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Warhammer 40000: Firedragons. The RP thread

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#1 SquigPie

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Posted 18 August 2009 - 18:08

How to write your posts:

OOC/Out of Character comments: If you need to question something, simply write:

“…He took his massive sword (OOC:don’t misunderstand this)and penetrated her again and again…”

Eeehm, or something like that! Use brackets (that’s what google translate call these), start your comment with “OOC:” And use Grey-text.

Resumé: Always, ALWAYS use these, it will make the whole thing so much easier to find around in, after 1000+ words of describing how your character feels about his relationship to his mother (not that I discourage that, it adds to the character develovepment and plot) it might be a little confusing to remember how many enemies he killed, and where he is standing right now. So always end your comment with a small note on what happened during the post. Write it like this:

Resumé: Bjorn pwnd 2 orks. penetrated Ilsa a few times, then he danced a victory dance.

Okay, now, onto the thing that ya’ll been waiting for.

The beginning.

Warhammer 40000: Firedragons.

Coatl was tired, it was his turn to guard, it was 4:00 in the night.
He sighed.
He had been in this business for decades, but never before had he been in a mess like this.
He was stuck on a planet filled with angry feral orks, that were deeply offended over the fact that he blew up their “Sakred Pointy Hut Fing”. They had been a constant pain in their ass, both after, and before the destruction of the Chaos Temple. But they had found a way to fix that problem, they had reinforced themselves in a secluded old research station near a massive black mountain, according to Scout (Coatl had stopped wondering what his actual name was). The Feral Orks feared this mountain, said that this was were “Dem Evil Fingz” lived at. Purely superstition of course, but it was effective, the station was well-defended, with a watchtower (where Coatl was standing right now), and solid ceramite walls.
Then something had happened which was both bad and good.
The Tau and Imperials had made their landing.
While the heavy amount of ships both side possessed gave them a way off this place, the ship hangars where heavily defended (according to Scout atleast). And there was simply no way that their small group could make it that far.
Besides, none of the 2 factions were in love with the Firedragons.
The Tau wouldn’t let them live unless they joined “The Gooder Greatness” or something like that. And Coatl (nor any of the other members) would let anybody else boss them around.
The Imperials might have given them a ship of the planet, if they had been led by a more Radically installed Commander.
But Coatl knew these “Death Korps of Krieg”. He knew that they would never let a group of heretics and xenos of the planet, nomatter how many tau they were willing to kill for it.

Suddenly drums started beating in the distance.
20 km away to be exact. His Lyman’s Ear once again proved its worth.
They weren’t a threat, they always started beating the drums.
When you were talking about orks
Coatl sighed again.
The Feral Orks, Death Korps, and Tau were the least of their problem.
Why had he taken that stupid ork in anyway?
It had constantly buggered him about his tactics being “Unorky”, had constantly been trying to challenge him to a duel. It had been bothering the other members aswell, never helped, ate far too much and smelled like a Plaguebearer,
Why did he let it live?
He wasn’t quite sure why, it was all due to a mutation in his chapters gene-seed. They remembered pictures, names, places, people very well, but their thoughts and feelings were all a blur after a couple of minutes.
He must have had his reasons.

Something was wrong…
The drums were getting louder.
They were currently….
They were less than 100 metres away!
How could he let something like this happen?
He closed his eyes and listened carefully.
They were all around the camp.

He turned around at the camp were his group was asleep and screamed
He watched as the sleepy members of his group came running out of their sleeping quarters.
“Scout! You take over the watchtower and keep them pinned down! Shlae! Dis! You take the Western wall! Doc! Join me at the Southern wall! Ork…There’s a bunch of Brutes coming in from the east, I bet they’ve got lots of stuff to loot. You take care of them.

He crawled down from the tower and ran towards the bunker. While he readied his assault cannon, This was going to be one hell of a fight. He just hope they could live through to see the morning…

Situation Overview (something I can do as GM): There are 35 orks coming in, they are armed with close combat weapons, which means that they will have to crawl over the wall to get to us. There are 10 coming in from the north, 10 from the West and South. And 5 Brutes (big orks, but not as big as Nobz) coming from the East.

Heres a sketch I made of it (Paint officially sucks, and I'm a real noob at attaching pictures to my posts. pleas excuse the ultra-bad quality. and those circles around the camp? Thats orks yo.):

Attached File  De_Base.JPG (45.18K)
Number of downloads: 24

We can stand on top of the building, allowing us to fire on the orks crawling up the wall. The wall is 3,5 metres tall.

Which means that Scout will be standing in the Watchtower, Shlaereen and Dispenser on the roof of the Sleeping Quarters. Me and Doc on top of the Bunker, and Skrimrokk….Will probably stand on the roof of the Armory until he decides to jump down into the middle of the Brutes and kick ass.

Remember, you aren’t currently armed, so you will have to get you weapons from the Armory.

Resumé: Talks about the current situation, then spots the Orks surrounding them, orders his men (and woman) to take point and defend themselves.

