, they are gearing up, I got some pictures that you asked and it looks like the 3rd Motor Rifle’s again.” Captain Walker related to the Colonel in charge of the Canadian lines.

“Their Western Theater commander got a rude shock with the German AT weapons, lost most of his Kodiaks and Sentinels. He proceeded to pull them out and surge his “B Class” units, they performed really well their older tanks still work very well especially in conjunction with Motor Rifle troops. The Russians have always been keen on combining the different assets available in theater they had to pull their hinds due to effective AA weapons but those God Damn BMPs were fast as lightning. The Frogfoot front line bombers acted very well in support of their advance and heck they made it to France eh?” He related to the assembled Generals all not too pleased at all.

“I don’t get it though they are running down one regiment all the time the 3rd they have gotten all the bloody battle honours any regiment would want, they are getting negligent reinforcements.” A British general put in.

“They are planning something, and whatever it is it won’t be pretty for the brave allies, I mean the American fighters are at the edge of their fuel capacity the RAF doesn’t exist anymore, what happens if their carriers can’t make it?” The Brit General added.

“Then we’re all fucked aren’t we? Besides the Russians can’t knock off a carrier group they are surrounded by AEGIS cruisers, those fuckers are supposed to knock down incoming missiles aren’t they?” The Canadian Colonel put in.

“What if they were destroyed or negated?” A German officer asked “I mean zhey vere able to do vhat was not supposed to be possible ya? Zhey rolled through Eastern Europe, finished our entire army as you know it in 2 weeks and are now in France, not far from where Germany was stopped in the Great War…”

“Let’s keep it that way Gentlemen no more negative thinking we have to stop this advance break their winning streak and I think I have a plan…” The sole Canadian General in theater proposed.

Ok the long overdue chapter 4 is up, been reading Tolstoy and watching Lost and playing COD so yeah (and working) criticism is welcome, I am not Reading Red Storm Rising to avoid any influence on the completion of this work. Some of you may notice this is the first expanded and elaborated chapter from the original. If anyone is still reading I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I do writing it (it takes a lot to pry me away from my hobbies)

-edit- Typos

Edited by General Kirkov, 07 August 2009 - 03:45.

All Proud Canadians put this Mapple Leaf Ribbon in your Signature! Posted Image
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Clicking on the picture will bring you to the latest part of the stories.
The Terran Invasions: A New Threat Part 5 is now up!
MOF: Lost and Found Epilogue is now up!

Red Storm, TI-Prologue, TI-Chapter 1, MOF #1, MOF #2, MOF # 3, MOF # 4, MOF # 5, MOF # 6

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