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Render: GLA Hornet Tank

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#1 Jordan

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Posted 15 August 2009 - 18:21

GLA Hornet Tank

The main battle tank of the Cookie General's armored divisions, the Hornet tank features a variety of weaponry to attack enemies on the field:

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The Hornet tank is armed with a Cookie Twist railgun, which is a hypervelocity gun capable of ripping through enemy armor. However, it is much smaller than those found on the CFO. It is also upgradeable with missiles, which deal a heavy blow to enemy tanks, but reload slowly.

The first salvage gives it an additional railgun, while the second salvage gives it a second missile. However, you must upgrade the tank to take advantage of the second salvage level. Otherwise, it doesn't give the tank anything, but once the upgrade is completed, it will get the second missile if it already collected the second salvage crate.

Hornet Tanks cost $800 and require an Arms dealer to be built. They are a bit more armored than normal Scorpion Tanks, which is why they cost a bit more.

And in case any of you were wondering just what a Cookie Twist Railgun was, here's a render of it firing, minus all of the cool particle effects.

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Oh, this is thread #666 by the way. :lol:


Edited by Jordan, 15 August 2009 - 18:22.

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#2 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 15 August 2009 - 18:30

Since the Hornet tank is a bit more heavily armoured, is it any slower than a Scorpion tank? Also, you mentioned this is for the Cookie General. What if the Stinger missiles weren't missiles, but tubes of cookie dough? Label them "Crazy Cookie Dough" or something like that.
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#3 SorataZ


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Posted 15 August 2009 - 20:13

I hope this fits, so by using Warboss Nooka's idea, but how about firing loads of Donuts or several Cookies strapped on each other?

#4 Jordan

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Posted 15 August 2009 - 20:20

I might have problems making a new weapon due to the turret, but maybe a small trailer could be added on, with some sort of cookie catapult-ish weapon. Tanks never drove in reverse anyways, and it could help balance it out a little more with the turn radius.
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#5 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 15 August 2009 - 21:03

Forgive my lack of modding knowledge, but wouldn't it be easier to do it this way?:

1). Create a new model of the Stinger for the Cookie General
2). Use the coding for the Stinger missile for the new model
3). Replace generic Stinger missile with new model

Again, my lack of modding knowledge inhibits me actually knowing if this idea will work. A doubt of mine is that if you create a new model for the Stinger missile, the effect would be global and not just for Cookie General.
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#6 Jordan

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Posted 15 August 2009 - 21:07

I can just make a new missile altogether.
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#7 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 15 August 2009 - 21:14

Or that. That would work out quite nicely.

Thought: Scrap the missile idea and instead place a cookie mortar. Works on the same principle as the Stinger missile, in that the Hornet gains double when upgraded and salvaged as such, but the obvious difference is that the weapon is now a plunge fire style projectile instead of a missile. Damage could be the same and the projectile can be a can of cookie dough, a cookie, or some other sweet, sugary confection.
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#8 Su8perkillr

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Posted 15 August 2009 - 22:52

wow cool render Jordan! cool railgun :P

 Jordan, on 15 Aug 2009, 20:21, said:

Oh, this is thread #666 by the way. ;)


that totally owns ;)
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