Edited by SquigPie, 18 August 2009 - 18:14.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#2 Liten

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Posted 18 August 2009 - 18:59

Scout lied in the bed, staring at the roof.
4 AM his clock said.
He heard some drums, but ignored them. They were to far of to be a threat
Suddenly, Coatl shouted out a warning.
He was up in 2 seconds grabing his knife which he always keeps close the bed in case of emergencys.
He heard how the dazed members of his team when they tried to find their clothes.
But he was out seconds after they got out, dashing toward the armory.

He saw Coatl at the Bunker, preparing for the Ork assault, but his mind didn´t stay long with him.
He knew he could take care of himself.
When he reached the Armory, and Ork that was faster then the others climbed over the wall.
A quick stab with his knife, and the Ork fell.
He then dashes into the Armory, franticly searching for his Bolter Pistol and Sniper Rifle.
He can´t find them.
Scout starts to get nervous.
As he continues to search, the rest of the team shows up, most of them hastily dressed.
He finds his guns, and then heads for the exit.

As he crosses the field towards the Watchtower, he hears a loud explosion, and the tower gate collapses.
Realising that he can´t enter the Tower, he heads back to the Bunker to provide additional Support.
He spots Coatl ontop of the bunker, supported by Doc. He wonders why he is under the command of such a fool, who didn´t notice the attacking Orks untill they were so close. He pushes the thought away and climbs the ladder

Resumé: Killed one Ork, then got blocked from entering the Watchtower. Heads back to the Bunker

Edited by Liten, 19 August 2009 - 08:09.

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Kyle Carter said:

Harry Potter is the safety scissors of the Fantasy genre

#3 Brad


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Posted 18 August 2009 - 22:06

Shlaereen dreamed about the battle that night. About how she killed her own people.
She awoke to the sound of the space marine, Coatl. Who was shouting about Orks who had surrounded the facility.
It took a few seconds for the information to fully register with her brain, but her eyes then widend as soon as it did.
She sprung up, realising she had slept in some civilian clothes she aquired from the previous job the Firedragons had.
She ran outside the sleeping quarters, and stoped for a second to listen to the ferocity of the Orks and their drums.
Then ran towards the armoury. She quickly looked for her mirror swords, the deadly blades she had mastered, she saw her armour hanging on one of the few hooks, and pondered if she had enough time to put it on, but she then heard the warcries of the Orks, and decided to take her shuriken pistol just in case.

She ran shouting to Koryu with her mirror swords on her back and the shuriken pistol in both hands, to get "his human arse in gear," she ran on top of the western wall, and shot got her pistol in the head of one of the orks in his beastly head, easily killing it. She shot widely into the Ork horde, wounding a few, but not being about to finish them off. She noticed that some Orks had made it on top and she drew her swords, sclicing an ork, and stabbing both swords into another. She noticed Koryu fighting Orks on the other side, she thought of helping him, but the Ork warcries made her decision. She continued sclicing and dicing and generally killing the Orks.

Resume': She had no armour, ran to the armoury, grabbe her weapons, went to the wall, managed to kill 6 Orks

Edited by Brad, 19 August 2009 - 11:26.

You almost did, didn't you?

#4 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 18 August 2009 - 23:20

Dagbolt had smelled the Ork horde approaching. It was a pleasant smell (at least to him), but he knew it wasn't friendly and readied himself for a fight.

"Shut yer gob ya bleeding Beakie!" he snarled angrily. "I know der'z Boyz kummin'. You mind yer own gitz, an' I'll take kare uv mine."

Dagbolt grabbed his 'Uge Choppa, lashed it to his back and clambered up to the roof of the Armory. It was the one piece of wargear he was "allowed" to keep with him at all times. This is mostly because Dagbolt refused to part with it and the other bit being that he wouldn't let anyone touch his weapons or gubbinz. Once on the roof, Dagbolt unfastened the Choppa and began surveying the incoming horde. "Wutz dat Beakie wurried about? Dis ain't even a proppa skrap." Dagbolt let out a tremendous WAAAGH! and lept into the midst of battle. Crashing to the ground, he encountered the larger Orks. Coatl had got it wrong, these greenskins were Nobs, but were fairly young. Dagbolt lunged at the first of the Nobs, 'Uge Choppa high overhead, and brought it crashing down into the skull of the Nob. Fresh blood now adorned his Choppa and a grim smile crept across Dagbolt's face. As quickly as he had swung the Choppa, so did he wrench it free from the freshly slain Nob, and into the gut of the next biggest Ork. With his left hand, he blocked the swing of another Nob's war club. Dagbolt freed his Choppa from the Ork's gut, brought it forward, and swung it backwards, bashing the wounded Ork over the head and sending him to the ground. Still holding the war club in his left, Dagbolt ripped it free and chopped the Ork's arm off. Then with the war club he had just looted, proceeded to bludgeon the now one-armed Ork to a pulp, alternating between club and Choppa. 3 Nobs down, the other 2 had climbed the wall and were now inside.

