su8perkillr, on 2 Sep 2009, 18:59, said:
so u from holland
i ment like it shots fire laser. that way infantry go inferno and things like that
but doesnt every laser in amsot every mod set things on fire?
and how about changing the hero's more to the generals?
inf black lotus maybe able to call in paradrop of 2 minigunners
tank black lotus can preform an emergency repair anywhere on the map
nuke black lotus can spawn a tiny rad field anywhere on the map
hack black lotus could be the one to hack money starting at 10 promoting to 20
vanilla black lotus could enrage a small amount of units for 15 seconds or so
demo jarmen kell can set explosives
stealth jarmen kell has a mini gps scrambler (just enough to stealth one unit)
toxic jarmen kell can shoot a antrax bullet spawning a medieum toxin field inside his range
coockie jarmen kell could (i have no idea whatsoever i dont know the specific strategy of cookie gen)
vanilla jarmen kell could be able to spawn 1 rebel anywhere
sw burton can call in an emp strike form an arora within range(would not be as big as the china emp and would harm air)
af burton can call in an airstike raptor anywhere on the map
lazer burton can place a lazer charge osmewhere on the map(democharge like device that shoots 2 times a lazer as strogn as that of the lazer crusader)
overrated burton should be able to spawn 50 tanks that last 2 seconds
vanilla burton can shoot an HE grenade every now and then jsut a litle less powerfull then a missile defender's rocket DOES autofire
the ability should be bought form the tech center
btw i wonder is spamming alot of ideas against the forum rules?
oh and jordan dotn worry about copyright in ogame they had a death strar wich looks exacly the same it only had a gauss gun instead of a lazer
Edited by source code, 03 September 2009 - 10:33.