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#26 Wizard


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Posted 29 July 2009 - 19:35

Nid I see no bullying in that chat log, I see frustration on the part of people that have had to deal with Alias' negative and counter-productive attitude a hell of a lot. Several people arguing with one is not bullying it's merely a consensus disagreeing with a lone voice. The constant approach Alias has taken to so many facets of FS in the last 18 months isn't just negative, it is trolling. There are clearly people here that see it in the same manner. That is pretty hard to take on a daily basis for those of us that spend a lot of time working for what we have, so the reactions you saw in that log are quite reasonable in the circumstances, so I can't agree with you there.

I must admit that what has gone on in the "bring Nooka to the UK topic" isn't my area of expertise, but if there has been an insult of that nature we'll look into it and people are quite right to bring that to our attention.

Now on to the overall matter at hand. Trolling aside, Alias avoided a ban. This is not tolerated and is subject to a warn level increase. Alias' past behaviour left him with 1 strike left, he took the swing and that is that. I don't feel blaming those that took the decision to increase his warn level is fair when that very blame lies at the feet of someone who has broken rules. We have a job to do and sometimes it isn't pretty, but we have to do it.

#27 CJ

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 20:58

View PostNidmeister, on 29 Jul 2009, 19:41, said:

Its not the ban that bites hard, it's the way he was treated.
After the chat logs from IRC were posted, Bob seemed to be trolling Alias into anger, disregarding his opinion.
And as for the "Lets bring Nooka to the UK" thread, I'm pretty sure Commander Carl called him an Nazi, and others were just mocking him.
As I said in the thread, it's comparitive to bullying, and is disgusting behaviour. I do not want to see it go unchallenged.

Hey hey hey... Wait a second, show me where I compared him to a nazi ? He's the one who compared the members who were hating the chavs to nazis...

This is what I said :

Commander Carl said:

Alias said:

Of course I know what a chav is, but regardless of what they do they are still human and as such should be treated in the same vein. The same goes for paedophiles.

Now that simple idea is even worse than Nazism...
What describes your humanity are your acts, if you cause harm to other people like those bastards do, you're not a human anymore, just a beast, and therefore doesn't deserve to be treated as a human.

I was actually saying that pedophiles are the same bastards as Nazis. Now I'll just ask you not to accuse me wrongly, cause I never insulted someone I didn't know, or who didn't deserve it.

Edited by Commander Carl, 29 July 2009 - 21:03.

View PostChyros, on 11 November 2013 - 18:21, said:

I bet I could program an internet

#28 RaiDK

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 21:13

View PostCommander Carl, on 30 Jul 2009, 6:58, said:

I was actually saying that pedophiles are the same bastards as Nazis.

No-one cares. Keep opinions like that to yourself, they're hardly appropriate for a forum.

View PostMasonicon, on 17 Oct 2009, 13:44, said:

According to Conspiracy theories in internet, sci-fi and fantasy are real!

#29 CJ

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 21:15

View PostRaiDK, on 29 Jul 2009, 22:13, said:

View PostCommander Carl, on 30 Jul 2009, 6:58, said:

I was actually saying that pedophiles are the same bastards as Nazis.

No-one cares. Keep opinions like that to yourself, they're hardly appropriate for a forum.

I'll keep that in mind, but I was just poiting out that I did not insult Alias. I'm not here to cause flame wars or similar problems, the only thing I'm asking for is not to accuse me of doing that. That's all.

View PostChyros, on 11 November 2013 - 18:21, said:

I bet I could program an internet

#30 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 21:18

View PostRaiDK, on 30 Jul 2009, 0:13, said:

View PostCommander Carl, on 30 Jul 2009, 6:58, said:

I was actually saying that pedophiles are the same bastards as Nazis.

No-one cares. Keep opinions like that to yourself, they're hardly appropriate for a forum.

What happened to our promotion of free speech?. I don't think Carl did anything wrong in that thread. We encourage free speech on our forums and that statement is a fair opinion.
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#31 Golan

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 21:26

Yeah, what fun it is to discuss the genocide of people. Hahahahahaha. *writes that one down*
It's a political topic and definitely not appropriate for the SYD.

View PostCommander Carl, on 29 Jul 2009, 16:51, said:

Honestly, I'm surprised that Alias stayed so long before getting banned from FS, after seeing him trolling on so many posts, like the LPTPW, the SWR departure, bringing Nooka to the UK... Every time, I thought he was going to be banned, and every time he got away, chilled some days, then restarted trolling...
You feel the bNttUK-Thread was trolling from Alias' side? o.O

View PostWarboss Nooka, on 29 Jul 2009, 17:06, said:

@Golan: Are you daft man? Do you honestly believe that the entire forum staff is under the influence of some mind-altering drug(s)? It would appear that your view on Alias was that he could do no wrong, yet you conveniently dismiss the fact that Alias had been bending and breaking the rules for over half a year.
Are you daft man? I specifically used the expression "you all", not even remotely aiming my overstatement at the staff. It would appear that your view on me is that I can only troll, yet you conveniently dismiss the fact that lately there's been many people acting up much worse than me, but who simply choose another target for... well, for whatever you think I implied or did or might have done perhaps.

