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Warhammer 40000: Firedragons. The RP thread

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#26 SquigPie

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Posted 25 October 2009 - 19:01

The earthshaker cannon roared, and several of its fellow eartshakers roared with it,
Artillery Kommandant Wehrner didn’t know if they actually hit anything, as he had simply been given the firing-coordinates by his scouts.
He we’re thankful for the ear augmentics he had been granted, they were of very fine quality, very fine indeed, they allowed him to filtrate sounds, making him able to hear his men very well, and remove the earshattering sound of the cannons.
He gave the order by simply waving a red flag, he felt a little stimulating shock as he heard the mighty guns rain death. The thought of the monstrous tau getting blown to bits pleasured him, more than he liked actually, he could almost see their blood and enthrals, hear their vile screams and smell the burning, bleeding xenos pray for mercy, not that any would be granted. They would all die for defiling imperial soil.
He gave the order, and again felt his nerves tingle, a little more than last time, he wondered what would happen if he amplified the sound of the cannons, how much of that glorious implacable feeling would the roaring sound grant him?
He tried amplifying it, just a little bit…
It felt glorious.

“Remember Commander, every living being is a creature with memories, with family, with loved once, with a past and a future, even the misguided enslaved ones, do not waste them so easily, spare as many as you can. Even those of the enemy.”
Shas’o Mothrai wanted to tell the quirt voice on the other end of his vox-caster, how he would lose far more of his own men by “sparing the misguided”, than he possibly could kill with an all-out attack.
But the problem was that the voice was an ethereal, one of the youngest and most naïve ones he had met yet. But an ethereal nonetheless, and noone, Shas’o or lowly Shas’saal could defy the Ethereals.
He almost missed the time where his vox-caster had been malfunctioning, instead of hearing a green human-sympathizer preach about love and peace, he heard static. The Ethereal where in a spaceship in orbit, and Mothrai was down here on the surface. And one day, all contact with the ship and the ethereal was lost. Every attempt to make contact was met with static. This continued for a couple of days, but now, contact was back again. Much to Mothrai’s dismay.

OOC: uuuh, teh clues, teh clues.

See my post in the discussion thread for more info on our current whereabouts.

Edited by SquigPie, 25 October 2009 - 19:04.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#27 D.K.


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Posted 28 October 2009 - 17:11

As I was crawling through the tunnels (Probably the only good thing on this Emperor-forsaken planet), praying to whatever deity I found dear, sounds of suppressed explosions came every two seconds.

"Doesn't sound like Earthshaker, has to be Tau screwing those fuckheads up there" I thought.
"Then again, when I get out, will there be anything but those religious greyskin fanatics?"

A lot of thoughts gone through my mind at the moments, but I knew one thing for sure - No fucking way I'm going back to regiment. Bullet in my head or freedom.

I crawled for about an hour or something when I reached the blast doors. Some simple hacking and rewiring did the trick.

On the other hand, when I came out, I saw quite a scene.
"Well, looks like Tau have some skillz. With a "z"."

Ruins, destroyed Basilisks and Sentinels, dead Guardsmen and him. The bloody arsehole who kept fucking me in my fucking head for fucking 20 years.

Regimental Commissar Darilenko.

"Rot here, you twat. Hope some worms will have a feast tonight, yer bastard." I said with mouth full of hate.

After my moment of theatrical hate, I proceeded with my weapons check.
"Gemini blaster here, psycho 'nades here, ammo here, exoskeleton at full power, bandana he... WHERE THE FUCK IS BANDANA?!" I screamed in panic.
"It has to be somewhere in the tunnels"

I did a quick look around and found it stuck on the blast doors.
"Ah good" I said, finally at peace.
"But how for fuck's name it stuck there? I guess it's from the gas release mechanism."

Now, with all at my hand, I proceeded to the forest. Heard stories of some outpost where some serious Ork activity has been noticed. Since we sent those Kasrkin pathfinders, we haven't heard a thing, and that's the thing that worried me - usually those guys came in less than 2 hours, but it's 3 days now... And no clue about what happened. It has to be something else than Ork.
Hell, those boys could fuck up whole WAAAARGH horde of 'em in no time. Tau maybe? Too plauisble, as they don't venture into forests so often. At least not without the Kroots and Vespids, or those sorry brainwashed chaps, or how they call 'em, Gue'vesa or something.

