Devastated by the failure of the Lead Beam at the first Super Unit Expo, the Chinese commanders have had the Lead Beam redesigned to incorporate a more stable body design, as well as upgrading the bullet loading mechanisms to increase the fire rate even more:

These changes have increased the size of the Lead Beam, increased its rate of fire slightly, and allowed me to add lots of little doodads and details, such as the bullets that move when it fires, the two massive dispensers that eject hundreds of spent bullet casings when firing, and the seven hexagonal exhaust ports on the back that spew out smoke.
These changes also increased the polygon count to 2276. Probably because of its 105 barrels at 10 polygons each.
Good thing it has a cost of $3000 and a limit of one!

I'm also reworking the firefx to spew out lots of fire and smoke, so it actually looks cool when firing.
Some parts of the skin are by Bob, otherwise it's entirely EA's skins. I created and skinned the model, and it surprisingly has no butchered parts at all.
Edited by Jordan, 30 July 2009 - 19:22.