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Forgotten Realms : Ice Wind Dale

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#1 Kalo

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Posted 04 October 2009 - 18:52

So I found out my favorite RPG/Strat game (Which I recieved as a gift some time ago but I didn't take care of the CD) became abandonware. I figured I'd download it so I could nostalgia over it for a few hours. And wow it's every bit as fun as I had back when I had first recieved it. But I had forgotten how god forsakenly difficult it is.

Here's what I mean, The game will give you 6 party members total to go through the campaign. and put you through various dungeon crawls. And put you against Enemies that will rape your soul mainly because there's dozens upon mountains of them. You're given a vast variety of magic and abilities (Depending on what characters you made, All the characters are made by you or you can import various templates (No one said they're useful though) if you're lazy) to combat them. and it requires quite a bit of thinking too. The game also has no Mana bar for your Mages/Priests. But you get a set amount of how many times you can cast a spell depending on how many you've set in their Magic Book. Meaning you have to manage your Tanks/Spell casters quite a bit. Not only that but the Spells are almost always friendly fire enabled, save for a few Quick Cast spells which affect a single target. And because of the FF you have to time EVERYTHING pretty perfectly. And if a character dies he drops all of his stuff meaning if your tank dies you might have to leave his gear behind if you didn't save properly.

You can develop your characters how you please with a variety of classes and races to choose from, From neutral evil and good alignments as well.

The game also has a pretty amazing story. The Voice overs are pretty awesome (The game being developed by Bioware I wouldn't expect anything less) and the story dialouges are pretty cool, If you go the extra mile with an NPC you might learn something which gives your party vast amounts of XP, you can even avoid entire fights or persuade people to fight you so you can kill them and take their stuff.

But I also found out you can go through the campaign with friends, And I tried it with Dr.Nick (Who wasn't overly amazed at it but did like the story) and it works pretty well. The leader of your group can be the one to choose conversation pieces and you can switch him out anytime I believe.

Anyone else have this game and expansion? Or its sequel? I'd really like to give it a try with some people from a commune like this. Especially since I'm sure all of you CnC freaks are pretty good with strategy which might make it easier to go through since I'm so used to FPS games.

If you want some trailers and gameplay :

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[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: The only thing I could do in safe mode
[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: Is browse my porn photos
[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: GIGGITY.

#2 Zancloufer

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Posted 17 October 2009 - 00:56

Found and Downloaded this a few days ago myself. Really enjoyed the Baldur's Gate Series, and am finding this very enjoyable. I think party composition really effects how hard/easy the game is. Though it is fun to make your own party, I still think it's better to have NPCs with a mind. Might be willing to try this with others though.

#3 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 17 October 2009 - 13:55

Played this way back, took me so long to complete. I also bought the expansion pack, which had a hard mode, now that really was insane. I remember well how hard it is, they don't make hard RPG's anymore |8 I may join you at some point, but I can't guarentee. Also if you have NWN2 a team is making an IWD mod for it, its very faithful and also pretty damn difficult. I recommend it 8|
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#4 Kalo

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Posted 21 October 2009 - 02:29

If the two of you actually wanna play Co-Op there's a program called GameRanger that allows for TC/IP to work properly.

Didn't see these replies at first...Games fun and all but I wanna try doing it with someone besides myself.
Posted Image
[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: The only thing I could do in safe mode
[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: Is browse my porn photos
[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: GIGGITY.

#5 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 17 March 2010 - 23:07

Big necro I know, but I can't seem to find a link to the download. Although I suppose I could always torrent it. Is it just Icewind Dale which is abandonware or is the expansion and sequel also included?
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#6 Kalo

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Posted 19 March 2010 - 03:37

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[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: The only thing I could do in safe mode
[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: Is browse my porn photos
[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: GIGGITY.

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