After day of venture, I came to a clearing where outpost stood like a fort and orks having "hard dream" around it. With few holes in their bodies. The biggest one, probably the Warboss, looked like a bloody Swiss cheese.

"This isn't something that Kasrkin could actually do. Too much different ways of deaths and calibers" came to my mind as soon as I saw these beasts lying around.

"This isn't Tau either - Orks are too close to the wall, Tau'd been overrun by ages" stormed my mind shortly after.

"Techpriest, lay your weapon down, deactivate exo-arm and turn slowly to me" said a cold, almost computerized voice.

"What the fuck? A space mar..."

Resume: Got knocked out and dragged somewhere, probably inside the outpost
Requiescat in pace, James.


#28 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 28 October 2009 - 20:23

The foul stench of greenskin swirled in through Dag's snorting nostrils. Heavy gulps of air were consumed as the mammoth Ork thundered through
the once lush under growth. He was on a direct, if single-minded, pursuit and if he had been completely honest with himself, he still had no idea of how to
attain his goal. At this point, Dag knew he was to find the enemy Ork base, but beyond that, the details were a bit...fuzzy. Dag came to a halt in a clearing
3 clicks in from the treeline.

"Zog! Where'z dem otha greenskin gitz? Posted Image I knowz dey'z 'round 'ere somewherez." What Dagbolt didn't know is that the remaining Boyz and the few Nobz that
had survived the assault had run off. This was naturally puzzling to Dag, and quite frankly, it would be a mystery to anyone else that wasn't one of the
Feral Orkz. Something had chased them off, but what? There were no shell casings lying in the mire, and what's more is there were no weapons strewn about
to suggest that there had been a battle, nor were there any corpses. The occupying greenskins had simply abandoned the spot that Dagbolt was now gazing at.

Dagbolt sniffed the air. There was just a hint of something other Ork-like. Could it be? "Smellz like wun uv dem Squiggy beasts. Let'z see where'z dey kept 'em."
Dagbolt entered the center of the compound, a huge totem of skulls was erected, each layer proudly displaying a different type of enemy. Dagbolt eyed it
for a moment then trudged on. Surely there were Squiggy beasts around, for their smell, even if faint, was fresh. As Dag walked to the opposite side of
the totem, he spotted what appeared to be a Squig pen from the corner of his right eye. "Great Gork and Mork!" the giant Ork exclaimed. He wasted no time
getting to the holding pen. There weren't very many Squigs confined by the crudely constructed area, but there was one that Dag knew would suit him well.
It was only a matter of capturing it that made this part the most interesting. 8 pairs of beady, soulless eyes were now fixated on Dag, as he was the
only Ork the Squigs had seen in hours. Pointy, razor sharp ivories glistened in the sunlight, borne in self-defence and fear for the tower of green
approaching their living quarters. Dag had spotted an orange growler Squig in the corner of the pen. It was a bit runtier than the other Squigs, but
that would make a perfect companion for Dag, as he wanted to kept the Squig on his shoulder. Getting the Squig he wanted wouldn't be too much of an issue if
it had just been the one Squig in the pen. There were two more, larger Squigs though, and they would be the ones creating the problem. Before entering the
makeshift containment area, Dag knew he had to grab something to distract the other Squigs. He began searching for scraps, a Gretchin, anything that would
allow him to enter the pen, grab the Growler, and get back out. It sounded simple enough in theory, but putting such a thing to action was always...
interesting to say the very least, especially with Squigs. Dag's searched the entire compound for anything that would distract the other Squigs. He paused for a moment
and scratched his head. "Dey just run off an left almost nuffin' be'ind...cept dem Squiggiez. Guess dey figured dat dem Squigs could take care uv demselvez.
There were a few odd buckets strewn outside a few of the poorly clapped together hovels, which might work for holding a liquid...and then they just as well
may not. Dag sauntered over and picked out one wooden bucket, and one, rather dented and somewhat rusty metal container. "Dis'll do" he muttered to himself.
Not being a Squig herder, Dag dredged the bubbling cesspools that dotted the surrounding area, figuring that since the Squigs came from there, they might
eat it...he hoped. With the two buckets in one hand, and his Choppa in the other, Dagbolt opened the rickety gate of the Squig pen. The Growler Squig shouted
mindless obscenities at Dag, while the two larger Squigs viciously bared their white weapons. Not really thinking about the outcome, Dag tossed the buckets
toward the larger Squigs. The thought was the buckets would land sunny side up and the larger Squigs would feast. If only that had really happened. Instead
the contents of the buckets, including the buckets themselves, landed on the bigger Squigs, dousing them in slime and filth. "Dat wuzn't wut I wanted..." Posted Image
Instead of standing still much longer, Dag thought it best to retrieve his tiny prize and sprinted for the Growler. His minor distraction would have worked
for a bit longer, had the other Squigs not ran into each other. They shook themselves free of most of the slime and bore down on Dag as he snatched up
their Growler brother. As Dag fought to contain the smaller Squig, the larger ones lunged at Dag's back (which fortunately was armoured). Dag felt them
hit, and he heard the slosh they made as the both of them hit the muddy ground. Dag now had control of the Growler and his Choppa, which would spell certain
doom for the other Squigs should they try their assault again. As Dag thought they might, the Squigs attempted their ill-fated strike, but only one lunged this time.
The other circled to Dag's left, and lept, mouth gaping wide, at Dag's shoulder, only to receive a mouth full of ceramite. The other Squig was introduced to Dag's
Choppa. The two would have gotten along so well, had Dag's Choppa not had such a splitting personality. Posted Image To get rid of the other Squig, Dag simply fell to his left, his enormous weight crushing the Squig. The only thing he couldn't knock off was the semi-circle of imbedded teeth the Squig had left behind. It didn't matter much to Dag though, as he saw the teeth as a trophy. With Growler in hand, Dag now looked for a way out of the forest.