Edited by Golan, 29 July 2009 - 21:40.

Now go out and procreate. IN THE NAME OF DOOM!

#32 Dauth

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 21:43

Carl's comments are being looked at by the admins. It is us 4 who make the final decision to warn or ban someone. I suggest everyone calms down in this thread as you are getting off topic.

The question has been answered and for the final time. Alias was banned as a culmination of several months of inappropriate behaviour, NOT inappropriate views, since views expressed in a decent manner are going to be looked at.

#33 Nid

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 21:50

View PostCommander Carl, on 29 Jul 2009, 21:58, said:

This is what I said :

Commander Carl said:

Alias said:

Of course I know what a chav is, but regardless of what they do they are still human and as such should be treated in the same vein. The same goes for paedophiles.

Now that simple idea is even worse than Nazism...
What describes your humanity are your acts, if you cause harm to other people like those bastards do, you're not a human anymore, just a beast, and therefore doesn't deserve to be treated as a human.

I was actually saying that pedophiles are the same bastards as Nazis. Now I'll just ask you not to accuse me wrongly, cause I never insulted someone I didn't know, or who didn't deserve it.

Alias was not calling anyone Nazis, he was merely using the holocaust as a metaphor to compare to this incident.
You have clearly said that Alias is worse than a Nazi there, by saying that the morals he goes by are worse than Nazism.
from what I can see, Alias is taking a very empathetical and forgiving stance by saying that. Do you consider the Nazis to be empathetic and forgiving?

I have gone too far off topic, apolagies, no more will be said on my behalf.

Edited by Nidmeister, 29 July 2009 - 21:50.

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#34 CJ

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 21:58

View PostNidmeister, on 29 Jul 2009, 22:50, said:

View PostCommander Carl, on 29 Jul 2009, 21:58, said:

This is what I said :

Commander Carl said:

Alias said:

Of course I know what a chav is, but regardless of what they do they are still human and as such should be treated in the same vein. The same goes for paedophiles.

Now that simple idea is even worse than Nazism...
What describes your humanity are your acts, if you cause harm to other people like those bastards do, you're not a human anymore, just a beast, and therefore doesn't deserve to be treated as a human.

I was actually saying that pedophiles are the same bastards as Nazis. Now I'll just ask you not to accuse me wrongly, cause I never insulted someone I didn't know, or who didn't deserve it.

Alias was not calling anyone Nazis, he was merely using the holocaust as a metaphor to compare to this incident.
You have clearly said that Alias is worse than a Nazi there, by saying that the morals he goes by are worse than Nazism.
from what I can see, Alias is taking a very empathetical and forgiving stance by saying that. Do you consider the Nazis to be empathetic and forgiving?

I have gone too far off topic, apolagies, no more will be said on my behalf.

It wasn't my intention to insult him anyways... If he's been shocked or considers himself insulted, tell him I do apologize, as I can't contact him myself.
You see, such words wouldn't have been interpreted like that if they were in my native language, I think I'll just stay off from topics like this one until I learn how to express my opinion better that this, or better Ill definitely stay off such sensitive subjects.

View PostChyros, on 11 November 2013 - 18:21, said:

I bet I could program an internet

#35 Chyros

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 23:18

I'm sensing a lot of tension in this topic, guys - I kindly ask you to keep the discussion on the topic of Alias. The finger-pointing among you is completely unnecessary IMO since no-one else was at fault. Anyone who disagrees with me there, please either create a new topic or take it up with someone on the moderating team personally. Regardless, whatever issues you may have among each other I don't want to see them in here since it's only distracts from the issue at hand.

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#36 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 23:32

View PostNidmeister, on 30 Jul 2009, 0:50, said:

View PostCommander Carl, on 29 Jul 2009, 21:58, said:

This is what I said :

Commander Carl said:

Alias said:

Of course I know what a chav is, but regardless of what they do they are still human and as such should be treated in the same vein. The same goes for paedophiles.

Now that simple idea is even worse than Nazism...
What describes your humanity are your acts, if you cause harm to other people like those bastards do, you're not a human anymore, just a beast, and therefore doesn't deserve to be treated as a human.

I was actually saying that pedophiles are the same bastards as Nazis. Now I'll just ask you not to accuse me wrongly, cause I never insulted someone I didn't know, or who didn't deserve it.

Alias was not calling anyone Nazis, he was merely using the holocaust as a metaphor to compare to this incident.
You have clearly said that Alias is worse than a Nazi there, by saying that the morals he goes by are worse than Nazism.
from what I can see, Alias is taking a very empathetical and forgiving stance by saying that. Do you consider the Nazis to be empathetic and forgiving?

I have gone too far off topic, apolagies, no more will be said on my behalf.

No Nid. Carl was comparing paedophiles to Nazis. Please keep the rest of this through PMs.
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#37 Kris

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 03:45

Ack, this incident is like serious dejavu for me. Let's calm down now people, we don't want things to get seriously ugly |8 .

Edited by Kris, 30 July 2009 - 03:46.

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