OOC/Out of Character comments: If you need to question something, simply write:
“…He took his massive sword (OOC:don’t misunderstand this)and penetrated her again and again…”
Eeehm, or something like that! Use brackets (that’s what google translate call these), start your comment with “OOC:” And use Grey-text.
Resumé: Always, ALWAYS use these, it will make the whole thing so much easier to find around in, after 1000+ words of describing how your character feels about his relationship to his mother (not that I discourage that, it adds to the character develovepment and plot) it might be a little confusing to remember how many enemies he killed, and where he is standing right now. So always end your comment with a small note on what happened during the post. Write it like this:
Resumé: Bjorn pwnd 2 orks. penetrated Ilsa a few times, then he danced a victory dance.
Okay, now, onto the thing that ya’ll been waiting for.
The beginning.
Warhammer 40000: Firedragons.
Coatl was tired, it was his turn to guard, it was 4:00 in the night.
He sighed.
He had been in this business for decades, but never before had he been in a mess like this.
He was stuck on a planet filled with angry feral orks, that were deeply offended over the fact that he blew up their “Sakred Pointy Hut Fing”. They had been a constant pain in their ass, both after, and before the destruction of the Chaos Temple. But they had found a way to fix that problem, they had reinforced themselves in a secluded old research station near a massive black mountain, according to Scout (Coatl had stopped wondering what his actual name was). The Feral Orks feared this mountain, said that this was were “Dem Evil Fingz” lived at. Purely superstition of course, but it was effective, the station was well-defended, with a watchtower (where Coatl was standing right now), and solid ceramite walls.
Then something had happened which was both bad and good.
The Tau and Imperials had made their landing.
While the heavy amount of ships both side possessed gave them a way off this place, the ship hangars where heavily defended (according to Scout atleast). And there was simply no way that their small group could make it that far.
Besides, none of the 2 factions were in love with the Firedragons.
The Tau wouldn’t let them live unless they joined “The Gooder Greatness” or something like that. And Coatl (nor any of the other members) would let anybody else boss them around.
The Imperials might have given them a ship of the planet, if they had been led by a more Radically installed Commander.
But Coatl knew these “Death Korps of Krieg”. He knew that they would never let a group of heretics and xenos of the planet, nomatter how many tau they were willing to kill for it.
Suddenly drums started beating in the distance.
20 km away to be exact. His Lyman’s Ear once again proved its worth.
They weren’t a threat, they always started beating the drums.
When you were talking about orks
Coatl sighed again.
The Feral Orks, Death Korps, and Tau were the least of their problem.
Why had he taken that stupid ork in anyway?
It had constantly buggered him about his tactics being “Unorky”, had constantly been trying to challenge him to a duel. It had been bothering the other members aswell, never helped, ate far too much and smelled like a Plaguebearer,
Why did he let it live?
He wasn’t quite sure why, it was all due to a mutation in his chapters gene-seed. They remembered pictures, names, places, people very well, but their thoughts and feelings were all a blur after a couple of minutes.
He must have had his reasons.
Something was wrong…
The drums were getting louder.
They were currently….
They were less than 100 metres away!
How could he let something like this happen?
He closed his eyes and listened carefully.
They were all around the camp.
He turned around at the camp were his group was asleep and screamed
He watched as the sleepy members of his group came running out of their sleeping quarters.
“Scout! You take over the watchtower and keep them pinned down! Shlae! Dis! You take the Western wall! Doc! Join me at the Southern wall! Ork…There’s a bunch of Brutes coming in from the east, I bet they’ve got lots of stuff to loot. You take care of them.
He crawled down from the tower and ran towards the bunker. While he readied his assault cannon, This was going to be one hell of a fight. He just hope they could live through to see the morning…
Situation Overview (something I can do as GM): There are 35 orks coming in, they are armed with close combat weapons, which means that they will have to crawl over the wall to get to us. There are 10 coming in from the north, 10 from the West and South. And 5 Brutes (big orks, but not as big as Nobz) coming from the East.
Heres a sketch I made of it (Paint officially sucks, and I'm a real noob at attaching pictures to my posts. pleas excuse the ultra-bad quality. and those circles around the camp? Thats orks yo.):

Number of downloads: 24
We can stand on top of the building, allowing us to fire on the orks crawling up the wall. The wall is 3,5 metres tall.
Which means that Scout will be standing in the Watchtower, Shlaereen and Dispenser on the roof of the Sleeping Quarters. Me and Doc on top of the Bunker, and Skrimrokk….Will probably stand on the roof of the Armory until he decides to jump down into the middle of the Brutes and kick ass.
Remember, you aren’t currently armed, so you will have to get you weapons from the Armory.
Resumé: Talks about the current situation, then spots the Orks surrounding them, orders his men (and woman) to take point and defend themselves.
Edited by SquigPie, 18 August 2009 - 18:14.