"'Old still ya tiny git. No! Don't bite me ya zoggin' Squiggy!" Dag shook his right hand as the Squig sunk its teeth deep into his flesh. WAAAH!!! The mighty
bellow rang as Dag tried to remove the orange mass from his shooting hand.Dag squeezed just behind the Squig's jaw and it relinquished the strangle hold it
had on Dag's green flesh. "You'z gonna be perfekt once I train ya ta bite dem uvva gitz, an not me" Dag spat, as the Growler squirmed to wretch itself free.
It was no use, Dag's iron grip held firm, and eventually the Squig grew tired and succumbed to the massive Ork's will. "Dat'z better. Now what am I gonna
call ya? Hmm.." Dag pondered and thought and squirmed under his lack of imagination.

There was a rustle in the brush not far from Dag's position. It had come from the same general direction that Dag had entered the Ork encampment. "I'll name ya later den." Dag said as he clutched his Choppa. He then ventured toward the direction of the sound, Choppa held high.

Resumé: Dag has found the Ork encampent abandoned, has found a Squig to call his own and is investigating the source of a noise in the forest.

Edited by Warboss Nooka, 28 October 2009 - 20:25.

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#29 SquigPie

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Posted 10 November 2009 - 20:00

Coatl was tired, it felt like it was ages ago he entered that tunnel. He even had to go back, since most of his goddamn squad had decided to run in random directions. When he came up to the surface however, he found a lone and confused techpriest, he knocked the poor sod out, and carried him back through the tunnels, since the rest of his squad had gone missing.

A day later, Coatl and Koryu had set up camp in a small crater near the tunnel, now he was just waiting for the others to show up, he had earlier sent out a vox-message to them that they better get there damn quickly. The Techpriest was still unconscious, but Coatl expected him to wake up soon.

Resume: Sets up camp with Destiny, also got an unconsciouss DK. Just waiting for the rest of you to show up.