"Stop yer runnin' ya skumbos so'z I kan duff ya ta Zog!" With that taunt, Dagbolt set out for the Orks at the gate. He could smell them from around the corner and he knew they had smelled and heard him too. Rounding the corner like a barreling freight train, Dagbolt stormed the 12 Orks nearing the gate. None of them were above the height of Slugga boyz and Dagbolt knew these would be easy kills. Upon seeing the thundering form of Dagbolt, 4 of the less experienced Boyz ran back into the woods in terror. The other 8 didn't know what had hit them. Dagbolt fell upon them as a wave against the shore, with the fury of a hurricane. With a might, two-handed swing of his 'Uge Choppa, Dagbolt sent 3 Boyz soaring through the air, into the gated wall.

"Oi ya weedy gitz! I'm ovva 'ere! Kum an' get me!" Dagbolt ran up and sliced through the head of another Greenskin Slugga after uttering that phrase. One of the Sluggas had managed to climb the wall, but the other three Sluggas weren't so fortunate. Dagbolt embedded his Choppa into the back of one, and with a swing, threw the Ork 20 yards away. He yanked the other off the wall by his ankle and bashed the blunt end of his Choppa through the Ork's skull. The last one made a pithy attempt to attack Dagbolt. The primitive war club hit Dagbolt on his shoulder pad, lightly denting it. This in turn infuriated Dagbolt, which led him to stiff arm the tiny Ork, knocking him on his back. Swinging his 'Uge Choppa overhead once more, Dagbolt brought it down, relieving the Ork of his head.

Seeing that the gate was clear, Dagbolt hoisted himself over the wall, Choppa in hand, on the hunt for the other two Nobs that had managed to evade his wrath...for now.

Resumé: Jumped from the armory, killed 10 feral Orks (3 Nobz & 7 Boyz), scared 4 Boyz away. Dagbolt is now heading back inside the walls to hunt for the other 2 Nobs.

Edited by Warboss Nooka, 19 August 2009 - 04:39.

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#5 SquigPie

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Posted 19 August 2009 - 07:31

(OOC: Brad, please specify the amount of orks you killed. Liten, the orks weren't already at the wall, they were a small distance away, so the thing about them already swarming the watchtower will be counted as non-canon. Please edit it. Nooka...well, I don't really know, but 10 of them?! You just took down a one-third-part of their army!

Coatl opened fire at the orks. 5 of them vanished in a mass of blood, guts and bullets. He roared in delight as bullet after bullet were sent into the mass of monsters.
He heard a sound behind him.
He turned around to face a massive Feral Ork Nob, it was swinging a large spiked club at him. He blocked with his assault cannon (which thankfully didn't break). He smashed the front end of the weapon into the ork, and pulled the trigger. the ork staggered backwards and fell, with scores of blood splashing everywhere.

Coatl turned around again to face the uncoming horde.

Resumé: Kills 5 of the orks closing in on the wall, and 1 of the nobs that got inside.

Edited by SquigPie, 19 August 2009 - 07:33.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#6 Destiny

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Posted 19 August 2009 - 08:27

Listening was a strong point for Koryu. He had heard the horde coming, yet he did not move at all, until Coatl came in shouting. Dashing over to the Armory while ignoring Shlaereen's shouting, he began picking up his conveniently-placed weapons, carapace armor, Shlaereen's armor and the ammunition for everyone, he efficiently made his way up to the Western wall, and loaded his Grenade-Missile Launcher.

"Boop, boop", went his Grenade-Missile Launcher, followed by two loud explosions that downed three Orks trying to clamber up the wall. Switching to his Webber, he began unloading blobs that became sticky nets on the Orks charging up from the Western and Southern walls, immobilizing three Orks to the West and two to the South in very, very sticky nets.

Resumé: Killed three Orks, immobilized three to the West and two to the South.

Edited by Destiny, 19 August 2009 - 08:28.

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#7 TehKiller

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Posted 19 August 2009 - 14:48

Doc mildly wakes up hearing the Ork drums.
He wasnt really delighted with the sound of them as he remembers the situation on Karrik where the drums were the last thing he heard before his comrades got wiped out.
Hears the call of his commander and rushes to the Armory.
After grabbing his equipment, Doc dashes over to the southern wall to join Coatl who is waiting on the bunker.
Waits calmly for the Orks to come in range of his Hellgun but deep inside he was full of anger and rage because it was payback time.
He starts firing at a group of 5 Orks as they enter the range of fire. Takes out 2 Orks and wounds 2 but one of them manages to go over the wall.
The Ork knocks him down but Doc manages to pull out his Laser Pistol and kills the Ork before he strikes with his axe.
Doc gets behind some cover to reload his weapon.

Resumé: Killed 3 Orks and wounded 2
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#8 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 19 August 2009 - 15:02

(OoC: Kill count is off, unless there were a lot more than 35 Orks invading, perhaps some tweaking to the number of invading Orks is in order, or kill counts adjusted? Don't forget, there is still one Nob that hasn't been killed...yet. 5 Orks are immobilized outside of the walls, and 2 more are wounded, meaning that there is a total of 8 Orks yet to be killed (1 Nob, 7 Boyz).)

Edited by Warboss Nooka, 19 August 2009 - 15:03.

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#9 Brad


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Posted 19 August 2009 - 15:38

(OOC: well, General still has to make his post, in which he could finish off the Orks, or force them to retreat, as you did. I must admit though, we need to up the kill counts a little, basing them of previous posts of course. And It was jolly fun to write that post I did.)
You almost did, didn't you?

#10 SquigPie

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Posted 20 August 2009 - 15:38

(OOC: Okay, I overestimated the power of a group of lightly armed naked greenies. But I intend to fix it. Anyway this was a starter chapter, and you will get to fight bigga 'n tuffa enemies in the future. Also, who the heck is General, Brad?)

Situation Overview:

Me: The Marine
Nooka: The Orky Smilie (you really need to give me those Nooka)
Destiny: The Bullet
Brad: The Wheel (none of the eldar pictures on the web fitted, either they didn't look good in small, or they were....not child friendly.)
TehKiller: The Red Cross.
Liten: The Scout.
Enemies: Circles
Paralyzed/Immobilezed/Unconcious Enemies: Circles with crosses over.

Those placed in the middle of the base are unknown, but somewhere in the base

Attached File  De_Base2.PNG (28.07K)
Number of downloads: 37

Coatl blasted 2 of the orks that were crawling up the wall, then turned his gun at the two immobilized ones in front of him, they were fighting with tooth and nail (litterally) to get out of the sticky substance that held them down, he watched joyfully as his heavy gun riddled them with holes.
Suddenly something grabbed his leg, he looked down to see the last living ork on the southern side, he stomped it again and again in the face until it looked like a crater.

Just as the fight died down. A massive cry of collective rage echoed throughout the forest:

Coatl watched as the main gate was smashed down.

The orks came pouring in through the gate. 10 large Nobz (bigga dan dose puny wunz Skrimrokk fought) and there, in the middle of the them, walked a massive ork boss, clad in squig hides, carrying a large stone hammer..

Resumé: Kills the last orks to the south, however, 30 Brutes, 10 Nobz (These are big and tough, this means no oneshots and 4 kills per. post. it will take some hardass fighting to down those guys, yes, even for you Nooka-Cola.

Edited by SquigPie, 20 August 2009 - 15:46.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#11 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 20 August 2009 - 17:24

OoC: "General" is what Gabriel's previous screen name was. He's had so many, it's just easier to know him on that he had the longest.

Once over the wall, Dagbolt spotted the last of the Nobz as it was bearing down on Scout. He wasted no time in attacking it, his large frame covering the distance between him and the enemy greenskin in seconds. As he reached the Nob, Dagbolt swung his massive fist overhead and brought it smashing down over the Ork's back, causing it to stumble and then fall. Dagbolt then walked up to the fallen Nob and flipped him over. The red beady eyes of the feral Nob stared back at Dagbolt, never retreating an ounce of fear, but knowing full well that the end was nigh. The Nob fumbled for his dislodged war club, but Dagbolt had already lifted his Choppa for the death blow. The Nob glanced back at Dagbolt in time to see him swing the Choppa forward, splitting the Nob like firewood and garnishing the Choppa with fresh crimson.

Dagbolt took a brief moment and looked around "Wut? Iz dat all dey got? Der 'as ta be more." Indeed there were more Orks coming. The massive "WAAAGH!" erupted from the forest. The ground began to tremble as a much larger group of much bigger Orks fell upon the encampment. Dagbolt glanced down at his Choppa. "Hmm, I fink I'z gunna need more dakka dis time." He unstuck his Choppa from the Nob's cranium and ran for the southeast corner of the base where he kept his pile of gubbinz and Snazzgun. "'Ere we go. Dis oughta fix dem skumbos a fing or two." It was then that he realized something. Given that Orks are low level psychics, Dagbolt detected a much larger Ork than before was approaching. "Da 'Boss iz kummin'." Dagbolt lashed his Choppa to his back and snatched up his precious Snazzgun.

"Oi! Deyz got a 'Boss wiff 'um. You lot leave dat garg greenskin ta me, kuz I wuntz 'iz 'ead!" he barked at no one in particular (though he knew Coatl would try to steal some of the glory). The gate was smashed down and 10 wickedly large Nobz poured through the opening brandishing gigantic crude wooden clubs. Dagbolt saw the Warboss in the middle and squeezed the trigger, unleashing blue flashes of death. He fired 20 shots into the mob, obliterating 3, with 3 shots to the first 2, and 2 shots to the 1. The other 12 shots quite literally disarmed 2 of the Nobz rendering them nothing but punching bags, beheaded 1, and 3 hit the ceramite wall, leaving small craters. Dagbolt squeezed off another hail fire, but this burst wasn't as successful as the first. 5 fewer shots were fired, but Dagbolt did manage to kill the 2 armless greenskins, and shatter the stone warclub of the Warboss. This left him with 4 Nobz and a disarmed but still very dangerous 'Boss to fight and they were now too close for Dagbolt to fire off another volley. He unfastened his Choppa and dropped his Snazzgun against the wall of the Armory. Dagbolt bellowed a mighty and terrible "WAAAGH!" and charged forward at the advancing brutes. Though the Nobz weren't as large as he was, they were considerably smarter, stronger, and larger than the last group. This mattered little to Dagbolt, as his main focus was the mighty 'Boss that now accompanied the invasion. Two of the remaining Nobz engaged Dagbolt and the forces met with a loud crash that echoed off the encampment walls. The Nobz' warclubs struck Dagbolt repeatedly, smashing against his shoulder pads (the left one was becoming severely bent) but Dagbolt soldiered on. With his left arm he kept the raging Nobz far enough away from him to move his Choppa. With a vicious slash to their mid-sections, Dagbolt wounded them enough so that he could push through them. Stepping over the wounded Nobz, Dagbolt headed for the 'Boss (whose other 2 Nobz saw fit to engage Koryu and Shlaereen in the Sleeping Quarters). The 'Boss was none too happy with Dagbolt since he'd destroyed his stone club. With a ferocious left hook to the jaw, the 'Boss toppled Dagbolt to the ground. "Dis'unz tougher den I thought. Per'apz I need ta fink uv summink ta distrakt 'im wiff." Dagbolt muttered to himself as he stood upright once more, the Warboss nearly on top of him. Dagbolt lunged at the Warboss, locking arms with him, the two seemingly matched in strength. Dagbolt wasn't having any of it though and rolled his body down and to the right, forcing the Warboss off balance and shoving him to the ground.