Edited by Bearholder, 12 November 2009 - 08:54.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#30 Destiny

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Posted 10 November 2009 - 22:16

"..." Koryu as usual, began looking around for any ammo due to instinct after setting up camp with the leader, giving somewhat zero attention at the unconscious Techpriest, even after he had been knocked out and there was no indication of when he would regain consciousness, either. Or would he be hostile and try to grab a weapon. Or break someone's neck. Apparently all these were of no concern to Koryu.

Resume: Just waiting for the rest to show up while looking for stuff.
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#31 Brad


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Posted 11 November 2009 - 18:52

The light blasted Shlareen's eyes. She struggled to keep her eyes open.
"1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NOW!" She opened her eyes wide open and endured the burning sensation in her eyes. Watering at her eyes. She was thankful when the sensation died down.

She got up, fully cladded in her armour. It was covered in a foul liquid. Which she soon discovered was her own vomit.
She forgot her helmet!
Without it, she would now take the full front of travelling through the warp. Her mind would race and become clouded after too many consecutive uses.
In other words, she would puke.

She crept over to a nearby lake, removed her armour carefully, and quietly. And washed it.
After the ritualistic cleanse, she equiped her armour again, and held the chainsword in her hands. She revved it. It felt like pure power in her hands. But she was more fond of more nimble weapons - but she had none of them. She would keep a sharp eye out.

Her wrist bleeped. She was confused, but remembered that the space marine had her install it for saftey. Good job he did, she thought.
She marked the location on her wrist map. She pondered, could her mind take the full front of that long a tripl?

She bet against it. Short range travel now for me, she thought; infrequent use too.

Once arriving at the camp, she settled down and allowed her mind to rest. She didn't think much of the techpriest as she saw him. Another foolish human.

Resume': Waiting for the others to arrive, with a descriptive bit which explains why I'm limiting the useage of my teleporter.
You almost did, didn't you?

#32 D.K.


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Posted 19 November 2009 - 12:47

I was coming "back to life" in quite a painful way. Found my Exoarm, Gemini blaster and rest of the grenades at the desk nearby but my head was ringing like an alarm siren in hangars. And I had enormously huge bruise on my head.

I turned my head around just to see the asshole who knocked me out. It was some kind of Space Marine - a basic one, not like someone who is from Inquisition. Got blood back in my brain and saw that he was staring at me like I was a plate full of Cordon Bleu.

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked in a very confused tone.
"Oh shut up. I've been listening to your talking in dream for 10 hours."

I realized that this guy has either ran out of pills or porn magazines. I knew I should've taken last month one.

"All right, but I need to know where the bloody hell am I, and why the fuck you took me inside?"
"Simple. I have doctor and sniper dead, warboss on the rampage and eldar bitch having her yoga in the middle of nowhere"
"Warboss? Eldar "bitch"?"
"Ding, ding, correct answer. We have a fucking pissed Ork, and Eldar Farseeer with PMS. Want to survive? Get yourself together then."

I was seriously disturbed to find out that there is Ork and Eldar in here somewhere. Then, something came to my mind, as a conclusion of this "discovery".

"Ok, h-h-how come you all are in same place? Is this some kind of POW camp?"
"No. This is our outpost. We're mercenaries"
"Mercenaries? Then you must've seen our Kasrk..." I asked with a lot of thrill in my heart, only to get sacked in the middle of sentence
"Yes, those idiots snook up into our base, but Dag (the Warboss) was kinda hungry. If you're looking for them, there are some blood stains near the armory"
"H-h-he ate them?" Despair was obvious in my eyes
"I guess. All I heard were screams and Dag having fun."
"Holy crap." I said in shock

Few things came across my mind. First, what am I supposed to do here now? No way I'm going to stay here with these psychopats. I don't want to have my head inside Ork's stomach. Second, is there any astronomic relay outside? I couldn't bother anymore with this as Marine asked me something

"What the hell happened at your base?"
"Tau had fun."
"How much of 'em?"
"Enough to level half of the Kaurava just by firing from their rifles."
"Go to grid Echo-Romeo 238741, and see for yourself"

There was a brief moment of silence and then he started to ask again.