The Nobz Dagbolt had wounded just prior were slowly heading toward the bunker.

Resumé: Killed the last Nob of the first wave and 6 of the 10 Nobz in the Warboss' bodyguard, wounding 2. Is now engaged in close-quarters combat with the Warboss.

Edited by Warboss Nooka, 21 August 2009 - 00:50.

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#12 Liten

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Posted 20 August 2009 - 18:51

Scout reached for the ladder, when he suddenly noticed something moving in the dark.
He turned around just intime to avoid a punch that would have cracked his head.
He rolled out of punching distance of his foe.
"That Greenskin we have isn´t to cleaver, having a nob runing around inside might not be the best option" he thought.
Just as the Nobz punch hit the wall, Scout drew his knife and his modified Bolter and fired a few Rounds into the Nob.
They hit just as the Nob turned around, 3 in the head, 2 in the chest.
"Now that is marksmanship" he thought prodly.

As he apporached his "Prey", he sensed alot of movement in the earth.
"Don´t tell me they are getting reinforcements".
Scout turned around, and his "Dead Prey" arised and knocked him down.
Everything went black for a moment, then he was back on his feet.
But the Ork was on his tail.
Scout drew his Knife, but it seemed like it was not needed, 2 seconds later Dagbolt knocked the Nob of him.
After a short fight the Nob was down, and Skimrokk looked at the gate.
Then the "WAAAAAGH" came.

Scout saw the gate get Crushed by the Nobz.
He grabed his Sniper Rifle and ran towards the Armory, so he atleast had 1 side free from enemies.
By the time he had set up his Rifle, Skimrokk had fired 2 rounds into the horde, and was now in close combat with the leader.
"Dagbolt can handel that by himself" he thought, and decided to aid their other newbie and Dispenser hold the wets side of their defense.
3 Brutes popped up over the wall, they all fell shortly after with a bullethole in their heads.
"3 down, 30 to go".

Resumé: Is wounded, but can still fight. Picked of 3 Brutes at the western wall.
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Kyle Carter said:

Harry Potter is the safety scissors of the Fantasy genre

#13 Brad


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Posted 20 August 2009 - 20:27

Revelling in the victory, Shlaereen dropped her Shuriken pistol to the ground, and sat down next to it. She looked at Coatl finish off the immobilzed Orks, wondering why he thought that earned him glory, she understood the Ork's lust for fighting, but she never did understand why the space marine loved to fight. She didn't have long to think of it however, as like everyone, she heard the massive WAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH come out of the forst. She grabbed her gun, weilding it in both hands. She saw the gate broken in, and looked as that Ork unleashed his massive gun into the horde, killing a few of them. She ran over to Koryu and took her armour off him. She stood there putting on her warp spider armour while she watched her teamates attack some of the horde.

One equipped, she brandished both swords from her back, and turned on the teleporter, aiming for the back of the horde. A second later and she was staring into the back of the horde. She crouched and silently crepped up on of the orks, and dug both swords directy into its back, aiming for the spine. The ork immedietly fell to the floor, dead. She took out her pistol, and unloaded it into the second nearest Ork, pummiling into it while it raced towards her. Its blood was shot all over the place, as it fell to the floor dead.

Shlaereen went to get retrieve her mirror swords from the Ork she slain, but just then, she heard some orks rushing towards her, she had no time to react before they were surrounding her, with no weapons, she went to activate her teleporter, but before she could, all of the orks (3 of them, perhaps 4) rushed her, and she stayed in place. She heard gunshots, but saw nothing but black.

She was dragged away, taken by whatever had her. (OOC: Yeah, seeing as I will be away, I thought of posting it)

Resume': Dispatched 2 of the Orks, but was captured and dragged away
You almost did, didn't you?

#14 Destiny

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Posted 21 August 2009 - 06:05

"Boop", went his Grenade-Missile Launcher, the Frag exploding in the midst of the three webbed Orks to the Western wall. When the gate came crashing down after that deafening "WAAAAGH!", it would have made sense to scramble to Coatl, connect the Assault Cannon's weapon feed to all the extra ammo and have the Space Marine lay waste to them, if not for the Nobz that were inside. However, he would not move without orders. The Grenade-Missile Launcher had a missile in it's chamber ready to blast out in search for fire support.

However, Koryu switched to his Webber and began unloading the entire magazine webbing down the Brutes and a Nobz. Nine Brutes got webbed down, struggling and roaring to escape, while the Nobz was stuck under three overlapping layers of web that would ensure it's doom. However, a new Brute had charged up from behind the webbed Orks, got on top of the Sleeping Quarter's roof and stood in front of Koryu with his weapon raised high up above his head. He swung it down.

A body fell from the Sleeping Quarter's roof, strangely headless. The distinctive barrier of a Refractor Field faded out, as a Voxcaster burped out "Get a camo cloak here, Scout.", each word coming from different Dragons. Apparently Koryu records down words that other Dragons say and uses it for his Voxcaster. Koryu stood firm, with his Grenade-Missile Launcher loaded, awaiting a few words that would signal his fire support to begin.

Resumé: Killed 4 Orks, immobilized 9 Brutes and one Nobz. Ready for fire support/feeding the Assault Cannon.
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#15 TehKiller

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Posted 21 August 2009 - 19:20

Doc gets up, ready to shoot at the Orks, only to end up seeing the last of the Orks south of the compound being wiped out.
Soon enough the enemy breaks through the Gates and spots dozens of Brutes and Nobz breaking through.
He raises his rifle, slowly start aiming at the greenskins with the help of his eye implant, for which he ironically is thankful for it despite losing his eye, and starts firing.
He managed to put down 3 Brutes down and he kept on pushing the trigger despite the fact that he's gun wasnt firing due to overheat.
After realising that his gun needs to cool down he spotted Scout moving towards the Armory with a open wound and decides to run to the armory to aid him.

Resumé: Killed 2 Brutes, is patching up Scout's wound
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#16 SquigPie

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 05:42

“No you fething won’t” he said silently to himself, as Skrimrokk fought viciously against the Ork Warboss. He grabbed Koryo’s webber.
Coatl wielded the webber in one hand, and his bolt pistol in the other. He walked closer to to the two viscously fighting orks. He roared at the top of his lungs.
Both the orks halted for a second and looked at him.
Coatl fired a few shots at Skrimrokk with the netter, the massive ork became entangled in the slimy webs. And fell to the ground with a loud crash. As the Warboss was just about to kill Skrimrokk with a large choppa he had picked up, Coatl planted a bolt in his shoulder, the ork looked at him furiously. And started swinging its massive axe around.
Coatl put 3 bolts in the things head, not even a thick orkish skull could hold such a force back, and the gigantic ork fell to the ground with a growl.
Skrimrokk looked pissed.
“Sorry, I’m a marine, I’m not a saint” Coatl shrugged his shoulders.
The other orks noticed their leaders demise and started yelling.
“OI! BOSS DEAD!” one of the brutes yelled
“I BOSS NOW! FIGHT GITZ!” The largest of the surviving nobz roared, the orks cried out a large WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! And resumed fighting.

Resumé: Immobilizes Skrimrokk (that git wasn't gonna take ma kill) and kills the Warboss. Large Nob takes over the boss role, and the fight resumes

Edited by SquigPie, 24 August 2009 - 05:44.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#17 Destiny

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 11:28

Koryu fires a missile into the webbed Nobz's head, but then makes his way towards Dagbolt and begins the process of freeing him with some Promethium, while the Refractor Field lights up every once in a while due to glancing hits by dakka, stopping twice to blast a couple of Brutes charging at him while he was trying to free Dagbolt. Apparently they don't see Koryu or something, since no other Ork attacked him, except for an occasional Brute that headed for Dagbolt and got punched in the face by the stationary Dagbolt.

Resumé: Killed a Nobz and two Brutes, trying to free the webbed Dagbolt.

Edited by Destiny, 24 August 2009 - 11:30.

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#18 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 14:04

OoC: It's SKIMROKK, no "r" between the "k" and the "i"