"What's your name?"
"McIntyre, Gerald"
"What can you do?"
"Well, I can fix that Rhino for a start. And I know a way with explosives"

"Fine, welcome to the Firedragons"
"Wai- What? I didn't asked for it."
"Well, you can stay here or you can run out. But in that case I'm going to shoot you."

Great, another psycho. I had no other choice but to accept. After all, working on something that is not coffee machine or shell loader is a change after all.

"It's a deal." I said.
"Good. Rearm yourself at armory, and check the Rhino. We might need it soon."

I walked out, with my stuff on, and gone to check the Rhino. Damn, this thing is screwed - half of the axis' were broken or bent, remote fire system was FUBAR of all FUBARs and the passenger space was full of fried electronics. I went outside to look for reserve parts.

But then... A bloody huge shadow came over me. I raised my head and saw him.

It was the Ork. I think my pants are full to the brim at the moment.

Resume: Became a member of Firedragons, started fixing the Rhino, and encountered an Ork.
Requiescat in pace, James.


#33 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 13 January 2010 - 15:51

Dag left the Ork compound in a general haste that can only be described as "stupid" in human terms. To Dag, he was only doing what came naturally to him when an unknown noise of uncertain origin was made. It was in this rush from the scratch-built fort to the forest that a name for his recently captured Squig came to him. Dag came to a rather abrupt halt (apparently he wasn't capable of coherent thought and running at the same time). "Oi! I know wut I'll callz ya!" Dag clutched the tiny beast in his free hand, holding hit inches from his iron gob. "I'z gunna call ya Skarfang, kuz dem pointy teef uv yerz gotz ta leave nasty skarz." He smiled to himself, proud that he had thought up a clever name for his new pet. Posted Image A minute had passed, Dag starring at Skarfang, and Skarfang's beady eyes gazing back at his new 'Boss, before Dag remembered what he had been running for. An odor wafted its way into Dag's flaring nostrils. "Smellz like....'oomie. Dead 'oomie, but dat'z a 'oomie kinda smell. Dag raced through the undergrowth, bent on finding the source of the smell. His lumbering frame and huge bulk kept him from going any faster than that of a slow jog through the dense forest, but Dag would find what he was searching for...at some point. Having a rather large Choppa came in handy for Dag's expedition, particularly in this case, since the forest floor was essentially waist high shag carpeting. Dag's height was also an advantage, although his eye-sight was nothing to write home about (probably a by-product from that encounter with the rogue psyker). Despite his so-so eyesight and lethargic pace, Dag reached the source of the odor shortly after his first few snorts. "Dat'z a 'oomie alright...but der'z summink familiar 'bout 'im" Dag thumbed his skull for a few seconds, trying to remember what made this human corpse so familiar. The body was face down in the soft earth, and not wanting to touch it directly, Dag used his Choppa to flip the deceased party over. "Oi! It'z dat 'oomie medik. Wunda if dat Beakie knowz where he 'iz. The body was that of "Doc", the Firedragon's Medic, or at least he had been. Now he was slowly becoming compost. The wrist beacon Coatl had given every member, except for Dag who refused the "beakie kontrapshun" as he called it, was still blinking. The amber flash caught Dag's eye. Skarfang had adjusted to his new owner and was perched on Dag's right shoulder. Using his now free hand, Dag brought the blinking beacon closer to his face for better examination. He gave the light a push and was rewarded with Coatl's message to return to the outpost. "Demandin' git, ain't 'e?" Posted Image