The fight with the Warboss had been an even tussle, as both parties had banged, bludgeoned, and beat each other six ways from senseless. Dagbolt regarded this Warboss with a modicum of respect (which in Orky society, isn't much of a friendly gesture), though it didn't stop him from taking a few cheap pot shots while the 'Boss focused elsewhere. The struggle dragged on for the next twenty minutes, neither greenskin able to gain the ultimate advantage, at least, not until Coatl showed up. Dagbolt had caught his Space Marine frame out of the corner of his eye, but didn't take the time to note if he was occupied with combat or not (for he, himself was locked in an epic struggle of his own). Coatl shouted something, Dagbolt couldn't make out exactly what it was, but it took both Orks' attentions off each other long enough to stop them fighting. Coatl was obviously jealous, but Dagbolt didn't know exactly why. What had he done besides be an Ork? Apparently that was reason enough for Coatl to use Koryu's webber on him. The quick restraint of the webber unbalanced the massive Ork, pining him to the ground. "Oi! When I getz out uv 'ere, I'z gunna duff ya ta Zog ya bleedin' Beakie!" The threat didn't seem to phase Coatl, as he resumed his duty and went back to fending off the horde of Orks. Dagbolt's piercing blue eyes bore right through Coatl as he approached him. His mind was a blizzard of action, his concentration now fixed on preying on Coatl more than the feral greenskins adorning the inside of their base. Dagbolt struggled viciously to escape but his efforts were in vain as the web's material was stronger than the rampaging greenskin it now held. As Koryu freed parts of him, Dagbolt's anger grew. Koryu finished freeing Dagbolt from the web a few moments later, but it wasn't soon enough. Dagbolt stormed over Koryu (good thing he was ducking), pried his Choppa from the now dead Warboss and hacked his way towards Coatl, stampeding anything that got in his way. Every greenskin that crossed his path was fair game for a brutal slaughtering. As he stormed forward, Dagbolt cleaved 2 unfortunate Boyz in twain with a technique usually reserved for splitting firewood. Coatl had resumed shooting and slicing the oncoming horde of green and had become more absorbed in showing the Orks the business end of his Bolter than what his fellow mercenaries were doing. Instead of killing Coatl (which is what Dagbolt really wanted to do), Dagbolt backhanded him, sending Coatl headlong into a nearby ceramite wall. The impact left a crack in the wall and knocked Coatl unconscious.

"Dat'll teach ya ta snik me skum ya zoggin' Mareen boy." Dagbolt's rage subsided briefly, but only enough for him to focus on other matters at hand, like the other greenskins.

Resumé: Briefly immobilized by Coatl and freed by Koryu. He kills 2 Boyz and knocks out Coatl

Edited by Warboss Nooka, 25 August 2009 - 04:08.

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#19 Brad


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Posted 28 August 2009 - 17:28

Ooc: Whats with this inactive crap eh?

Shlaereen woke up in a daze, she could make no sense of her surroundings. Everything was blurry.
She heard a voice "Speak Eldar!" and then felt a harsh blow to the head. She realised she was sat in a chair, with a single light on her, and her alone. She noticed she was wearing civilian clothes.
"You dirty witch! SPEAK!" Another vicious blow to the head. It rang in her head. Everything still blurry, she fell unconcious.

Resume': Just a little descriptive bit, to try and "reactivate" the Rp.

Edited by Brad, 28 August 2009 - 17:28.

You almost did, didn't you?

#20 SquigPie

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Posted 30 August 2009 - 18:32

It felt like he had been knocked out for a terribly long time, but he fought himself back to consciousness.

An unearthly howl rang through the forests. The last surviving ork Nob yelled a few commands to his men, but they were all blurry in Coatls head.

He got up and loooked around, the orks had left. Coatl agreed with himself that it was time to leave, they were going to use a small escape tunnel in the bunker.

As they gathered up, Coatl felt a sting of sadness. The orks had draged of Shlaereen. While he wanted to go after her, the jungle was simply too big, there where simply too many feral orks, and his group was simply too low on ammo.

Coatl opened the hatch of the tunnel, and thought to himself as the darkness surrounded him.

Edited by SquigPie, 31 August 2009 - 17:07.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#21 Destiny

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Posted 31 August 2009 - 07:26

(OOC: Consciousness, Squig)

When the Orks retreated a fair distance away, Koryu began scavenging the entire camp and it's surroundings for unused ammo dropped or left behind by the Orks, without even a single consideration of whether if there would be some Ork that stayed back to fight or a native lifeform on the planet waiting in silence to pounce on it's unwary prey.

As he picked up his Webber from beside the somewhat conscious Coatl, Koryu pulled out a spare Auspex from somewhere, entered a few words into it and stuck it to the entrance of the camp with the help of some sticky stuff from webs, then followed Coatl to the bunker and perhaps, into the hatch. It was not like he hadn't any light sources himself, too.

Edited by Destiny, 31 August 2009 - 07:27.

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#22 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 31 August 2009 - 19:32

Dagbolt wanted more, he always wanted more. More gubbinz, more teef, more dakka, and certainly more fighting. The only thing was, there was no fighting to be had. At least, not where Dag was standing. The remnants of the invading green tide had either been slaughtered or were running back into the dense forest they had poured from and Dag grew ravenous. He gathered up his Snazzgun, vaulted his enormous frame on top of the wall, stood erect and bellowed a mighty "WAAAAAAAGH!", his arms outstretched, and fists clenched. Off the wall Dag sprang, towards the retreating tide, his 'Uge choppa shiny with Ork ichor, glinted in the sunlight. The massive horde had left evidence of their origin, and the landscape wreaked of greenskins, making it very easy for Dagbolt to find their encampment. Felled trees, swathes of grass matted flat, and pools of steaming green fungus coagulated near the treeline.

"I don't care fer dat Panzee, but I'z gunna find out wherez dem Skumboz iz 'idin' it. Dat'll give me sum 'eadz ta krump, kuz I'z not dun wiff da WAAAGH!" This thought and more pranced through Dag's head as he closed in on the treeline. "Maybe I'll getz meself a Squiggy beast. Dey'z gotta 'ave 'em 'round 'ere. Feral Orkzez iz da kinda gitz dat would, so when I'z dun krumpin' der 'eadz in, I'll snatch wun of 'em fer me! Posted Image Maybe I'll find out where dat Panzee iz too. If it ain't wiff dem uvva Orkz, I'll get wun uv 'em ta tell me where deyz keepin' dat Panzee git. Dat'z gunna be a good fight." Posted Image

Resumé: Gathering all his gubbinz, Dagbolt makes for the forest to find out where the Eldar is, more fighting, and perhaps a pet Squig.

Edited by Warboss Nooka, 01 September 2009 - 05:33.

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#23 Liten

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Posted 02 September 2009 - 18:44

'I love my job' Scout said to himself when he fired a mag into the fleeing orks, killing 2 of them while incapacitaded another.
When he started gathering up ammunition, Doc arrived and patched up his flesh wound. He then went back to searching for ammo.
After scavenging what he could, he saw Skimrokk heading into the forest.
"Damn Ork, always so impulsive" he thought and went after him.

(OOC: This was just to get my character going again 8| A better post will probably come later)

Resumé: Killed 2 fleeing Orks and incapacitaded 1. Heads after Skimrokk (Stupid Ork) to see what he is up to
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Kyle Carter said:

Harry Potter is the safety scissors of the Fantasy genre

#24 TehKiller

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Posted 02 September 2009 - 19:37

After patching up Scout, Doc takes some ammo and grenades from the armory.
Seeing that chaos was going around in the encampment he decides to follow Dagbolts trail into the forest.
Shortly after entering the forest he falls onto the floor with darkness falling on his eyes.

Resume: Patched up Scout, knocked out by someone in the forrest
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#25 Brad


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Posted 23 October 2009 - 22:35

Shlaereen woke up, in a hard wooden bed. It was dark, gloomy, she was unable to see more than a metre ahead of her.
She tried to sit up, but was stopped by leather straps bounded on her, keeping her in the bed.
She struggled against the straps, trying to somehow unbound them. She tried for what seemed like an eternity until finally, the straps became loose. She slipped from underneath them and stood up.
She finally saw that she was in a small room, similar to the one she was in before. She was wearing the civilian clothes she wears underneath her armour, she needed to locate her armour. Fast.

She summarized that her armour would be somewhere in the prison, so she quickly tried to locate some sort of map in the room she was in, but to no avail. She looked around at the walls and realised that there was a security camera, which means the Humans would soon be crashing through the door with weapons, no doubt with the intention of getting rid of her, for good.
Suddenly Shlaereen felt tense. Images flashed before her eyes, words dashed into her head. She saw the base layout. She saw the prison area. She saw the Imperials racing towards her room, with rifles. She saw fragments of everything, and she ran. She ran out of the nearest door, bashing the door down making a loud crash. She raced down the hallway. The two Imperials rushed towards her and readied their guns. She ran towards them and manoeuvred over the first guard, snapping his neck while doing so. She kick the second guard in the face. Hard. He fell to the floor, and Shlaereen quickly grabbed his knife, and forced it into his chest. Blood splattered over her face as she took the blade out. She ran towards the armoury in the prison area, strangely not encountering any Imperials, probably in disarray she though. Foolish humans.

She turned the corridor to see the Imperials bunkered up near the armoury, she could see no path through. Why did she not see this in her vision? Unless... This was the end?
No, this is not. Turning heel, Shlaereen rushed back into the hallway, and grabbed another of the Imperial's combat knives off the dead Guardsman.
She ran as fast as she could, legs pumping, burning, she turned the corner and rushed towards the formation. The guards clumsily opened fire at her, being poor shots, they were not getting close.
Shlareen plunged the combat knives into the nearest guardsman, taking his combat knife into another guardsman. It was a flurry of different blades into different guardsmen. It was a bloodbath.

After slaughtering some guardsmen, the rest ran away.
"Cowards." She muttered, not recognising her own voice.
Dropping the knives, she went into the armoury.
It was there, in a small box. Labelled "Witch Armour, to be destroyed."

She put her armour on top of her clothes, noticing some scratches and bruises from the battle.
She was content.

Shlaereen heard the shout. She looked out of the corner to see the base Commissar leading the routed guardsmen back towards her. She went to activate her teleport before noticing the chainsword the Commissar was wielding. A nice replacement for her own swords. At least, temporary.
She picked up a combat knife and teleported behind the Commissar and plunged the knife in his back. She quickly took his Chainsword and teleported out before the guardsman even knew what was happening. She appeared outside in a forest, and ran off looking for familiar faces.

Resume: Escaped, with her Warp Spider Armour and a Chainsword.

OOC: After speaking with Nooka, we thought that the Rp could use some reviving, so here I am, making a spectacular (well... |8) return.

Edited by Brad, 23 October 2009 - 22:37.

You almost did, didn't you?

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