The trip back to the outpost was rather dull, especially for Dag. He wasn't in any mood to touch a 'oomie for any longer than it took to kill one (which wasn't more than the time it took to swing his Choppa), but decided it might get Coatl to leave him alone for a while. Skarfang remained on Dag's shoulders, occasionally switching sides for a change of pace. It had been a long day for Dag, now having to drag the motionless body of a fallen Firedragon that he really didn't care for in the first place. The only saving grace was the fact Dag now had a companion of a more Orky persuasion. Despite the fact he was dragging a 'oomie back to base, it wasn't the worst of things Dag was about to lay witness to. As he entered the bloodied ceramite walls of the outpost, Dag saw a new figure standing in front of Coatl. Near as he could tell, and judging by the armour, it was another 'oomie, which put Dag in an even more foul mood. "Oi, Beakie! Yeah, you!" Coatl spun around, making eye contact with the massive greenskin. "I got'z summink 'ere for ya. With that, Dag tossed the lifeless Doc at Coatl. The body landed with a dull thud just left of Coatl's feet. "Found 'im on da way back. Lookz like 'e got shown a pretty good wot for on his 'ead." Dag chuckled to himself after saying that. Posted Image Coatl and the rest of the Fire Dragons just starred at Dag. Dag didn't care, though he wished the act hadn't granted him so much attention. "Wot you lot lookin' at? 'Aven't ya gotz sumfin better ta be doin'?" Dag sauntered over to his pile of gubbinz and propped his Choppa against the wall. Skarfang leaped from Dag's shoulder to the pile, where he promptly fell asleep. Dag turned and walked back into the courtyard, where he encountered the newest mercenary. Dag would use his imposing size to his advantage, easily dwarfing the skittish mechanic. To terrify the tiny human even more, Dag summoned a mighty WAAAGH!, nearly knocking the human to the ground. "Pafetik pink 'oomie. I'z da biggest fing 'round 'ere, and don't you go forgettin' dat. I don't care wot yer name iz, kuz I don't give a Grot'z werf about ya, see? Don't go touchin' my gubbinz neither." Dag towered over the terrified human, his massive red gob mere inches from McIntyre's scraggly beard. "Ya do, an' yer gunna get ta see me Choppa up right close an' proppa."

Content with thinking he had instilled fear in the fledgling member to the squad, Dag walked back to his corner to sharpen and clean his Choppa, grinning widely for his efforts at "welcoming" McIntyre to the Firedragons.

Resumé: Brought Doc's body back (much to his chagrin) and now has a Squig of his very own. Successfully "greeted" the newest Fire Dragon recruit.

Edited by Sgt. Nuker, 15 January 2010 - 22:12.

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#34 SquigPie

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Posted 23 January 2010 - 17:07

Coatl was pissed off.

While the remaining members of his squad (as well as some new guy) had finally gathered up after what felt like ages. They had no means of getting of this damn planet, he had thought out possible different ways of escape, and had come to the conclusion that the Horanstar Hangar was their best way of escape, according to the Mech-guy, it was lightly defended, and had a spaceship capable of warp-travel. The problem however, was that the damn thing was a hundred miles away. And their Rhino was busted, and they lacked the mechanical parts needed to fix it.
Luckily, a nearby imperial outpost had all the tools they needed. So they were now saddling up to raid it.
After getting all the necessary gear, Coatl and the rest went to the outpost.

Situation: The outpost is a small bunker on top of a hill (probably with tunnels possibly inside it), we have explosives. The bunker is guarded by heavy stubbers sticking out of the slits (probably manned). There’s no life activity. But there are most certainly a good deal of guardsmen inside the bunker.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#35 Destiny

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Posted 23 January 2010 - 23:45

While on the way to the outpost, Koryu would check his ammo, equipment and his weapons, especially his Grenade-Missile Launcher, since the theory of explosions in enclosed places are dangerous, was proven a long, long, long time ago. He would also assume the other's weapons were already fully loaded and in tip-top condition, considering they had never needed to ask for additional ammo or any spares.

Resume: Traveling with Coatl...
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#36 D.K.


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Posted 24 January 2010 - 19:45

"Damnit, this piece of junk is FUBAR. I can't see shit amongst these fried cables and transmission system jacks up more than those Sentinels..."

I went out to see if there is anything I could use, but there was absolutely nothing left. We had to get those parts from somewhere. At that moment, I heard that armour clonking along with heavy stomping. It was Coatl and Dag.

"Oi, chaps, what's going on?"
"Get your guns - we're getting you those parts you need."
"Nice. Where are we going?"
"Outpost Sierra Three."
"Sierra Thr... WHAT?! Are you fucking nuts?! Why in the hell would you assault that outpost, for the sake of all that's living?" I responded in very shocked manner.
"Well, they have guns, ammo and a whole warehouse of spare parts. Also, we can always take one of their Rhinos..." Coatl replied in a cold voice.

He was wrong. So wrong.

"S3 is a Leman Russ depot. If we don't have AT weapons we can go fuck ours..." I was cut, as I saw Koryu arming his rockets. It was persuading.
"Ok, fuck it, we're going for it."

I went to Armory, took Gemini Blaster, nades and then saw some kind of undersized case, it was no larger than a fist of human hand, and it had some wires and Imperial sign on it. I opened it, and inside was integrated LCD screen with some kind of code running on it.

"Oh, my dear."

It was beacon for orbital bombarment.

I grabbed it, and ran out. Team was ready to go.

"Come on, we have a long day in front of us" said Coatl, and loaded his blaster.

Resume: Team is set and goes for the S3
Requiescat in pace, James.


#37 Sgt. Nuker

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  • Projects: Shoot. Chop. Smash. Stomp.

Posted 27 January 2010 - 17:49

Dag looked at his Snazzgun again, as it lay against the blank ceramite near his pile of gubbinz. There were many signs of wear and it was in bad need of some fresh gubbinz. If Dag were still attached to his clan, getting a new weapon or gubbinz would only be a matter of teef (Dag much preferred it were someone else's teef that did the buyin'). Things were different now...much different. He had had to learn which bitz made for good gubbinz and although he was getting used to a new lifestyle, he still hadn't mastered the art. The good bitz Dag did have were from the earlier days of the WAAAGH! he was part of with his clan. With each fight, Dag's armour and gubbinz were losing their shine and were falling to disrepair. He would soon need to go in search of a new Snazzgun, or at the very least, a flashy kustom shoota. His Choppa was good for a while longer, despite the dings and spots of rust, but Dag hungered for the might of a Power Klaw.

Dag's ears perked when he heard the Firedragons muttering about something. A something involving "'oomiez". It was music to his ears when he heard there would be a raid on an Imperial outpost. There hadn't been any fighting in a long time, and Dag was eager to use his Choppa some more. There was an occasional spat or two between members of the group (Dag always seemed to be involved for whatever reason...Posted Image), but overall, there hadn't been a fight Dag wanted to be a part of. The Firedragons knew Dag was impulsive, for he had made that quite clear during their engagement with the feral Orkz, but now, with the lack of fighting, meaning that Dag was even more prone to outrageous outbursts. Sitting idle was not something an Ork did well, especially not Dag and especially not now. Not with the current surroundings and with humans and an Eldar within Choppa distance. Orkz were made to fight, and no Ork on the planet was more aware, or more capable of this, than Dag.

Skarfang perched on Dag's shoulder, always wanting to be near his master. Whether Skarfang knew it in his tiny Squig brain or not, there were benefits to perching on Dag. A major benefit being that no one would dare mess with him, for fear of invoking Dag's wrath. There was now a chain around Skarfang's neck, but he didn't seem to mind. From time to time, Skarfang would rattle the chain links just to get Dag's attention because there was nothing else to do but shout obscenities at the other members of the Firedragons and that form of entertainment seemed to wear out rather quickly.

"LET'S STOMP SUM 'UMIEZ!!" Posted Image With that bellow, it was obvious that Dag didn't care about the outpost's defenses, or the potential dangers that lie within. Dag never cared. The only thing Dag was focused on was killing Imperial Guard and looting whatever took his fancy. Everyone was gathering their gear for the impending assault. Coatl said his ritualistic prayers to the Emperor and anointed his armour in true Space Marine tradition. The Eldar donned her armour and ran through a mental checklist of her abilities, flashing from one part of the stronghold, to the other, following with parries and escaping moves. The two humans of the group gathered what ammunition was left and double-checked their gear to make sure it was working properly. The only thing Dag did was to grab his Choppa and strap his Snazzgun to his back. Dag wouldn't be traveling with the group. Not because they didn't want him to, but because Dag had other ideas of how he wanted to get into the Imperial outpost.

Resumé: Overhears the promise of a raid on an Imperial outpost. Readies himself for the imminent battle.

Edited by Sgt. Nuker, 27 January 2010 - 18:56.

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